It’s my turn to be confused, and I stare at her. “I thought that was obvious.”

She holds her hands up and shakes her head before crossing her arms. “You’ve been giving me mixed signals since the day I got here, Cade. You make all these flirty comments, are there for me when I need you, and now you’ve built me an art studio in your house. And in between all of this, you tell me we should forget the night at O’Malley’s ever happened, get random phone calls from other women, and tell me all the reasons why we shouldn’t see this through.”

I sigh deeply because she’s right. I haven’t been transparent, and not just about Liam, but my feelings, too. I’ve tried my hardest to repress them, but I’m tired of trying.

“You’re right,” I say, then I frown as something she said dawns on me. “Wait a minute… random women?” What random women have been calling me that she knows about and I don’t?

She rolls her eyes. “The night we left the bridal shower and ‘Janet’ called? Listen, I’d rather not get hurt, so if you’d rather play the field, that’s okay.”

I shake my head, laughing slightly. I take her hands in mine and lick my lips. “Janet isn’t a random woman,” I tell her as she attempts to take her hands back, but I hold them tighter. “Janet is Liam’s grandmother. He was visiting her, but he wanted to come home early. She wanted to let me know.”

She lets out a deep breath, her whole body shuddering along with her. I chuckle as she sits up straighter, tears welling up in her eyes. I wipe them away with my thumbs.

“You’re it, Sloane,” I tell her softly. “So let’s dive into this.”

She looks at me, biting her bottom lip as I anticipate her answer. She finally nods, and I chuckle happily, wrapping my arms around her to hold her close, feeling the weight of the world lift from my shoulders.

She wraps her arms around my waist and buries her head into my chest, seeking out the warmth I can provide. It’s tender and loving and everything we’ve been working up towards. But we still have a long way to go.

“Will you go out with me tomorrow?” I ask her as she looks up, smiling excitedly and nodding. “Make sure you pack. I have something amazing planned,” I add.

She looks perplexed. I don’t want to reveal too much, but I’m looking forward to spoiling her with this date. I know materialistic things aren’t Sloane’s vibe, but I’ve wanted to spoilher ever since I was able to understand my feelings. I want her to have experiences I get to have all the time, but also the experiences I know she won’t ever have with anyone else but me.

“Any requests?” she asks, and I smile.

“Dress comfortably for most of it, and something more formal for later on,” I answer, as if that’s the best hint she will get. “Oh, and show up,” I add.

She laughs and presses a kiss to my cheek. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

Chapter ten


The morning couldn’t come fast enough as I waited for the town car Cade called for me. Why I needed to get up so early, I still don’t know, but the suspense is killing me.

The town car drives for over forty-five minutes before finally reaching the Buffalo city limits. I watch as all the streetlights leave a trail of illumination in their wake before we stop at the airport.

We stop at a gate, not a departure gate, but a legitimate gate that monitors authorized personnel from entering and leaving. Thedriver says something, holding up his badge as the gate opens. We drive inside it and make our way on the runway. My mouth drops in awe. I’ve never been on a runway before in a car, but that’s not even the craziest part.

Just outside, I see Cade standing by a private plane as he speaks to staff. This is insane! A private jet? Where the hell is he taking me?

As the town car comes to a stop, the driver jumps out and pops the trunk to retrieve my bag. I step out and wait by the car as Cade excuses himself from the crew and walks over to me. He smiles widely and opens his arms, marveling at the sheer size of the plane.

“What do you think?” he asks, and I shake my head in disbelief. If a man has the means and is willing to splurge on you, you don’t say no, but at the very least, remind him that it isn’t necessary. I didn’t begin to feel things for Cade because of his money. I began to feel things for him because of the type of man he’s been showing me he is. I’m getting to see a glimpse behind the facade that not many people get a chance to.

“It’s incredible, but…” I watch his excitement slowly begin to fade on his face. “…but I don’t want you to think this is what I want from you. Luxury dates, every swatch I could ever want—in acrylic paint, no less—they’re all things I’m appreciative of.”

He steps forward to take my hands, sensing how overwhelming this all is for me. The jet, the room, the mere idea of getting the boy I dreamt of since I was eight. Good things like this don’t happen to Sloane Bennett. I feel like this will all be some crazy dream where I’ll wake up and be in my childhood bed.

But that isn’t the case.

This is real, and I am standing in front of Cade, waiting to board a private jet to take us to some undisclosed location.

“I wanted to spoil you a little bit. Is that so wrong?” he asks, smirking almost devilishly, and that’s when I see it. Cade has completely let his walls down, has become open to this newfound connection between us. He’s welcoming the sexually charged moments, the flirty banter, and everything that comes along with exploring the wilder sides of this potential relationship.

It would be an understatement to say I’m not a little hot right now.

I bite my bottom lip before pressing my hand on his chest. “Just drape me in diamonds like a normal billionaire,” I tease as I place my bag in his open palms.