“Fine,” she spat. “But I won’t change who I am or whom I’m with if that is what you are hoping for, Daddy.” She stood and paced the room, feeling the guys stalking her every movement, watching her. It was comforting just knowing that they were both there for her but if she let them touch her, hold her, she would break down.
“Please feel free to stay at the house for as long as you’d like, Emily. Your mother will be delighted to hear that you have finally returned home. Our only concern is your safety, and I know you are safe in my house.” Her father’s words made her nauseous. He acted as if she was moving back home for good and that would never happen. She could never live under his thumb again.
“I want the security cameras turned off in the right wing, Dad. I will be checking to make sure that happens. I won’t have my privacy invaded again, not now. You and mom have to accept that I’m a grown woman, I’m almost thirty.” Emily wanted to stomp her foot with those last words but knew that would only make her look even more bratty.
Her father grunted, “Fine, I will order the cameras turned off in that area of the house. Anything else?” He seemed to be waiting her out as if she’d have more demands.
“No,” she conceded. “I can’t think of anything right now.”
“Please feel free to use anything that you need, Emily. All my resources are at your disposal. And Emily—call your mother. She misses you.” Her father ended the call.
“Well, he seems great,” Jack teased, and she couldn’t help her giggle.
“Yeah well, he never won the Father of the Year award if that’s what you’re thinking,” Emily whispered. “I think I owe youguys an explanation.” She sunk onto the sofa again, trying to gather her scattered thoughts, not knowing where to even begin.
“You don’t owe us anything, baby,” Travis growled sitting down beside her and pulling her onto his lap. Jack sat on the other side of her letting her legs rest on top of his. They were always touching her, giving her the comfort that she needed. She was quickly losing her heart to these two men, and she wasn’t sure they would even want to stick around after they found out that she was just a spoiled, rich brat.
“No,” she shook her head. “You both have been so open with me, sharing your lives and I feel as though I’ve only shown you what I wanted you to see. This,” she gestured around the grand bedroom, “was my childhood.” She felt sick just saying those words.
“I grew up in the house and as an only child, I was always lonely. Connie started working for my parents when I was about eight and she became like a mother to me. She took care of me when my parents were off gallivanting around the globe,” she choked.
“I’m so sorry that you were alone like that, honey,” Jackson whispered, kissing her cheek. “But I’m so thankful that you’re ours now. We promise that you will never feel that way again.” Travis nodded beside her and pulled her in for a quick kiss.
“I appreciate that guys, I do. But we’ve only known each other for a matter of days, how can you make a promise like that and keep it? You can’t.” Emily knew that hoping for Jackson’s words to be true was a long shot. What if they got tired of her or if they couldn’t deal with her crazy work schedule and decided to leave? That thought gutted her. She let her sob escape and they both wrapped their arms around her holding her tighter.
“Emily, you might not be ready to hear this and I know it sounds crazy since the three of us have only been together for a few days but I think that I’m falling in love with you both,”Travis’s voice cracked and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Travis,” she whispered, “it's not crazy because I feel the same way. I was beginning to think that I was losing my mind. How can I have these feelings after just one weekend? I’m falling in love with you and Jackson and that scares the shit out of me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life,” Emily wiped at the hot tears that now freely spilled down her face.
Jackson cleared his throat, “I know that I don’t easily share my feelings with people, hell I suck at it. When I told my father that I was bi, he all but disowned me. I’ve never let people in because I was afraid of being hurt like that again. Meeting you two has shown me that I don’t have to be afraid anymore. I love you guys too, both of you.” Emily leaned forward on Travis’s lap to wrap her arms around Jackson, pulling him in for a kiss. She felt like for the first time in her life she was finally home sitting between the two of them. Emily’s lonely past seemed to fade away leaving only the bright promise of her future with her two guys. There was no way that she was about to let anyone take that from her.
“So, how do we catch the asshole that’s doing this to us? I’m ready to kick some butt and get the hell back to our lives.” Travis and Jackson laughed, and she knew that they would find a way to get through this. The three of them could conquer just about anything together.
It had been three days since they moved into Emily’s parent’s house and Travis felt like he was going stir crazy. He wanted to go to work or at least feel somewhat useful. Jack had gone into the station again that morning, leaving him and Emily alone at the house. Well, as alone as two people could be surrounded by a fortress protected by armed guards.
Watching Em with Connie was a joy. His girl was enjoying her time with her old friend and watching the two reconnect and laugh about old times warmed his heart. He loved having time alone with Emily, stealing little kisses when Connie would leave the room, but he was itching to be completely alone with her, naked in bed. He and Travis had agreed that taking Emily one-on-one was fine with them both. He loved that they felt no jealousy when it came to the dynamics of their relationship and it sure made things a hell of a lot easier.
“I’m going to have a bath and relax before dinner, want to join me?” Em’s little smirk made him laugh. She knew exactly what she was asking for. She loved to top from the bottom and her sassy little mouth had earned her quite a few spankings from Jack. Just remembering Em’s sexy naked body sprawled acrossJack’s lap, taking her spanking while sucking Travis’s cock made him hard. Last night, Jack had Em suck his cock while Travis got to spank her ass red. He loved to watch Jack and Emily together and if he was honest, he loved being the reason she winced a little every time she sat down today.
Travis looked across the room to where Connie pretended not to listen but judging from the knowing smile on her face, she heard exactly what Em had asked him.
“Sure,” he growled pulling her up into his arms. She squealed at him to put her down and protested as he carried her down the hall. Connie laughed and waved at the two of them as he tossed Emily over his shoulder and swatted her luscious ass.
Travis made his way back to the bedroom that the three of them had been sharing and tossed Emily onto the bed, making quick work of stripping her out of her clothes. “I need you so fucking bad, Em,” he growled.
“So, I guess that means no bath,” she teased. Travis looked down at her, his mood darkening with her smart-ass remark.
“You know baby if Jackson was here he’d spank that ass of yours again. But I know that you’ve been a little sore today.” Emily gasped at his words causing him to chuckle. “Yeah baby, I noticed the little faces you made every time you sat down.” He rolled her over, pulling her ass towards him and gently ran the palm of his hand over her warm flesh while holding her still with his other hand.
“Fuck, I can still see my marks. I’m so sorry, baby.” Emily sat up and turned to face him.
“No, don’t be sorry, Travis. I like it when you spank me—when you both spank me. I am smart enough to not mouth off so much. I choose to be sassy so that you will need to punish me,” she whispered.
Travis laughed again, “Well, let’s not tell Jackson about you topping from the bottom again. You might not be able to sitdown for weeks.” Travis stripped out of his clothes and pulled her to the end of the bed to straddle his erection. He wanted to take her bareback so badly it almost felt like physical pain. As if she could read his thoughts, she nodded and wrapped her legs around his waist.
“I’m clean Travis and I’m on the pill.” She smiled at him and seemed to wait him out. “Oh, and I know what I’m doing. I’m a doctor, you know.” When Em laughed her slick folds rubbed against his cock and he felt as though he was going to explode.