“This is unreal, Cade,” she says breathlessly, taking in the huge entryway. Her heels click against the marble, which is fitted with thermal heating for the horrible upstate New York winters.

She circles around the entryway, staring at everything in disbelief. She meets my gaze, and I smile proudly at my home. I worked hard for it. I worked even harder to build it to my specifications, and now Liam and I can be happy. All that’s really missing is someone to share it with besides my son. Despite wanting to be careful about who I bring into my life, I’d be remiss if I didn’t crave the companionship.

“I have more to show you,” I say, placing my hand on her lower back and guiding her further into the house as we find ourselves in the grand kitchen. It's fitted with a wine cellar that’s fully stocked with my favorites from all over the world. I walk inside the cellar and take out a wine bottle. Then I walk over to the glass cabinet, pull two glasses out, and pour as Sloane continues to marvel over the house.

When I slide one of the glasses in front of her, she immediately looks down towards it, but makes no moves to pick it up. Instead, she gulps and then meets my eyes, smiling like it’s nothing. “So, Mr. Hart, you seem to be doing pretty well for yourself,” she says wryly.

I chuckle softly, modestly even, but the playful banter is welcomed. “Yeah, I can’t complain,” I say as I take a sip of my glass. “So go ahead, ask your questions,” I add, holding my hand out for her to throw anything she wants at me.

She quirks her eyebrow and then smirks, looking around the house one last time. “Is this from shady dealings or something?”

I laugh louder, taking another sip while I shake my head. “Of course not.” I smile in disbelief that she’d even suggest that. “No, Hart Incorporated is like an investment company.”

She stares curiously at me. “You mean, like your investment in the marina?” she asks.

That’s when I sigh. One of the things Sloane has missed while she’s been gone is the way the town has deteriorated financially. Rose Valley was once like a small-town version of the Hamptons without being near the beach, and much cheaper, too. But over time, the appeal started to dwindle, so businesses began to struggle.

“Yeah, like the marina…and O’Malley’s, and Caffeine n’ Fiction, and several other places,” I reply as she stares at me in awe. “I’m a silent partner to about ninety percent of the businesses here. They still have ownership, but I keep their doors open,” I explain further, finishing off my wine as she pushes her untouched one towards me with no explanation.

“So, what, the town was going bankrupt before you came in and saved it?” she asks light-heartedly, but I shrug and nod because, in a way, yes, that’s exactly what was happening. She was away for so long that she wasn’t informed or affected by the decline.

“I’m working on securing the winery next,” I say as I start working on her glass. “My goal is to preserve Rose Valley to its fullest and make it profitable for future generations. It starts by restoring the charm, fixing some broken spots, and then remarketing it to tourists.”

She stands there quietly, taking in the information. It’s a lot to process, especially when you’re not in this line of work, but despite her lack of knowledge, she’s listening.

“And the house across from my parents? A secondary estate?” she asks.

I chuckle again, shaking my head. The thought of having a second house, even for me, seems too ostentatious, but after seeing my estate, I can imagine why she would think that. Money has a way of bringing out the worst in people, and even worse are the stereotypes that surround it.

“No,” I tell her as I finish off the second glass. “A rental property.”

She takes a deep breath and sighs, letting everything finally settle over her. I can understand how this is a lot to process.Everything she knew when she left has changed, but I’ve done my best to at least prevent it from getting worse. I don’t ask people to repay me much for saving their businesses, just that they keep up the good work and give me five percent off the top, which is nothing in the grand scheme of things. It’s because I’ve helped everyone save their businesses that I’m reaping the benefits I am now.

Reinvesting in my community was the best investment I could have ever made.

“Hard to believe no one has snatched you up, then,” she jibes, smirking softly, only for me to return the smirk.

“I’d have to be more than willing to be snatched up,” I reply as she leans on the counter, giving me a full view of her cleavage. I try not to look, but to no avail. Based on her flirtatious smirk and the hint of lip-biting, I think it’s intentional.

She laughs. “And you aren’t?”

“I haven’t decided yet.” I stare back at her in challenge.

Once again, we’ve fallen into this sexually charged moment that makes me want to be reckless and impulsive. I wish she wasn’t so desirable. At least then, this would be easier to ignore. But unfortunately for me, that isn’t the case.

“Well, when you are, let me know so I can get all my old friends off my back about my love life,” she replies.

And just like that, our playfulness turns serious, like being splashed with cold water. It isn’t something I mind, but it definitely leaves me with more questions than answers.

“I assume this has to do with the bridal shower,” I say. Ah, yes, the bridal shower. The one I decided to steal her from so she could have a little moment to herself. Based on how her demeanor has changed, I can only assume the interruption was welcomed.

One thing I know about the Bennetts is that they are appearances people. They aren’t wealthy, but they aren’t poor, either. They do well for themselves, and their house is a beautiful colonial that’s apparently been a part of their family for generations. It doesn’t mean they are bad people—far from it—but there is a reason why there are a hundred-plus guests at Mia’s bridal shower, including friends of Sloane’s who aren’t even friends with Mia.

“I just wish people would understand that my work is important to me.” She rolls her eyes and sighs. “Like, is it so bad to want to focus on what I love for a little longer? I’m not even thirty yet,” she adds as she rests her chin on her open hand.

Sometimes, I wish I would have done the same. I love Liam to death, but I normally wouldn’t have brought a child into myworld prior to my return to Rose Valley. I would have waited. But I fell in love, and that was that.

“You have time to find the right person,” I tell her. “Besides, why rush? You’d be more likely to do it twice if you did,” I add, and she smirks.