Page 9 of Theirs to Love

He sighed, knowing that he was done with being a coward. He almost lost his chance with Emily, there was no way that he’d take the chicken way out of this and tell Jackson no. He wanted them and everything that they could be together.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” he growled back. “I want this Jack, I want you.” Travis was still balls deep in Emily when Jackson started to work his way into his tight hole. He slipped past Travis’s tightring and slid the rest of the way in causing them both to moan. Travis felt completely stuffed and he stilled, allowing Jack to adjust his hold and thrust a few times in and out of Travis’s ass. Once he knew that he could handle Jackson’s size he relaxed, and they found a rhythm; him fucking in and out of Emily and Jackson working in and out of Travis’s ass.

“You feel so fucking amazing, Trav.” Travis could hear that Jack was holding back with him from the gravel in his voice. He didn’t want Jackson holding any part of himself back from him or Emily, he wanted everything from Jack—every part of him.

“Don’t do that, Jackson. I want all of you, please just fuck me.” Jackson growled grabbing Travis’s hips to hold onto, thrusting deeper and harder into Travis’s body. “I’m not going to last,” Travis sounded like he was on the edge and completely ready to fall. He knew that he could, and that Emily and Jack would catch him and that felt fucking amazing.

“Em, touch yourself, honey. I need you to come.” Jackson barked his order at Emily, and she gifted them both with her shy, sexy smile. She didn’t hesitate to do as Jack asked her to, reaching down between her and Travis’s body to circle her clit with her fingers. Travis couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was so fucking hot, riding his cock and her fingers, taking what she needed to be able to find her release.

Jackson must have found the whole scene just as hot as Travis did, picking up his pace and pumping in and out of Travis’s ass faster and harder. Travis knew that he was going to wear Jack’s handprints tomorrow and that thought sent him over the edge, spilling his seed into the condom and collapsing onto Emily. She wrapped her arms and legs around his body, effectively spreading him open as an offering for Jack.

“Fuck yes,” Jackson hissed from behind him, pumping into his body a few last times. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Jack went to dispose of the condom, bringing backwashcloths to clean both Emily and Travis. He found the whole scene of Jackson taking care of them both endearing, but he decided to keep that to himself. Jackson wasn’t one to wear his heart on his sleeve and Travis didn’t want to push, not yet. Their relationship was all so brand new. Even though he and Jack had been out a couple of times, bringing Emily into the mix certainly changed things. Hell, her being there changed everything for him. He didn’t want to think about it for fear of possibly jinxing everything, but Travis had to be honest, he liked having them both in his bed. For him, sharing a bed and maybe even his life with both a man and a woman felt right. He wasn’t sure why he never considered the possibility before, especially after the way Ash and Jamison went on about their polyamorous lifestyle with Regan. He now saw the appeal and he had to admit he was a fan. He could have everything that he ever wanted wrapped up in one big, fucking sexy man and a woman that completely took his breath away. He just needed to figure out a way to convince them that this thing that was happening between the three of them could work. He almost wanted to laugh at the irony. Here, the two of them had come to his house to beg him for a chance and now he was the one that was going to be groveling.


Emily lay cuddled in between them and Jackson felt like everything in his life finally made sense. He never knew what he was missing until he met Travis and Emily and now the thought of ever letting them go hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. His plan had come together and had turned out to be so much more than he could have ever hoped for. Jack was just going to have to work his ass off to keep them both because walking away from either of them wasn’t an option.

“So,” Emily slung her tiny leg over Travis’s and turned into his body. Travis rolled his big, tattooed arm around Emily’s pale body and the contrast between her skin and his ink was striking. “Are you a top or a bottom?” she teased. Jackson’s ears perked up taking note of Travis’s answer. He wondered the same thing but was sure that he already knew the answer to Em’s question.

“Well,” Travis stammered, “I like to be both. With you, I love being a top. But, with Jack, I’m happy to bottom. Besides I don’t think that Jack would ever be bottom, willingly.” Travis stretched his arm from underneath Emily to gently brush Jack’s skin. He loved that Travis was so open with his feelings and needed to touch them both. He sometimes wished that he hadmore to give but he was afraid that he was empty inside when it came to sharing his emotions.

After his parents were hit by a drunk driver and killed on their way to visit him at the academy, his whole life changed. His dad was against him becoming a cop, not wanting him to throw away his life in the line of duty by saving others. His father just didn’t understand his desire to help people, keep them safe, and make sure they stayed that way. His mother secretly supported him but never let his father know it. Jack was fine with that; it was the way things worked with his parents. They had been married for almost thirty years and his life without them didn’t seem to make sense. Losing them helped mold the cop that he became and a small part of him hoped that he had made them both proud, even his dad.

“Hey, where did you go, Jack?” Emily was straddling his side framing his face with her soft hands, bringing him back to the present.

He smiled up at her hoping to change the subject. “Hey sexy,” he palmed her bare ass and loved the way she ground her pussy against his leg.

“I know that you are trying to distract me Jackson but answer the question.” He wasn’t quite sure what she had asked him and he damn sure wasn’t going to tell her that he was in bed with two of the fucking sexiest people he knew, thinking about the tragic deaths of his parents.

“What was the question again?” He shot her a sheepish smile trying to apologize for mentally checking out.

“Have you always been a top?” Emily rolled her curvy body onto his and he groaned at how good her weight felt on top of him.

Jack nodded, “Yes, I’ve always been a top,” he hissed. What he didn’t admit was that he would gladly let her top him any time she wanted. She had complete control over him and that wouldprobably never change. Travis rolled closer to the two of them wrapping both Jack and Emily in his arms.

“Why all the questions, Em?” Travis asked, kissing his way up her back.

“I’m just trying to figure this all out. I’ve asked Regan how this all works but I also did some online research.” Jackson couldn’t help his laugh. He was beginning to see that Emily was a researchaholic. That is what probably made her a damn good doctor too. He’d done a little research of his own before meeting her for their date earlier that evening. He always did a little background check on everyone that he went out with, including Travis. He believed that he could never be too careful about who to trust. He didn’t just give away his trust because someone had a nice ass. Jack was always cautious, which was probably why he loved having control in the bedroom, not wanting to give away too much of himself. He never let his vulnerability show, not wanting people to think he was weak.

“Well, if Travis can go either way and you are a top, then what am I?” Emily kissed his jaw, and he almost didn’t want to answer her question.

“You are a brat,” Jack said with no heat swatting her ass. She yelped and rolled over onto Travis who gladly pulled her into his body.

“I am not a brat! Wait—what’s a brat? Does it mean the same thing as an unruly child?” Jack and Travis both laughed at her questions. She was such a breath of fresh air compared to other women Jackson had been with. Most women found out that he was bi and hit the ground running. Some asked a few questions and stuck around for a night of dirty sex only to never be heard from again. None of them were willing to stick around for the long haul and give him a chance. He knew the score; they were either grossed out or worried that they would never be enough for him, so they just gave up. That was whyhe was at Manholes the night he met Travis. He decided to date men exclusively and see where that took him. Guys were usually a little more accepting of the whole “bi” thing, especially if they were bisexual themselves. He was looking for a long-term committed relationship and he was hoping like hell that he had found two people who wanted the same thing in Travis and Em.

“Yes, same concept except you aren’t a child.” Jack wrapped his hand over Em’s breast loving the way she filled his palm. “And I hate to tell you this sweetheart, but brats get spanked when they use that sassy mouth to talk back.” Emily’s skin flushed and she moaned, grinding her ass into Travis’s cock. He could tell that Travis was ready to go again and he had to admit, he was too.

“You would like for him to spank you wouldn’t you baby?” Travis wrapped his arms around Emily’s body and snaked his hand down to find her slick folds.

She groaned, rubbing herself shamelessly against Travis’s hand, taking what she needed. “I—I think so,” she stuttered. “No one has ever done that to me.” Both he and Travis froze and looked at each other apparently thinking the same thing.

“Baby, I think we should let Jack have at that curvy little ass of yours. After all, he already took care of my ass.” Travis smirked at him, and he laughed.

“I don’t know, will it hurt?” She rolled over to face Travis and Jack could see the concern in her eyes.

“No, honey. We will go easy on you at first, it won’t hurt too much. Besides, you might like a little pain.” Emily closed her eyes, and Jack could tell that she was thinking everything through. He didn’t want her to have to think at all, not with him. He wanted her to just feel and trust him and Travis to know how to take care of her but that would come with time.

“How about I just give you a blow job, Jackson?” The little minx reached down to grab his erection, and he halted her hand’s progress.