“That’s called topping from the bottom, sweetheart. I won’t have it.” Em’s eyes flared and Jackson could tell that her research had been thorough. “So, you know what that is then?” Emily retracted her hand to rest it back on Travis’s chest.
“Yes,” she whispered. “I’m sorry Jackson, I didn’t mean to.” Jack barked out his laugh. Well, now you’ve given me a reason to spank that sassy ass of yours. Emily hesitated and then shyly nodded.
“Don’t worry Em, I won’t let him go too hard on you.” Emily looked between them both as if unsure of her next move. She didn’t know that she held all the power when it came to what he would and wouldn’t do to her.
“If you say no Emily, we stop. You have the power to stop everything, do you understand?” Emily slowly nodded again and gifted Jack with her brilliant smile.
“I’m willing to try if you promise to go easy for my first time.” Jack’s cock sprang to life, and he practically jumped off the bed to get into position. He couldn’t wait to have Emily sprawled across his lap taking her punishment.
He settled on the chair that sat in the corner of Travis’s little bedroom and patted his thighs. “Come here, beautiful,” he growled. Emily stood and crossed the room showing none of the hesitation that she had moments ago.
“Be sure Em,” he whispered, running his hands over her ass as she settled onto his lap.
“I’m sure, Jackson,” she said.
Jack swatted her bottom, warming her left cheek and she yelped. “Let’s give her sexy mouth something to do, Travis.” He didn’t seem to need to tell Travis twice. He stood over Emily stroking his cock and nudging the bulbous head into her openmouth. He loved the way they all seemed to fit together like they were made for each other.
“Travis, since our little girl can’t count, you do it for her.” Travis smiled and nodded. “And babe—don’t come in her mouth until you are done counting, and I give you permission.” Travis’s smile faded into a scowl and Jack barked out a laugh. Yeah, playing with the two of them was fun and he was just getting started.
Emily woke in between the two big, sexy men who had kept her tangled up in the sheets for most of the night. She stretched and took note of every ache and decided that she was lucky that she didn’t hurt worse. Neither Jackson nor Travis was gentle with her, and she loved every minute with them, even the spankings. That part was one of her favorites. She wasn’t sure how she was going to feel about Jackson putting his hands on her like that, but she loved it. He seemed to know exactly what she needed even demanding that she suck Travis’s dick which gave the distraction that she needed to get out of her head.
Emily was never one to let go and give up her control to anyone, let alone a man. She had to make life-or-death decisions every day so letting Travis and Jackson take care of her was just what she needed, even if she didn’t know it.
Her pager sounded from her bag, and she sighed. She knew that sooner or later real life was going to catch up with her. She was just hoping to steal a little more time with the guys. Emily wanted to make them breakfast and possibly spend the morning in bed with them, but she knew that as soon as she got up and checked her messages, she’d find that the hospital needed herto come in. Life went on around her and now, another baby was ready to be born, and it was her job to help make that happen.
She loved being a doctor and especially loved bringing babies into the world. There was something about being the first person to touch a new soul and handing the newborn off to the new mom was also a high. She would never get enough of helping to make new parents’ dreams come true by helping them build their families. Emily longed for the day that she might be able to bring a little one of her own into the world, but she was jumping ahead of herself. First, she needed to find someone or even two someones to share her life, then she would be able to think about babies.
Her pager sounded again, and Emily sighed, shimmying out of Travis’s big bed, trying not to wake the guys. She pulled open her bag to find the offensive buzzing pager and silenced it. Two mothers were on their way in, and one was high-risk, so she had no choice but to put on her clothes and do the walk of shame home. She needed a quick shower and some clean scrubs, then she’d be able to face the day, even with her lack of sleep.
Emily loved being a part of a small practice, but she also wished she didn’t have to work so many weekends. As the low woman on the totem pole, she usually volunteered to work more than one weekend a month. It was fine with her, for the most part. She had only a handful of friends, most of them being connected to the hospital. And her dating life was non-existent so that was never really an issue. But now, with the guys, she was going to have to figure some things out.
That was if they wanted to see her again. A part of her panicked at the thought of Travis and Jackson not wanting her past one night. When she jumped into bed with them she didn’t think about what was going to happen in the future, focusing on both of them and what they wanted from her minute by minute. Her heart stuttered and she knew that not seeing themagain, not being with them, felt wrong to her. Emily didn’t have time to discuss plans with the guys right now. She chanced one last look back to where Travis and Jack were cuddled into bed together and longed to climb back between them. She gathered her belongings and hurried out of the bedroom, quietly shutting the door behind her. Right now, she needed to remember her responsibilities and head to the hospital. Later, when she was alone in her town home, she could think about what her next move would be.
Emily spentseventeen exhausting hours on the floor and performed one emergency c-section. But there were two beautiful little boys to show for her efforts. She was tired, only able to grab a few hours of sleep while the new mothers labored, and she was starving. Emily sat down in the employee breakroom trying to decide which she needed more—sleep or food when the door flew open. Travis’s big body almost blocked out Jackson’s as the two men entered the small room, seeming to fill the space with just their presence.
Travis smiled sheepishly at her almost as if he wasn’t sure how she would react to them being there. Honestly, she worried about what her coworkers might think of her being visited by two sexy men at once. The rumors were sure to fly around the hospital and the crazy thing was that they would all probably be true. She couldn’t help but smile back at them both especially when she saw what Jackson was carrying—food. She squealed and clapped like a child, making them both laugh.
“I take it you are hungry, Doctor.” Jackson’s eyes darted around the room as if making sure they were alone and luckily, they were.
“I’m starving. It’s been a long shift and I’m ready for food and sleep.” Emily took the bag of food from Jackson and opened it, helping herself.
“Well, how about you let us feed you and take you back home with us?” Travis whispered. He seemed unsure of himself or was he feeling the same way that she was, unsure of where they all stood. “We can finish up the weekend the way that we started it.” Travis bobbed his eyebrows making both her and Jackson laugh.
Emily sighed and sat back in her chair trying to figure out the best way to approach the topic but there would be no easy way. It was best that she just rip the band-aid off and let the pieces fall where they may.
“What happens after this weekend?” Jack and Travis shared a look, and she thought for sure that they were about to tell her that they only wanted her for a few days. She knew that was a possibility when she said yes to Jackson’s plan of the three of them falling into bed together. But now that she had spent one incredible night with the two of them, she wanted more. Emily closed her eyes as if bracing herself for the disappointing words she was about to hear.
“Em, we are just figuring this out too, but Jackson and I were talking after you snuck out this morning and we’d like to see where this thing goes.” Emily’s eyes opened and she chanced a peep at Travis and then at Jackson. They were both smiling back at her.
“That is if you want to be with both of us,” Jackson amended. His smile faded and now it was the guy's turn to seem a little nervous. She didn’t want them for just a weekend, she wanted to try to see where this thing took them but a part of her was afraid.
“I want you both, Jackson,” she whispered. “I don’t want just a weekend; I want something more. I’m just worried about what will happen to the three of us once people around town, the police station, and even at the hospital here, start putting oneplus two together and coming up with the three of us in bed. I know the crap that Regan and the guys get, what do you think the town will say about the three of us?” Emily pushed her half-eaten food to the center of the table, suddenly not as hungry.
Travis scooted his chair closer to Emily’s and pulled her legs into his lap, “I don’t give a fuck what the people around town have to say, I’ve already been labeled. I just worry about you and Jack. If you two say that this is too much for you then I’ll respect your decision. I won’t like it very much but I’ll walk away. Maybe then the two of you can date and have a chance at a normal relationship and a whole lot less scrutiny from the judgmental townspeople.”
Jackson growled and slid his chair closer to them both, “No fucking way that is going to happen, Travis. It’s the three of us or nothing for me. You know that neither of us will be completely happy in a relationship without you, Travis.” Emily found herself nodding her head in agreement with Jackson. She wouldn’t be happy in a relationship with just Jackson even though he was great. The three of them worked somehow and she was pretty sure that if one of the pieces was missing the whole puzzle wouldn’t fit together.