“As he said, he also knows we’ve been wrong about things. And I’m sure he’s wondering how we could know so much about the future but don’t have a clue why he has these powers.”
Seth glares at me. “You’re not exactly impartial.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Ask your fucking dick.”
“I can’t help what’s happening there. And since you brought it up, what’s happening between us isn’t making it easy for him to concentrate on what we talked about. I’ve seen Luke around campus, and he looks like he’s got a bad hangover. Like the longer we go without touching, the harder it is on him.”
“And how are you feeling?” Cody asks.
“It’s not as bad for me, but every time I see him on campus, it definitely stings. Physically. Then there’s this other part: seeing him hurting and knowing I can do something about it. He’s avoiding me, though, which pisses me off. I don’t like knowing he’s suffering.”
I get that he wants time to sort through all this, but fuck, it burns…more than I’m willing to share with Seth or Cody. So I can only imagine what it’s doing to Luke, and with that on his mind, I don’t know how the hell he’s supposed to sort through this mess on his own.
“Nice to know you’re so worried about your new boyfriend,” Seth snipes.
I ball a fist and clench my jaw. “Back. The fuck. Off.”
“Enough,” Cody says. “I’m meeting with him. I should be fine by Friday. Brad, since I can’t trust Seth to keep his cool, will you approach Luke and ask if he could meet us at the church then?”
Excitement courses through me, and Cody’s gaze narrows. I don’t doubt his intuitive powers have caught this, but he doesn’t mention it, surely knowing it’ll only piss Seth off that much more, since he’s treating me like I’m sleeping with the enemy.
“I’ll stop by his dorm. Now that he’s had some time to mull things over, it’d be nice to have a chat.”
I can tell Seth’s stewing over this, which he confirms a moment later. “On the plus side, if he hurts Codes again, we won’t have to worry about him being around anymore to be a danger to innocent people.”
My nostrils flare, this protective instinct making me want to deck Seth for so much as uttering a threat against Luke.
“Oh, it’s so cute having my straight bestie be all protective of me,” Cody teases Seth, diffusing the tension. “Now I need another nap.”
“Okay, I’ll get out of your hair,” Seth says.
“Uh-uh.” Cody throws his arms around Seth and plants his head against his chest. “I need someone to stay and watch the new episode ofVanderpumpwith me.”
Seth groans. “Only for you.”
“You know I sleep best with my big straight pillow.”
Seth and I share a laugh as Cody clings to him, and Seth visibly relaxes in his hold.
They have a unique friendship. It’s deeper than the bond I share with either of them, but I tend to be more guarded anyway and not nearly as touchy-feely—unless I’m around Luke; I’d feel a lot better if I could just hold him in my arms until this pain lets up.
As Seth repositions so Cody has an easier time lying against him, I say, “In that case, I’m gonna head out. I’ll text you after I talk to Luke about Friday.”
I leave them to enjoy some reality TV, then head to Luke’s dorm room. I knock and wait. Figure he might not even be in, but a sensation stirs in me, and I realize he’s on the other side of the door even before it opens. My shoulders relax as I feel visceral relief at the sight of him. My dick constricts in the crotch of my jeans.
Luke doesn’t make eye contact, and despite the ease of being this close to him, I still feel the sting, and he must feel it too. I just want to throw my arms around him and kiss him, take it all away.
“You got a minute?” I ask.
He doesn’t respond. Just steps back into his room, leaving the door open. I take that as an invitation and head in after him, closing the door behind me. His dorm’s a standard two-bedroom unit, the side closest to the door adorned with Alexei’s comic-book posters.
“Where’s Alexei?”
“At the gym. He just left, so he’ll be out for a bit.” Luke heads over to his desk and sits on the edge, biting his bottom lip.