Since Sunday, every evening we’ve met up at the old church and gotten right to work.
Maybe notrightto work. We’ve been guilty of some good fun. We tell each other it helps us focus on his lesson, but it doesn’t make keeping our hands off each other that much easier, especially when he looks so damn cute when he’s serious and trying to focus on using his powers. We usually have to end our sessions the same way we start them, which makes his teacher very happy.
On Thursday, Luke is as focused and determined as ever, but despite an hour of attempts, he grunts, and not for any of the fun reasons.
“My arm’s going to sleep again. Are you sure I’m gonna be able to do this?” he asks, relaxing it at his side.
“I know it’s frustrating, but anytime it feels like you can’t, maybe just think that even Seth figured it out.”
“If you think I haven’t been motivating myself with that, you’re out of your goddamn mind.”
I chuckle and check the time on my phone. “It’s almost nine. How about we get out of here? I assume you’re heading to Alpha Alpha Mu’s Halloween party?”
His expression twists up. “Alexei told me about it, but the last thing that’s been on my mind is a fucking party. I’ve been reading those pages Cody gave me.”
“How does that feel?” In some ways I’m sure it’s a relief, in others a painful reminder of what he’s lost.
His gaze wanders. “It’s…a lot. Dobbers is talking about Dad learning to use his telekinetic abilities, which evidently, he had a better handle on than me, whereas Dobbers was better with telepathy. I guess you know all this already?”
I nod.
“It’s not just about getting my mind around what Dad was doing. My whole perspective of reality has shifted. It’s overwhelming.”
He takes a breath, and in it, I hear how exhausted he is. Between everything we’ve expected him to come to terms with and pushing him to use his powers, it’s simply too much.
“We both need a break,” I say. “We’re going to that party, and you’re gonna have a great time.”
He tilts his head and shoots me a cross look. “While I know there’s some monster I need to help you guys find and kill?”
“If that doesn’t warrant a break, I don’t know what does.”
“It’s okay. I might stay here and try some more.”
“No way. And I’m not leaving you out in the woods with a monster on the loose.”
He smirks. “Aren’t you bossy tonight? Don’t you want me to get this?”
“Yeah, and you know why Seth took so long to figure it out? He’s too in his head, and that’s what you’re doing right now. You’re getting in your own way. If you can cut loose a little, then maybe when we come back to it, you’ll do better.”
“That’s a real clever pitch to get me to go to a party.” His gaze wavers as he thinks it over. “I don’t have anything to wear. I don’t really do parties. That first one I went to, I was just there to see you.”
“Guess you’re lucky I do party. And hard. I have some old costumes and a few options for different events for this year, so we’ll swing by my place and see what I’ve got.”
“If we’re gonna be at your place for a bit anyway, maybe we can have a quick jerk-off session before we head out.” There’s a familiar, determined expression on his face.
I shake my head. “Uh-uh.”
He pouts. “But I tried so hard, and I always get a little something when we finish up.”
It’s true, and I can feel that he wants it, but unlike some of those early times when we messed around, we’ve done plenty this week, so it’s not the ache of the Lust pulling us together. And as much as I wouldn’t mind claiming him right here and now, I have a better plan.
“How about you be a good Straight Boy and come to the party, and if you’re good…” I lean close to him so that my mouth is inches from his. “…then I’ll make sure to satisfy all those naughty fantasies running through your pretty head.”
“All of them?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
I know he means he wants me to fuck him.
“If you’rerealgood, you never know,” I say.