So yeah, I’m completely stalling.
“Since the night I got to Rose Valley,” I say softly, looking away. I’m ashamed that I kept this from him for so long, but considering I didn’t even know what this thing was between Cade and me, I couldn’t just reveal it to everyone. Especially not Mike.
“We all left at the same time,” Mike points out. He stares at me hard, but I remain tight-lipped. I can’t tell him that it started in the bathroom at O’Malley’s. He will judge me, which I can live with, but I can’t begin to imagine what he’d do to Cade if he knew.
“We met up later on,” I lie, like I always do. It’s better than the truth, and it protects us all in this situation. Cade, Mike, and I are all better off for it.
And as I look at Mike, I see him accept that answer, though I’m still trying to figure out how he feels about it overall.
“He’s a decade older than you, Sloane,” Mike says.
I just nod. I understand that Cade’s experienced things that I haven’t yet and our interests don’t necessarily align, but he supports what I do, and I keep finding new reasons to be proud of the man he is. Helping an entire community out of the trenches isn’t a small feat—it usually takes a village—but this is one man who wants nothing in return except to see Rose Valley thrive.
“I’m guessing he told you about Laura?” Mike asks. “About Liam? About Washington?”
I stiffen, looking away from Mike as he reels off each topic for me. I know he’s noticed my change in demeanor.
Laura? Who is Laura? Cade never told me about Liam—I found out about him. And I knew he left for college in D.C. and stayed out there for a few years after graduating, but that’s all I know.
I turn away from Mike as I retrieve my coffee and his, grabbing the creamer in the fridge to doctor it up.
“He didn’t, did he?” Mike asks.
I look up at him, shaking my head as I take a sip from my mug.
“Then you don’t even really know him.” His words are blunt but caring. Maybe he is right, and I don’t know Cade at all.
The front door opens, followed by a set of footsteps. Dad, Mom, and Mia walk in, and Mia gives me a hard stare.
“You didn’t show up to the fitting this morning,” she says, and I sigh, looking away defeatedly. I quickly start to apologize, but Mike steps in.
“Sorry about that, Mia. I kept Sloane away longer than intended. She was helping provide information on art theory for this case at the high school. Some kids thought it’d be fun to vandalize the school using art references.” Mike looks over at me. I give him a silent thank you, and he nods a little.
Mia sighs, shaking her head, knowing she can’t be mad if it’s crime-related. “It’s fine. I rescheduled the fitting for Thursday. Please,please,be there, Sloane. They need everyone’s measurements so they can have the adjustments ready for the wedding next week.”
I nod furiously, promising to be there. I can’t miss any more obligations.
Suddenly, screeching tires can be heard barreling down the street, pulling everyone’s attention to the front door. “What in the world?” Dad mumbles as the tires come to a halt. A car door slams shut, and it isn’t long until Cade comes storming into the house, swiftly making his way into the kitchen.
His eyes remain trained on me, ignoring everyone else in the room. Mike is the only one who knows, but now I can sense Mia and my parents putting the pieces together.
“Why have you been ignoring my messages and calls?” Cade demands, and I look around, realizing my phone isn’t even near me.
“It’s upstairs,” I reply, gesturing to show off the bare kitchen island, aside from Mike’s and my coffees.
“You thought it was a good idea to leave your phone upstairs when you have a stalker threatening your and my life?” Cade asks harshly.
Mia and Mom look at me in shock.
“Cade, we’re getting it sorted out, all right?” Mike says gently, stepping in, hoping to defuse the situation, but Cade holds his hands up defensively. This isn’t the Cade I know. This isn’t the man I’ve grown to have deep feelings for.
Mike is right. I don’t know Cade Hart as well as I thought I did.
“No offense, Mike, but I don’t think some small-town cop and his band of do-gooders can even begin to sort this out,” Cade replies venomously, causing anger to ignite inside me. Mike isn’tjust his best friend, he’s like a brother to him, and I won’t let whatever stick that crawled up his ass insult him like that.
I step around the kitchen island and walk up to him. “You and I need to talk. Now,” I growl, my jaw clenching from the steaming anger I feel looking up at him. His eyes are cold and devoid of anything other than frustration. It’s like he was swapped out with some other person who looks like Cade, but I’ll get him back.
I’ll find a way.