“What’s your name honey?” the guy next to her slurred and Mercy sweetly smiled and gave her name again. “How about you come on over to my place and I make you scream for Mercy, Mercy?” Her smile turned polite as she declined his invitation.
“Thanks, but I’m here with some friends.” Mercy looked over her shoulder to where Jackson and Travis were dancing with their girl. The drunk didn’t take the hint, pushing up on her and invading her space. Cash couldn’t stand to see him put his hands on her body and Mercy didn’t seem to care much for it either.
He leaned over the bar, trying to be as intimidating as humanly possible. At 6’5”, he knew that he could scare the shit out of most guys, but this guy should be terrified of him. “You need to leave my fucking bar,” Cash growled. The drunken customer didn’t seem to have the common sense to even look at him. He was too busy pawing at Mercy and dipping dangerously close to where her cleavage appeared under her low-cut shirt. Cash had enough. He tried to play nice, but he was finished with that. He reached across the bar and grabbed the guy's hand with his own, twisting it painfully until the drunk had the good sense to take his hands off Mercy.
“The lady said that she is here with some friends. What she wants to tell you is to leave her the fuck alone and keep your fucking hands to yourself.” Cash looked at Mercy, her stunned expression made his gut twist. Was she shocked by his behavior or that he had stuck up for her? “Does that about cover it, honey?” He waited her out hoping that she would tell her handsy new admirer to take a hike.
“Yep, that just about does it.” Mercy’s smile was mean as she nodded in the drunk’s direction. Cash released his hand, and he couldn’t seem to scurry off fast enough.
“Sorry about that. Sometimes I don’t cut people off fast enough and they end up being assholes to nice girls. Your beer is on me for the trouble.” Cash nodded to her glass letting his eyes rise to meet hers, which was a huge mistake. She had the most beautiful brown eyes he’d ever seen and the way that she was smiling at him right now made his body react in ways that he forgot it could. Damn it, he needed to stop looking at her and get back to work.
“Thanks,” Mercy swallowed down the last of her beer and he watched her throat work, thinking about how much he wanted to kiss down her pretty, long milky skin to find all her sensitive spots.
“Not a problem,” he barked. He looked around the bar suddenly aware that the music had stopped which meant that Callan was on a break.
“You never told me your name,” Mercy smiled up at him and he almost wanted to smile back at her but that would be considered flirting, and he didn’t flirt anymore.
“Cash,” he almost whispered.
She nodded and pushed her glass to the back of the bar, “Well Cash, can I get another?” He took her glass and got her a clean one, refilling it with another beer.
“Hey man, great crowd tonight.” Cash knew that Callan had taken up residence on the barstool next to Mercy before he even turned back around from filling her glass. He handed the beer to Mercy and nodded at Callan.
“Hi, I’m Callan McAllister.” His friend held out his hand to introduce himself to Mercy and she seemed to hesitate. Cash had to admit that her hesitancy gave him some pleasure. Callan was his friend and accountant. Hell, he even let Callan’s band play on busy bar nights, but Callan was trouble. He was also a Dom and had quite a reputation for being a lady’s man. Cash knew all too well where that reputation would land his friend if he wasn’t careful about who he let in, but he had to learn the hard way.
She reached over to take his hand and Cash wondered what her skin would feel like pressed up against his. He wanted to groan at the thought of having her tight little body sliding over his, but he grabbed a few glasses to dry as a distraction. Callan watched Mercy like she was his next meal and Cash wanted to tell his friend to get lost, although he had no right to. Mercy was nothing to him, just a hot chick who wandered into his bar and started talking to him. But, if that was truly the case why was it pissing him off to watch Callan put his hands on her?
“I’m Mercy, Mercy Parks,” she said seeming to feel a little more comfortable with Callan’s flirtations. Cash knew that women around the bar couldn’t seem to get enough of Callan’s all-American boy next door looks with his short blond hair and blue eyes. He didn’t leave the bar alone most nights and the thought of him leaving with Mercy tonight was starting to rub Cash the wrong way.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mercy, Mercy Parks,” Callan chuckled. “My band sings here a few nights a week and I’m an accountant by day. I do Cash’s books for the bar.” Cash shot Callan a glare to let him know that he didn’t like him sharing his personal information with strange women. He was always doing thatshit, even had women coming into the bar and telling Cash that Callan promised them drinks on the house. Cash wasn’t about to give away booze for free just to further Callan’s sex life. He sat his friend down and told him to cut that shit out, but he still occasionally had women come through hoping to throw Callan’s name around to get free drinks.
“Sorry man, I forgot that you like your privacy,” Callan said, rolling his blue eyes. Mercy laughed at his theatrics and this time Cash didn’t stifle his groan.
“Don’t you have a set to play or something?” Cash looked around at the few people that were still left in the bar. The crowds had died down and it was getting near closing time. He was ready to go up to his apartment above the bar and get some sleep. Cash kept a place above the bar for nights that usually ran long. Hell, when he bought the place he finished the upstairs apartment and used it to play with all the willing women that came through his bar but that was before he lost control and sight of what was important in life. Death did that to a person, reset their goals, and made them take stock of what they needed and what could be disposed of.
“Naw, man,” Callan drawled, working his southern country boy charm. Cash rolled his eyes knowing the effect that it usually had on women. “I’m about to pack up and head out.” Callan turned to face Mercy who couldn’t seem to take her eyes off him. “How about it Mercy, you wanna get out of here and maybe go someplace a little more private?” He bobbed his eyebrows at her and made Mercy laugh.
“Or you could let Mercy finish her beer and leave her the fuck alone,” Cash growled. He knew that he was being a dick and that he had no right to speak for her, but he couldn’t help himself. Little Mercy was tying him up in knots and he wasn’t sure what to do about it. One thing was for sure, he couldn’t watch herwalk out of his bar with Callan or anyone else for that matter. He wanted her and Lord help him, he planned on taking her.
Mercy didn’t know what to do with all the attention that she was getting from the two hunky men. She had planned on having a fun night out with Emily and her guys but here she was, at a gay bar getting hit on. Her mind kept playing hot fantasies of both Cash and Callan taking her together, using her body, and giving her more pleasure than she ever imagined possible. She had been listening to Regan and Emily too much, her mind was starting to think that she could handle two guys at once, but she knew better. She thought that she was going to just have a little flirty fun introducing herself to the gay bartender. The only problem was he wasn’t gay and from the way that he was watching her and warding other men away, he was very much into women—especially her.
Mercy was so mesmerized by Callan’s blue eyes and Cash’s sexy, growly voice that she didn’t even notice her best friend, Emily until she was standing next to her. “Sorry to cut in but we are going to head out. The guys are tired and ready to call it a night.” Mercy giggled, not buying the story that Em was trying to sell her.
“Sure, I bet they are exhausted and need to get you to bed, stat.” Mercy joked. Emily rolled her eyes at her friend’s obnoxious use of hospital jargon and grabbed her hand.
“Let’s go, Mercy, you can make fun of me on the ride home,” Emily sounded like she was starting to lose her patience.
Cash grabbed Mercy’s hand, effectively stopping Emily from dragging her out the door. “Hey, if you want to stick around, I’d be happy to give you a lift home later.” Emily shot Cash a look that would warn most men to keep their hands off her friend.
“Or,” Callan stood, pulling Mercy into his space, “I could run you home after my last set.” Callan looked so hopeful that Emily laughed.
“Or,” Emily barked, “you can get your ass out and get it into Jack’s SUV. You came with us, and you’ll leave with us.” Mercy wasn’t sure how to tell her friend that she wanted to stay. Emily sighed as if she could tell that she was about to lose the battle, she dropped Mercy’s hand from her own.
“I’m having fun, Em. Besides, it’s nice to get some attention. It’s been a while since any good-looking man so much as glanced in my direction. At least let me have a few more hour’s fun.” Mercy shot Emily a pleading look. Emily wasn’t her keeper and if she wanted to have some fun, that was her prerogative.
“Fine, I can see that you’ve already decided,” Emily leaned in to whisper into Mercy’s ear. “Just keep in mind that you don’t know either of these guys. You might as well be taking candy from a stranger and climbing into their janky van.” Mercy laughed.