Page 7 of Theirs to Love


Jack couldn’t believe that his plan was working. When he told Emily that he wanted both her and Travis she didn’t even blink. It was as if she was meant to be theirs. The hard part was getting Travis to admit that he wanted them both. If Travis said no now, there would be no moving forward. He knew that it was an all-or-nothing deal for Emily, and he had to admit he was starting to feel the same way.

Being bisexual and a cop didn’t always work together, not that his sexual orientation mattered to everyone in his department. Still, there were a few pricks who made a bigger deal out of who he was sleeping with than they needed to.

His first assignment as a detective was the worst. He took shit daily from his partner, Logan Cross, and eventually had to write a formal complaint against him. Logan let him know that he didn’t want to ride around with him day in and day out. He would play shitty pranks, even getting other guys in the department involved, and eventually, Jack gave up trying to be the good guy. He put in a formal complaint against Logan and two other cops, and they were placed on probation. Before the whole thing was over his Sargent had him moved to his currentprecinct and he had to say he was a whole hell of a lot happier now. Well, except for the fact that Logan kept sending him threatening texts and even showed up at his place a few times. He was afraid that his old partner wasn’t ever going to just leave him alone and that damn report only fueled his anger.

Travis agreeing to their little threesome would show their town that there was more than one way to find happiness. Just because he and Travis liked to be with both men and women didn’t mean that they shouldn’t ever find happiness. Although most of the town’s residents would disagree. That was why he and Travis often found themselves a few towns over at Manholes. Meeting someone like Emily was unexpected, especially with the narrow-mindedness that seemed to surround the town. She accepted what he proposed without even blinking and that shocked the hell out of him.

“Can we at least sit down?” Jack nodded to Travis’s sofa and the three moved into the small family room. “You’ve been quiet, Travis. Tell me what you’re thinking.” Jack knew that his bossy nature was one of the things that Travis liked best about him. If he needed to use it to get Travis to talk to him, he would.

“I can’t decide if this is a good idea or not.” Travis had separated himself from Emily and Jack, sitting on the end of the sofa by himself. Jack wanted to pull Travis closer and wrap him in his arms like Emily had allowed him to do but he knew that he’d reject Jack’s request.

“Isn’t this what you want, what you’ve always wanted?” Jack waited for Travis to answer. He knew from talking on their first two dates that what they were offering was exactly what Travis wanted. The first night that they met, they sat at Manholes for hours talking about what they both wanted in a relationship. Both saw themselves with a woman but admitted that giving up being with men wasn’t part of their plan either. Travis had told him all about the two guys that he worked for and how theywere in a committed, loving, polyamorous relationship with a woman. Although Travis’s bosses weren’t bisexual, they made their unconventional relationship work and he had to admit that was partially where he came up with the idea of the three of them trying to work something out.

“Why wouldn’t it work for us? You and I could have everything we want and give Emily everything she would ever desire.” Jackson couldn’t help himself he pulled Em onto his lap and held her against his body. He didn’t miss the way Travis’s eyes flared or the need that was evident on his face. Travis wanted this every bit as much as he did, he was just fighting it more than Jackson was willing to. Jack knew that the three of them could have something special, he just needed Travis to see that too.

“Please Travis, don’t let this fucking town win. We need to stand up for what we want, and I want you and Emily.” Jackson could feel Em holding her breath as if waiting for Travis to give his answer. Finally, Travis nodded, and he and Em both exhaled.

“Thank you, Travis,” Emily squealed, scooting off Jack’s lap to crawl over to Travis’s. He willingly accepted her curvy little ass across his lap and Jack stood to join them, pulling Travis in for a hard kiss. He liked the way Em seemed to watch them every time they had any sort of physical contact. It was as if she wasn’t sure what to expect when the two of them got together. If Jack had his way, she was about to get a crash course because he didn’t want to wait any longer to make them both his.


Emily wasn’t sure if she should be happy or scared out of her mind that Travis agreed to her and Jackson’s crazy ass plan. She was pretty sure that what they were about to do would change their lives forever, but she was still on the fence about whether that was a good or bad thing. All she knew was that she wanted both men and she wasn’t ready to back down from either of them. It was as if all the embarrassing questions that she asked Regan were finally going to get put to good use.

She knew the basics and could fill in most of the blanks since she was a doctor still, Regan’s relationship with Ashton and Jamison was quite different from what she was about to embark on with her two guys. The biggest difference was that her guys were also into each other, and she found that to be hot as sin.

“How will this work?” she whispered, her gaze not quite reaching either of their eyes. Emily suddenly felt inexplicably nervous and out of her element. Discussing a poly relationship with Regan was so different than hammering out the details of being in one with the two big, sexy men that sat before her now.

Jackson sat down next to her pulling her from Travis to sit back on his lap again. Travis sat next to Jack putting her legsacross his lap so that they were both touching her at once. “A lot like this,” Travis said. His dark gaze was full of every promise that he wanted to make her. They were going to take good care of her, and she couldn’t wait. Travis leaned into her body pulling her down to meet his mouth while Jackson held her in his arms and watched.

“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Jackson growled. She wasn’t sure how the three of them were going to fit together or how they would overcome jealousy issues that would probably surface. But so far, there were none. She liked watching Jackson kiss Travis. The way that their hot mouths collided in a hard, punishing kiss both men taking what they needed from each other, turned her on.

“But will you two be together, you know while I’m there with you.” Travis smiled at Jack and they both nodded. Emily swallowed past the lump in her throat worried about what she had gotten herself into.

“You’re worrying too much about the logistics of everything, Em. Let us take care of you and just feel your way through.” Travis stood and pulled her up to stand in front of him. He slowly lifted the hem of her shirt up her body and she felt very shy again. Travis must have seen the trepidation in her eyes because he was watching her intently, not taking his eyes off her.

“If we do something that you don’t like baby, all you have to do is tell us to stop.” She nodded and decided to try to be brave. Emily held her hands up allowing Travis to lift her shirt over her head. Jackson stood from the sofa framing her back with his big body. The two guys exchanged a look, and she worried that she had done something wrong.

“You are so beautiful, Em,” Jackson whispered.

“He’s right, Emily. You are fucking gorgeous,” Travis growled, kissing his way down her neck. Their hands were everywhere, touching, and plucking. She didn’t know where they ended and she began, and she didn’t care.

“That’s our girl, Em, just feel. You like us touching you, don’t you honey?” Travis unsnapped her bra and let it fall to her feet. He ran his hands back up her body until he cupped both of her breasts in the palms of his hands, squeezing and plucking at her nipples. She moaned at the pleasure of having both of their hands on her body allowing her hips to rock back into Jackson’s hard form. She could feel his erection pressing up against her back and she couldn’t wait to see them both naked.

“More,” she groaned. “I need to see both of you, too.” Travis chuckled and pulled her up against his big body gifting her with another punishing kiss. She could tell that Travis wasn’t holding back, allowing her to see and feel all of him. But if she had to guess, Jackson wasn’t playing up to his full potential. From talking to Jack earlier, he told her that he liked control in the bedroom. She was pretty sure he would demand it out of the bedroom too but that would be something that she would worry about later. She didn’t want Jackson to hold back, not on her account.

“Jack,” she whispered. “I want all of you.” She looked over her shoulder to find that he was reigning in his tightly held control and from the looks of it, he was about to crack under pressure. Travis eyed Jack and shook his head, laughing.

“She’ll find out that you’re a control freak soon enough, man. Might as well start from the beginning. I’m sure Emily can handle it. Hell, I think we both can.” Travis winked at Jackson, and he exhaled his pent-up breath.

“I’m pretty bossy guys, what if—” Travis knelt in front of Jackson, unbuckling Jack’s jeans to let his cock spring free and Emily couldn’t help her gasp. He was so big.

Travis chuckled again, “Jack’s big baby but I’m bigger.” He winked up at her and ran his tongue over Jack’s erection from tip to root causing his whole body to jerk.

“Fuck Trav, you’re going to kill me.” Jackson grabbed handfuls of Travis’s hair into both fists and held his head still, fucking his way in and out of Travis’s mouth. They both groaned and Emily stood fixated on just how beautiful it was to watch the two of them together.

“Pants off, Em,” Jack croaked. She could tell that Travis’s mouth was costing Jack his control, but he seemed to like it. She wasn’t about to disobey him, wanting whatever he was planning next. She shucked out of her jeans and stood completely bare before him. Travis stopped pumping Jack’s cock long enough to look back at her and whistle.