Page 1 of Theirs to Love


Travis Sharp watched as Regan Traverse-Black’s doctor went into the back of the farmhouse for a visit. He hadn’t seen her around the farm in a while, so his curiosity got the best of him, and he headed into the kitchen to pretend to look for a bite to eat. He always tried to find some excuse to hang around every time Dr. Emily Jude made a house call to the farm. It was as if he was drawn to her. Maybe it was the way she took charge of Regan’s care and didn’t seem to give a fuck about who Star’s father was. He already had a good deal of respect for her, and they hadn’t even been formally introduced.

He entered through the back door being careful not to interrupt especially if her visit was for some official capacity and not just a friendly drop-in. He opened the fridge and found a plate of subs that Regan had made for lunch earlier and grabbed one out. He was always hungry and thankful that Jamison and Ash didn’t mind him mooching food from their pretty new bride. They always included him in meals, inviting him to dinners and to hang out with them as a family. Honestly, he appreciated their offers more than they would ever know but the thought of hanging out with their happy family made his heart hurt. Heworried that he would never find that kind of happiness with anyone, especially the type that he was looking for.

Since coming out as bisexual a few years ago, the town had marked him as a pariah. Anyone with different ideals than the local folks were marked with a scarlet letter, and it was impossible to live down. Jamison and Ash were the lucky ones, they found a woman to fit between them and told the townspeople to go fuck themselves. He knew that his chances of finding a woman or even a man who wouldn’t care what others thought of them were slim to none.

He shoved half a sandwich in his mouth and almost choked on it when the pretty, little doctor came bouncing into the kitchen with Regan. He knew that he looked like a bear that had just got caught with his big paws in the picnic basket and judging from Regan’s expression, she didn’t care that he was rummaging through her fridge.

“Hey Travis,” Regan’s smile lit up the kitchen and he couldn’t help himself; he smiled back with his mouth full of sandwich.

“Hi Regan,” he mumbled around his food. Both women giggled and he nearly ran out of the room from the embarrassment that he felt. People often misjudged him based on his size. He stood at about six-five, and he was as big as a tank thanks to good genes and his stringent workout schedule. He was often thought of as mean, even menacing because of his bulk, but he was actually quite awkward in most social situations, especially around women he found attractive. And God, did he find Regan’s doctor attractive.

“Travis, this is my doctor, Emily Jude. She delivered Star and has become a good friend. Emily, this is Travis Sharp, our foreman and mechanic here on the farm. Basically, this place couldn’t run without him.” Emily held out her delicate hand and Travis hesitated. He looked down at his own big hands and cringed at the grease and dirt that was embedded underhis nails. He had spent most of the morning under the hood of Jamison’s pickup truck and no amount of soap and water seemed to work.

Emily stood, her hand stretched towards him waiting for him to reciprocate and he couldn’t find a good reason not to touch her. Travis gently took her hand into his and marveled at how soft her skin felt against his rough, calloused hand.

“Nice to meet you, Travis,” Emily said softly. Her voice was as delicate as she was and he found himself leaning in to hear her, catching a whiff of her perfume that reminded him of the lavender satchels his grandmother used to keep in his sock drawers.

He swallowed the lump of sandwich in his mouth and smiled at her. “Good to meet you too, Emily.” He released her hand and shoved his own into his jean pockets, not trusting himself to keep them off her. She was beautiful with her long blond hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail just right for pulling from behind. Her blue eyes reminded him of the sky on a crisp spring day, he could get lost in her eyes—hell, he wanted to get lost in her body. She had curves that went on for miles and her ass was perfect for spanking. Just thinking about her naked and stretched across his lap had him hard. He needed to get himself together and get back out to the barn.

“Emily is going to be around a lot more,” Regan gushed, patting her belly. It took Travis a minute, staring at the two women smiling back at him but he finally caught on.

“Wait—you're pregnant?” Travis loved having Star around the farm. Her little smile lit the place up and seemed to bring it back to life. Another baby would be awesome, and he knew that his friends had to be overjoyed by the news.

Regan nodded her head, her smile beaming back at him, mimicking his own. He picked her up and twirled her around the kitchen, causing her to giggle.

“You can put our woman down now before you make her sick,” Ash barked from the doorway. He and Jamison had both come in from fixing a gate that was damaged in a bad storm the night before. Travis gently put Regan down and crossed the room to shake both Ash and Jamison’s hands.

“Congratulations, guys! Great news about the new baby.” Jamison looked around Travis to where Regan was standing with Emily.

“I thought we weren’t going to say anything for a couple more months, honey.” Jamison cocked his eyebrow at Regan and Travis felt bad for spilling the beans that he knew about the baby.

“Sorry, Regan,” he offered. She shrugged and shot Jamison her best smile.

“I couldn’t keep our news a secret. Besides, I’m almost three months now and I’m going to start showing soon. And, well—Travis is family.” Travis felt a lump in his throat at Regan’s mention of him being a part of their family. That was exactly how he felt about all of them. He crossed to where Regan stood and pulled her into his arms for a big bear hug, only letting her go when she choked out that she couldn’t breathe, causing them all to laugh.

Emily’s phone chimed and she checked her messages. “Shoot, I only have a few more minutes. A patient just went into labor and I’m going to have to head into the hospital. Can I peek in on that beautiful little girl of yours?” Regan smiled and nodded.

“I’ll see you guys at our next visit. You will need to come to my office, sorry. I know you like your privacy, but I want to do a sonogram.” Emily crossed the kitchen and hugged Ash and Jamison goodbye. She brushed past Travis on her way out of the room, turning to smile back at him.

“Nice to meet you, Travis. I hope to see you again, maybe on my next visit out to the farm.” Travis nodded and watched as the beautiful doctor left the room with Regan, leaving him completely spellbound and tongue-tied.

“Well, fuck, I’ve never seen a mute giant,” Jamison teased. He pulled three beers from the fridge and opened them, handing Ash and Travis each a bottle.

“Shut the fuck up, Jamison. I’m not a giant and I know how to talk.” Travis took a long swig of his beer knowing that the guys were going to give him some shit.

Ash clapped his shoulder, “She is pretty, and I think that she digs our lifestyle.” Travis must have looked as shocked as he felt judging from the way both guys chuckled at him.

“I know it’s surprising to find anyone with an open mind in this little town but Dr. Jude sure does ask a lot of questions about polyamorous relationships. She and Regan have become pretty good friends, you know. They talk all the time. Maybe we could have our girl put in a good word with the pretty doctor for you. Who knows, maybe Emily is into giants.” Jamison laughed at his own words, but Travis didn’t find him quite as funny.

“Yeah, yeah. I get it, you two laugh it up but I’m already seeing someone. He lives a town over, where people are a little more open-minded. Besides, we haven’t been going out long and I’d like to see where our relationship goes.” Travis knew that he was being a bit premature calling what he and Jackson had a relationship. They met at a little gay bar two towns over, and Jackson asked him out. They had been on two dates officially and Travis liked him. To add the proverbial icing to the cake, Jackson Saint was a police officer, and he looked extra hot in his uniform. Travis wasn’t ready to call it quits with Jack just yet even if Emily turned him completely inside out just by flashing him her gorgeous smile. He wasn’t one to date on the side, either. He always tried to be on the up and up with the people hewent out with. The first night that he met Jack he told him that he was bi and that he liked women. Jackson felt the same way and once they agreed to go out, Travis stopped looking. Or at least he had stopped looking until Emily Jude crossed his path. If he was being honest, he noticed Emily long before meeting Jack but that still didn’t make the timing suck.

“Well, from the questions that Emily has asked Regan, she might just be into you and this new guy doing a little sharing,” Ash winked at him and grabbed a sandwich from the platter that Jamison pulled out of the fridge. “Couldn’t hurt to at least think about it.”

Fuck, that was all Travis was going to think about now, all night long. He was probably going to need at least five cold showers to get the image of Jackson, Emily, and him rolling around in bed together, out of his mind.

“Yeah, thanks for that mental image,” Travis barked. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out. It was a message from Jackson, he wanted to get together after his shift tonight and the thought of the three of them in bed flashed through Travis’s mind again. He shot back a message with his address telling Jack to bring a six-pack and he’d make dinner. He knew that things were moving fast between the two of them, but he was ready to find someone to share his life with. If that someone happened to be a hot police officer, then so be it. Travis was ready for more and hopefully; Jackson Saint could be that for him.