Cade looks over at him and nods proudly. “Yes, it was a difficult one. But I think we all agree it is what’s best for the place.” He grabs the third beer from the middle of the table and takes a swig.
“What was the reasoning?” I ask him, as I never did get a clear answer from Mike earlier.
Cade looks back at me, swallowing his beer. “The marina has seen better days, so I set out for a partnership to offer restoration. It’s lowered the tourist rates significantly, so I hope that this deal will boost our rates up again.”
His explanation makes me both sad and happy at the same time. On the one hand, the marina was a huge part of my childhood,so the thought of it struggling is devastating to hear. But on the other hand, Cade is using all that money for good and saving it.
“What about you, Picasso? How is fame treating you as you forget us little people?” he asks, taking another sip of his beer.
I narrow my eyes, not liking his tone. “I never forgot anyone.” It’s a pointed response to a pointed question.
He smirks, almost challenging me to go down a path I shouldn’t in front of my siblings. “It’s been ten years, Sloane,” he says as if I don’t recall how long it’s been. “A lot has changed.”
And clearly you haven’t, Cade Hart.
I roll my eyes at him again, and he chuckles. “Careful. Roll your eyes anymore, and they’ll get stuck like that,” he says, causing my siblings and Killian to chuckle.
“Come on, Cade, cut her some slack,” Mike chimes in, breaking up our little tiff, if that’s even what you want to call it. I just don’t understand how Cade could be so condescending. So I moved away to go to art school and may not have visited as much as I could have.
But the less Cade Hart, of all people, knows about that, the better.
“Now that that’s over, I’m heading to the pool table,” Mike announces, sliding out of the booth.
Killian and Mia get up and follow close behind him. I get up, too, unwilling to stay with Cade alone. But as I start to walk away, he grabs my wrist gently. His crystal-blue eyes strip me bare as I turn to face him, leaving me drowning in them helplessly.
He smiles. “It really is good to see you, Sloane.”
I snort. “I’d say the same, but after whatever the hell that was, I’d rather just get through the rest of this visit without you in it.”
With that, I stride off and storm into the ladies’ room. I go inside and rest my hands on the counter, taking a deep breath as I stare at myself in the mirror, my face flushed with some mixture of embarrassment, irritation, and attraction.
I can’t believe I ever had a crush on that guy. He’s the worst! I’ve only been around him for a few minutes, and look at me. I can’t stay in here forever, but just for a moment, I will enjoy the peace and quiet away from him.
Just as I feel ready to make my exit, the door swings open. I turn in surprise, and in walks Cade.
I gape at him. “You can’t just walk in here. Are you nuts?” I protest.
But his intense gaze tells me everything.
I’m not leaving.
He steps up to me, his arms encasing me and trapping me against the sink. I could have stopped him, but something possesses me not to. Perhaps curiosity. What on earth is he doing?
I want to see how this plays out.
“Tell me you really don’t want to see me again,” he challenges.
My jaw clenches in annoyance. “What do you want from me?” I whisper to him.
He shakes his head, looking away for a moment, his alpha masculinity softening just a little to offer me a glimpse of… vulnerability?
He meets my gaze once more. “Memories of the night you left for New York made me realize I left a lot of things left unsaid. Seeing you tonight… angered me because you’ve been gone for ten years, Sloane,” he explains, but I’m still left trying to understand what he’s getting at. He sighs heavily. “Just… just tell me you don’t want to see me again,” he repeats.
Suddenly, I see pain in those beautiful blue eyes. And a sliver of hope.
I stare at him for a long moment. “I can’t.”
As soon I get the words out, he puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls my lips to his in a hungry, aggressive kiss.