“You do know that I’m an OB doctor, right Jack?” She smiled at him, and he pulled her onto his body, holding her close.
“Always so sassy, Em.” Jackson kissed her and moved her in between him and Travis, just where they liked her.
“We found out this morning after you left for work. She is only a few weeks along,” Travis stroked his big hand over Emily’s nonexistent baby bump. Jackson couldn’t help himself; he covered Travis’s hand with his own. Just thinking about the baby that grew inside of Em made him emotional.
“I wanted to tell you in person so Travis and I decided that we would wait and surprise you tonight. Are you happy Jackson?” Em’s question caught him off guard. Was he happy? Fuck, he was thrilled. He just hoped that she and Travis were as happy about the baby as he was.
“I am, honey. I think the question here is are you both happy?” He looked between Em and Travis and they both nodded, smiling like loons.
“Well, then, I guess we’re getting married and having a baby.” Jackson didn’t know what he did to deserve the two of them—hell, he probably didn’t. He waited a long time to find Travis and Emily and now they were going to be his forever.
Four Months Later
Emily was a nervous wreck, letting her emotions get the best of her. She was finally going to marry the two men that she loved, and the day couldn’t be any more perfect. The weather was cooperating, which was a miracle considering they were having an outdoor wedding. Regan planned the whole shindig, and Emily loved the idea of getting married at the farm where she and Travis met. The reception was going to be in the barn where the guys had spent the better part of two days cleaning and decorating. And, Giovani’s was catering the event, which was appropriate since that was where she and Jackson technically had their first date. Everything was perfect and she couldn’t wait to officially be theirs.
Emily squeezed into her wedding gown and blew out a breath. Regan stood next to her, holding her giant belly, laughing. It’s no fun, is it Em? She couldn’t help but smile at her friend. Regan knew exactly how she was feeling trying to squeeze into her gown that was designed pre-pregnancy bump was nofun. Regan’s belly made her long for the day that she would be able to feel her baby kick but for now, her little bump was safely tucked away under what felt like miles of chiffon and lace.
She had just started her second trimester and as an OB, she knew of all the problems she could have experienced. Emily counted herself lucky that she didn’t have too many issues in her first three months of pregnancy. She was looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby after Travis, Jackson, and she returned home from their honeymoon. She didn’t care if they had a boy or a girl, but she could tell that the guys were hoping for a son.
Mercy came rushing into the room seeming a bit flustered. “You sure you’re all right, you look pale,” Emily worried. She was pretty sure that her friend was also pregnant but every time she asked Mercy would dodge the subject and deflect it back to Em’s wedding or pregnancy. She felt bad that Mercy didn’t trust her enough to share her news, but she also didn’t want to be the friend that pushed too hard or opened a can of worms that was better left sealed. If Emily had to take an educated guess, her friend was about six months along, give or take. Mercy was lucky that she wasn’t showing especially since she was usually wearing baggy scrubs that hid her body. Some women had all the luck and were blessed genetically, Emily wasn’t one of them. Of course, that could have something to do with the two men who were constantly trying to feed the baby through her. She loved the way both of her guys jumped into the news that she was pregnant with both feet. They were thrilled about the baby, and she had to admit that she was too.
“You look gorgeous, Em,” Mercy said, once again deflecting the attention away from herself and back onto Emily. Regan shrugged and handed Emily her bouquet.
“She’ll get there, Em,” Regan giggled. Mercy shot her a heated glance that just made Regan laugh more. “We all knowwhat’s going on with you Mercy. You might not want to say it out loud yet, but we know.” Mercy fidgeted with her gown, trying to cover her little belly but the dress was less forgiving than her daily scrubs.
“Do you think that anyone else will be able to tell in this thing?” Regan stood back and accessed Mercy’s barely there bump and shook her head. “Not unless you get up close and personal with someone, hon. Do you plan on doing that with anyone here tonight?” Regan bobbed her eyebrows, making Mercy groan.
“How did I let this happen? I’m such a complete screw-up.” Mercy looked around Regan’s bedroom as if worried that she had said too much. She seemed so nervous lately that Emily wished Mercy would talk to her and let her help.
“Ladies,” Ash appeared in the doorway looking so handsome in his suit. “We are ready for the bride.” Regan smiled back at Emily, taking Ash’s offered hand.
“It’s now or never Chica, you ready?” Mercy linked arms with Emily, and they marched down the steps and out to the garden where Travis and Jackson were both waiting for her. They took her breath away, both choosing to wear formal tuxes. She was sure that she was the luckiest girl on earth.
“Wow,” Mercy stuttered. “You hit the jackpot, girl.” Emily kissed Mercy’s cheek and watched as she and then Regan proceeded down the aisle. Travis had chosen Ash to be his best man and Jackson picked Cash to be his. Emily didn’t miss the way Cash watched Mercy walk down the aisle like a predator watching his prey. She’d just have to worry about that another time. Right now, she was going to marry the men of her dreams, and nothing would get in her way.
They said their “I do’s” and Jackson invited their guests to join them in the barn for the reception. As the sun dipped low over the horizon, Emily watched their friends and family eat,drink, and dance the night away—it truly was a magical night. Jackson pulled her and Travis onto the dance floor, and they danced to the last song of the evening. She loved that they could just be themselves, not worrying about the confines of social opinions—they were surrounded by loving friends. She had finally found her family and the men that she was going to spend the rest of her life loving. She was theirs to love and she couldn’t ask for more.
The End
I hope you loved Theirs to Love! Book 3- Theirs to Have is releasing in March! You won’t want to miss Cash, Mercy, and Callan’s story! Here’s a sneak peek!
Six Months Earlier
Cash Harrington watched as the sexy little brunette made her way into his bar, Manholes. She came in with his friends, Jack and Travis, and the woman that he guessed they were now sharing. Which meant that the woman who was taking up space at the bar was there alone. Cash shook his head not liking the fact that he was letting his dick do the thinking for him again. He needed to get his head back in the game, otherwise, he was going to end up taking what he needed from the hot little piece of ass that was flagging him down, trying to get his attention to place her order.
He knew that he was done for when she opened her sweet lips, and her southern twang asked him if she could have whatever he had on tap. He had a weakness for brunettes with long pullable hair and pouty lips that would look so pretty wrapped around his cock. She smiled up at him and his dick strained against the zipper of his jeans, telling him that he had no fucking chance in hell of regaining any control of the situation. And fuck, he needed that control. Without it, liveswould get fucked up just like last time and he didn’t know if he could handle that again.
Cash handed the little vixen her beer and she smiled back at him, “I’m Mercy,” she shouted over the music. He gave a curt nod, not sure if he should get involved in a conversation with the flirtatious bombshell. If she knew what she was inviting into her life she’d go in search of a good time somewhere else. Cash walked to the other end of the bar to wait on other customers that were signaling for another drink, not missing the look of disappointment on sexy Mercy’s face.
“Great band,” she shouted when he returned to get the guy next to her another beer. Cash nodded again, this time giving her a little smile.