We ride further until we’re away from all our neighbors and in complete seclusion in the lake’s center. The sun kisses the top of the lake, sending glowing ripples along its surface. This type ofview is hard to find, especially back in the city, but at least I can enjoy it while I’m here.
Cade cuts the engine and takes a seat beside me. He’s here, but not really. His thoughts litter his face like a thousand words are marring him, stripping him bare.
He sighs deeply, then turns to stare at me. “I wish I could give you the answer you’re looking for.”
“And what answer do you think I want?”
He shrugs. Does he even know what he’s saying? I shake my head and turn my gaze back to the water, licking my lips in thought.
“I don’t want anything from you,” I say. I feel his eyes on me, but I’m unmoved. “I never needed anything from anyone. You’re the one who started all of this.”
I finally look at him, feeling the weight of his choices resting on my chest, and for the first time, I let him truly feel what it’s been like for me. “You’re the one who got mad at me the first night I got here and then kissed me. You’re the one who keeps pulling away, then doing nice things, then pulling away. You took me on a date, but you weren’t even really there. It was like going on a date with a shell. So which one is it, Cade? Do you want me, or do you just enjoy playing mind games? Because if it’s the latter,I promise you, this will be the last time you see me.” My voice shakes with frustration.
He sits silently, but he doesn’t look defiant. Just contemplative. He reaches out, stroking the pad of his thumb against my cheek, catching a tear in its path.
“I do want this, but it’s been… it’s been a long time since I’ve done the whole dating thing with someone I actually have feelings for. It doesn’t help that I have my son to think about. We’re at different points in our lives. You have your career in the city, and I have mine here. Is being with me something you’d even want long-term?”
Though he’s finally opening up, I’m still upset simply because this is the type of conversation we could have been having from the beginning. Instead, he’s lambasted me with the cold shoulder and made me feel used.
The question remains, though. But am I willing to be with someone who’s had a life filled with experiences that I’ve barely scratched the surface of? I know I could if I thought it was worth it.
“I could,” I whisper. “I can’t promise you I’ll want this future filled with marriage with more kids on the estate, because I don’t want to be premature, but I can promise to be at least open to seeing where this could lead. I just can’t be the only one who’s in it, though.”
He nods, pressing my forehead to his. He pulls away just enough to place a kiss on my forehead before looking into my eyes.
“I promise,” he says. “I promise it all.”
Chapter thirteen
For the last several years, I’ve reasoned that dating and me didn’t mix. It never truly had, even when I was growing up. It was never difficult for me to attract women; keeping them was the hard part. I never thought of myself as the type of person who could settle down, either because I had too much going on or my priorities didn’t align with whoever I was dating. I never expected to fall in love, especially not in my line of work.
In time, I want to tell Sloane all of this, but for now, I’m happier being in our ignorantly blissful bubble. I’ve spent enough time grieving the life I once had that now I think I deserve happiness again.
Is that so wrong?
Tonight is a step in the right direction. We needed this moment to talk and air out all of our grievances. Being away from Sloane made me see how important it is to be more communicative. Even I, Cade Hart, have insecurities. There is only one other woman I’ve been able to let my guard down with, one who has also challenged me in the most combative yet crucial ways. It’s because of this vulnerability that I fear if Sloane gets too close, I’ll risk losing her again. Especially now that there’s a potential stalker in the mix.
But despite all that, I think Sloane is worth the risk.
We spent a good part of the night on the lake, enjoying each other’s company while watching the sunset. We talked about the little things, things that seem so minimal and mundane, but the important part was just being together. It feels like we’re finally in a good place, especially now that we’ve addressed the details I initially wanted to avoid.
Despite our finding common ground, I think I’ll always be hesitant to let someone new into my life. Yes, Sloane has been a major part of my life for many years, but we are completely different people than we were a decade ago. By all accounts, the people we once were wouldn’t fit any more than we do now, but for some reason, we both feel the need to try.
The sun completely set, leaving us with nothing but the moon and the stars to guide us back to the marina. It wasn’t ideal to use the marina, with the repairs I need to approve, but I couldn’t bear the thought of Sloane leaving before we got to enjoy the sun setting behind the lake. Things were too perfect right now to let the moment pass.
Sloane walked to the marina, so I offer to drive her back, allowing us to settle in a comfortable silence. For once, the lack of talking doesn’t feel like a dark cloud looming overhead, threatening to split open and let out a catastrophic storm. It feels hopeful, like the storm’s aftereffects paving the way for beautiful tomorrows.
When we get to the house, I pull into the property across the street, not wanting to draw attention to her parents. It’s one thing for us to see where things can progress between us; it’s still a whole other thing to share that with the rest of her family when we’ve barely started.
I cut the engine off, and she turns to look at me. Her smile glows in the moonlight, and I welcome it.
“Come out with me tomorrow,” I say to her. I’ve grown accustomed to not asking but telling her I want to spend time with her. It isn’t a command, nor is it intended to be, but I want her to know that I value our time together, and I want to show her as much. Plus, it’d be nice to show her the life she could have with me, even if the monetary parts don’t matter as much to her.
“I have to see,” she says.
I look at her, confused. Is that a rejection?