Just one little claw,my wolf whispers.From his jugular to his dick.
Fucking wiseass. Like he wouldn’t bleed out from the sharp nick of my protruded claw before I ever made it to that area of the asshole’s anatomy.
“We can take care of that, y’know,” I reply, moving over to the table to grab two items. When Chaos sees what I’m holding, he starts laughing as he motions for Popeye to lower the chains slightly so they can reach Carter easily.
As Stealth rips off the gag, Chaos quickly inserts the dental dam. It’ll keep his mouth open without allowing him to fully close it. I can’t help the snicker that passes my lips when Carter’s eyes widen at the pliers that Stealth holds up, grinning maniacally.
Hell, I think my own ass puckers thinking about those coming toward my teeth, but before we can remove any of those, we need fucking answers.
“Why are you here?” I bark out, standing in front of Carter. I push a little alpha toward him; we all have it in the club, I’m just the only fucker who was willing to oversee this crazy band of brothers.
Carter’s eyes are looking wildly around the room, but all he sees are the rest of my brothers, arms across their chests. Ever since mates started coming along, all of them have grown increasingly protective. With it being their president’s mate who’s at risk, it’s not hard to feel how close all of their wolves have risen to the surface. This could end up being a fucking bloodbath and I really like the jeans I’m wearing so I’m not keen at the possibility that I may have to burn them.
“Heard this was a good place to settle down if you were a shifter,” Carter finally stammers out. It’s not exactly easy to understand him, but this isn’t our first rodeo using the mouth dam, so we’ve become adept at figuring out what the enemy is saying.
“So, you weren’t looking for Vivi?” Stealth asks. “Or Angie?” he further probes.
“No! No, I wasn’t,” Carter vehemently protests.
“Ah, so it was just pure luck that you happened upon a book signing in Frisco, Texas that both of them were attending,” Chaos muses. He then looks at me and states, “I suppose thatcouldhappen, right, Pres?”
His eyes keep shifting back and forth but when it finally dawns on him that there’s absolutely no escape available to him, his shoulders sag. It’s actually impressive, considering that his arms are over his head.
Stealth reaches out, with his claws extended, and swipes across Carter’s chest, his nails scraping against his skin, fileting it open. His actions elicit a scream from Carter that would be heard upstairs if the room itself wasn’t soundproof.
“Oops, I slipped,” Stealth murmurs, smirking at me, which causes me to chuckle.
“At least you didn’t pull my move, Brother,” Chaos replies, reminding all of us of what he did when he found Tressa bound in a room, having been kidnapped and physically assaulted by her captor.
“No coming back from what you did to that fucker,” Popeye agrees, joining in on the taunting my men are currently doing to scare the information out of Carter. “I mean, I honestly never knew someone’s intestines were that long. Kinda surprised you didn’t just make a necklace out of them or something.”
Carter’s face blanches and I know he’s getting the visual the brothers are vividly painting. Hell, the scene was gruesome as fuck, but I don’t blame Chaos one fucking bit. I’d do the same for Vivi.
Not wanting that future for himself, he begins disclosing his sins in rapid succession like he’s in a confessional and we’re his priests. Only, I won’t be absolving him from his bad deeds. “I set up a program on her father’s bank account, so I’d get alerts if he used his card. I knew, once I saw that he and Angie had left the pack that, if at all possible, he’d come straight to his daughter, and I’d finally know her whereabouts. They were too close, you know what I mean?” Carter states, his words rushing out so quickly it’s almost as though he can’t say them fast enough.
I’d believe he was scared, if I couldn’t still see the defiance plastered all over his face, almost like an ‘aha’ kind of thing that he was intelligent enough to do something like that and in another place and time, I might admire his initiative. It’s like he’sproudof what he did and what I honestly don’t understand is why? Why settle for choosing a mate when there’s every chance that a fated mate awaits you?
“Why Vivi?” I ask. “Why not search for your fated mate?”
He can’t have our mate,my wolf growls as my fur starts to ripple along my arms.
“I can smell her on you,” Carter sneers. I asked him a direct question and he wants to dance around it, acting as if he has some sort of claim on mine! He’s loonier than I thought, so this may become a test of my wills because with the way my wolf is acting, it’s going to be a struggle to keep him contained.
Brave words for a soon-to-be dead shifter, that’s for damn sure. I don’t say that out loud, but I know my physical stance and facial expression give it away because he pales even further.
Chapter Fourteen
I’m unsure what shade of white he is right now but seeing how he’s nearly translucent and we’ve barely touched him has me wondering just how long he’s going to last.
“You’ve been fucking with her for a while now, though,” I retort, ignoring how he’s trying to bait me or one of my brothers to end his life sooner. “And yes, you would smell her on me since she’s my fated mate.” His eyes nearly pop out of my head as I nod. “Yeah, that’s right.Fated, motherfucker. So, I think I’m gonna play with you for a little bit until I’ve worked it out of my system.”
“Can we help?” Chaos questions, smirking at me.
“Don’t see why not,” I reply. “I mean, y’all’s mates are with mine so there’s no way you could know he wouldn’t pose a threat to themoryour pups.”
I mean, for all I know, Vivi could be expecting already since we haven’t been able to keep our hands off each other since cementing our bond. I haven’t noticed her scent changing, but regardless, my own pup or pups could’ve been in extreme danger from this crackpot.