We drive downtown. Every place we pass fills me with memories of all the time I spent there, like Caffeine n’ Fiction, the coffee shop and bookstore where I spent my time after school, admiring all the big, beautiful books on art history.
“We’re going to meet Mia and Killian over at O’Malley’s,” Mike says, glancing at me. “They didn’t want to wait until tomorrow to see you.”
I nod distantly, my mind shifting back to the headline with Cade and the marina. If anyone knows anything about this deal, it’s Mike. It isn’t like it’s a secret, right?
“What’s going on with the marina?” I ask, and I note that Mike’s shoulders tense up immediately. “I saw the front page of theRose Valley Times,” I add. “Why did Cade buy the marina?”
Mike looks over at me, shrugging. “The deal was too good to pass up.”
It’s cryptic, but we leave it at that. It just makes me see how out of touch I am with this place and everyone living here.
He pulls up to O’Malley’s, and we get out of the car. He meets me on the other side and slings his arm over my shoulder excitedly, like the big brother he is. We walk inside, and for the most part, it’s very quiet and low-key. Amid the line of mahogany booths, Killian and Mia sit off to the side as they talk amongstthemselves while Killian looks at the menu and Mia at her phone.
I feel a sense of unreality. I can’t imagine my sister being a wife, not because I think she’d be horrible at it, but because memories of her and I having girly sleepovers because we were only four years apart fill my thoughts.
“Look at the happy couple!” Mike announces our arrival, catching the attention of several patrons who are nestled at the bar.
Mia and Killian stand up from their seats and immediately greet Mike as if they don’t see him all the time. Mia looks up and rushes over to me, wrapping her arms around me tightly. Ugh, I needed this. Hugging Mike felt like a warm blanket, but hugging Mia is like air filling my lungs. Without her, I wouldn’t be able to breathe.
She pulls away, giving me a once-over and a big smile. “I can’t believe you’re back,” she says, then hugs me closer. “You look good since the last time I was in the city,” she adds.
I laugh at the memory of her visit three months ago. Needless to say, she had a littletoomuch fun.
Reading my mind, Mia starts laughing hysterically. “Yes, I couldn’t get the tequila smell out of my hair for at least three weeks,” she admits. Taking my sister out for a mini-bacheloretteparty may have ended up with her sick, but it’s a moment I have with my sister, and that’s what matters.
“Don’t worry, I will avoid the tequila at all costs tonight,” Mia says, still laughing.
Memories spill into my head, and my smile slips a little. Ah, yes, tequila. The bane of my existence, and yet my best friend when I want to forget about my troubles. At least, at one point in time.
Mia and I walk over to the bar while the guys sit back at the booth. “Can I get three beers and two rum and Cokes, please?" Then she stiffens, her gaze flickering to mine awkwardly as she adds, “Er, I mean just one rum and Coke.”
Trying to act as nonchalant as possible, I order a Coke from the bartender. I look at Mia questioningly. “Where’s Gregory?” I ask. Gregory is the usual bartender here.
Mia waves me off. “He’s around, just not as hands-on anymore. He got a little burnt out with bartending, but can you blame the guy? He took care of the entire town for years.”
I nod, remembering him fondly. Again, so much has changed since I’ve been gone.
The bartender returns and places the glasses down for us. “Thanks. Put it on Cade’s tab,” Mia says.
Cade’stab? Cade isn’t even here, so what’s the deal?
But before I can press Mia for more information, she takes the tray and returns to the booth. Killian gets up and gives me a hug, having missed me earlier, before taking a seat once more. We all sit around with drinks while the lone third beer sits in the middle.
Killian’s voice breaks my train of thought. “Mia tells me you sold all your pieces in your debut collection. That’s fantastic, Sloane.”
I nod, plastering on a smile that doesn’t quite reach my eyes. I’m grateful for the success I’ve found, but self-doubt is never far from my psyche.
“Thanks, Killian,” I tell him.
The door to the bar opens, and the room seems to fall quiet. I turn my head to look, and in strolls the incredibly handsome Cade Hart. He walks with the same confident stride he’s always had, but now appeals to a whole other different feeling inside me now that I’m twenty-eight.
Get a grip, Sloane! He just got here, and you’re already drooling.
Cade walks up to our booth and holds his arms out. “Hey, everyone.” He looks at Mia and Killian. “Congratulations again,you two,” he says as Mia greets him with a hug. He looks over at me, and I muster the best smile I can as he stares at me with an expression I can’t quite place.
“Picasso,” he says, and I roll my eyes at him. He smiles that cute, boyish smile that would make me swoon. The only difference is now it’s matured with a few frown lines and a salt-and-pepper scruff. He takes a seat and sits directly in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine.
“Hey, Cade, I heard you secured the deal with the marina. Congratulations!” Killian says, breaking the spell between me and Cade.