“I’ll leave you alone now, but remember, lasers,” he says, using his two fingers to shoot fake lasers from his own eyes.

I chuckle. “What color?”

He rolls his eyes and grins. “Green, obviously,” he says, walking back to his room and shutting it behind him.

I let out a deep breath and groan.

What else are you keeping from me, Cade?

Chapter nine


Work hasn’t been easy to focus on. The winery deal has been touch-and-go for me and the Roses, who are having trouble agreeing on a set price. It seems that regardless of what I say to them, they are unwilling to sell. The thing is, the winery has been passed down for generations, until now. The current generation chose to follow a different path and would rather sell it to someone who will keep the vision alive. It isn’t that they don’t believe I’m willing to do just that; it’s the letting go part that they’re having trouble with.

It’s hard to say goodbye to anything that means something to you, but it’s even harder to watch it deteriorate before your veryeyes. I know that firsthand. Grief is something I’ve never been good with, though, granted, I haven’t had much of it to deal with. But I still know it’s a difficult process. Enduring the pain of losing something or someone isn’t something I ever want to experience again, though I’d be foolish to assume I won’t.

I know grief and loss, heartbreak and fleeting moments. It all feels very depressing to think about, but we all go through with it. It’s part of why I’m struggling. Since our conversation, Sloane and I haven’t spoken, not even a text. I’m overanalyzing every second of our time together that night, and I still can’t place exactly where I went wrong.

I’ve thought about reaching out to her, but it seems like she wanted her space. Is it wrong of me to want her to chase me? It’s silly, but I miss her.

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as thoughts of her keep me awake. Liam was asleep when I got home from my meeting at the winery, so I think I’ll surprise him with pancakes tomorrow morning. I sigh as I turn on my side, attempting to get comfortable, but it’s impossible. Sloane is anywhere and everywhere my thoughts will go, and I can’t escape it.

I groan and take the nearest pillow, covering my head with it. I shouldn’t want to like this woman, but I can’t help it. She’s the drug I can’t ignore, the one that I want more of. Like an addict, I crave her. When she first arrived, it felt like something out of the blue, but the more time I spent with her, the lighter I felt just by being around her. Everything seems to make sense, andfor a moment, I forget all my troubles, even though I know she’s dealing with her own.

I need to talk to her. I need to be honest with my feelings.

With that realization, I feel consciousness waning, my eyes closing with thoughts of Sloane and a potential future.


A future with Liam and maybe another kid. Does Sloane even want kids?


I see flashes of moments that project like memories that have yet to occur. Different vacations, viewing an art gallery. Sloane getting an award, and she thanks me for my encouragement, calling me her husband.

“Dad!”My eyes shoot open, adjusting to the sunlight spilling through my window. I look up and see Liam standing there, still in his pajamas.

“Sorry, buddy,” I say, stretching and yawning as I try to wake up. “I had trouble getting to sleep last night.”

“Because of that lady?” he asks.

My head shoots up in alarm. “What lady?”

“Sloane,” Liam says.

I sit up and stare at him, shocked. How does he know Sloane?

“She came by yesterday afternoon. She saw the room you made for her,” he says.

I give him a small smile. “And? What did she think?” I ask, hoping he will cough up the goods so I’m not left in suspense.

He smiles. “She liked it. She promised me a dinosaur spitting fire and shooting green lasers from its eyes,” he says so excitedly that I can’t help but laugh. His infectious spirit and imagination continue to surprise me.

“I’m sure it’s going to be lit,” I say teasingly.

Liam grimaces at me, shaking his head. “Dad! No! Don’t ever use the word ‘lit’ ever again,” he says, scolding me for my poor attempt to be as cool as him.