“Mr. Mathers, hi!” Sloane says excitedly, hugging him tightly.
An odd feeling I don’t like settles over me. Jealousy? No, not at all. If age was even remotely a factor, Sloane wouldn’t choose someone twenty years her senior. But they do have art in common.
I’m overthinking this. Just because she’s happy to see her old art teacher doesn’t mean anything.
“Sloane, it’s good to see you again,” Theo says, looking just as elated to see her, which is odd. He’s usually more subduedunless art is involved. “I hope you don’t mind I madeStop to Grina prize in the raffle. Funding has been quite low, but we had a considerable donation, so I think we can save the program.”
Surprise comes over Sloane’s face. “I wish you had mentioned it, but of course, anything for the program to be saved,” she says.
I look at her curiously. When we saw each other at the festival, she seemed kind of bothered by not being consulted aboutStop to Grin, but she didn’t harp on it too much. Now that the guy responsible for it is in front of her and she can get an explanation, she seems completely okay with it.
I guess it matters a little less since I have it in my possession, not Sloane’s stalker.
“I appreciate your understanding, and I’m sorry for not mentioning it sooner,” Theo says. “When we saw each other at your exhibit, I didn’t want to bother you with our small-town woes, what with it being such a big night for you.” He smiles at her proudly with his hands clasped behind him.
Hold on. He saw her at her art opening? Not even her parents were invited to that, according to what Mike told me. How did Theo know about it and not her own family?
“I would have understood, Mr. Mathers,” she says, and he smiles almost lovingly at her, making my stomach twist. If I have to look at this any longer, I’ll be the one getting sick.
“Please, we’re well past high school, don’t you think? Call me Theo,” he says, and Sloane returns the smile.
“What brings you to the rehearsal dinner?” I ask him, stepping into the conversation and bringing their attention to me so they don’t forget I am here.
Theo gives me a look that is undeniably challenging. It’s almost unreadable if you’re not looking for it, but he’s plainly not offering me the same kindness he does Sloane. Perhaps it was because we were never close, but even so, the way he looks me over gives me a sour feeling.
“I was invited by Mia. We’re colleagues,” he replies, taking a sip of his drink that appears to be half-empty.
Bourdon, of course.He’s trying to seem like a well-cultured, stuck-up art connoisseur, but I see beyond that. His suit is a rental, and his glasses are from the local pharmacy, off the rack. Appearances matter far too much to him because he’s so desperate to be noticed. But not just to anyone, but to…
Watching Theo carefully, I wrap my arm around Sloane. She secures her own arm around my waist, and I press a kiss to her temple.
“Oh, that’s great. I’m glad you’ve gotten along well,” she says to Theo, but his eyes are no longer fixed on her face but on ourhands, our affectionate movements. He’s disgusted, and I can see his eyes practically turn green with envy.
I got you, you asshole.
His eyes shoot back up to Sloane, and his smile instantly returns. “Yes, Mia’s been wonderful to have on the faculty,” he says, his voice faltering as I press my lips to Sloane’s ear.
“I’m going to the bar. Go find Mia,” I whisper to her.
She looks back at me, searching my eyes, and it’s like she’s reading all she needs to know about my request. After a moment, she nods, pressing a kiss to my lips.
She looks back to Theo. “Speaking of Mia, Cade reminded me I need to find her for some last-minute maid-of-honor duties, but it’s great to see you, Mr. Mat—Theo,” she says, keeping her smile up as she leaves.
I turn back to Theo. He’s staring at her raptly, watching her go. My jaw clenches, but I refrain from making a scene. This isn’t the time, but I’ll have it. “Well, Theo, always a pleasure,” I tell him as I turn to leave.
“It won’t last,” he replies, and I stop short. Everything inside me is telling me to turn around and give him a piece of my mind,but again, I think of the plan, and Mia and Killian. I stand up straighter, ignoring his words.
I walk to the bar as David passes a glass of wine to a guest. I nod respectfully at David, who smiles at me professionally.
“Hello, sir, what can I get you?” he asks, keeping up appearances like he’s done many times before.
“Bourbon,” I reply. “The oldest you have.” I crane my neck slightly at Theo just a few meters away.
David glances over quickly and nods, keeping his smile going. “Sure thing, sir.” He provides me with a completely different drink, one I actually like, and I tip the cup to him. As I step away, Theo steps up and places his cup down.
“Another bourbon, please,” he says as I walk away far enough to not look like I’m standing too close, but enough to listen nearby.
“Sure thing, sir,” David replies as he works on making him a new drink. “Say, I just moved here with the family. You know anything good for kids?” he asks, and I smirk into my glass.