Page 16 of The President

“Did you see everything they have for the readers to do? There’s a Friday night dinner, and I think one of the authors I follow who’s going to be there has mentioned in her reader group that if any of her readers want to go to dinner on Saturday night, they’re welcome to join her and her husband.”

“Then we’ll stay at the hotel,” I tell her. “I’ll get Ledger on booking the rooms for all of us.”

“I’m so excited, Fox,” she says. “Thank you for thinking of me.”

“You’re welcome.” I hear a commotion and realize she’s down in her shop. “Do I need to let you go?”

“Angie and Dad just walked back through. Seems they hit the bagel shop. Can I call you later?” she asks.

“Whenever you want, sweetheart.”

“Okay. Bye, Fox. Wait until I tell Angie, she’s gonna be so stoked!” she exclaims, before disconnecting the call.

I slide my phone into my pocket and head back down to the common room to find something to eat and let the brothers know we’re staying at the hotel. I have no clue if Sapphire is getting security in like she did a few years ago, but after what happened with Tressa, there’s no fucking way that Chaos will let her wander around on her own. Not to mention the fact that he’s become a bit more anal since she’s now expecting, and he’s likely going to figure out a way to follow her through the venue to ensure she’s safe. Fuck, Stealth will be the same damn way.

“Ledger,” I holler, knowing if he’s anywhere close, he’ll come running. When I see him sitting at a table with a plate of food in front of him, I change directions and walk to him then pull out a chair. “Go ahead and get two more tickets since Vivi and her friend want to go. Also, we need to book several suites because apparently, there are things the readers can do outside of the signing itself.”

“Way ahead of you, Fox. Already booked five suites, since I figured you’d want some of the brothers around just to be safe, and nabbed tickets for a Friday night dinner for you, Stealth, Chaos, your ol’ ladies, and Vivi’s friend.”

“Appreciate it, Brother,” I reply. “Now, I need to get some of that,” I say, pointing to his plate. Seems Nonna’s been cooking again, and I fucking love her beef pepper steak.

“Better get on that, then, because it was going fast,” he replies, focused on his tablet once again.

“She always saves some for me,” I retort, walking toward the kitchen.

I’m freshly showered and stretched out on my bed when my phone rings. Seeing it’s Vivi, I quickly answer it while nabbing my remote to turn the volume down slightly on the television. “Hey, babe,” I say once the call connects. “Did y’all have a good day?”

“Well, aside from Angie piercing my eardrums when she found out where we were going, it’s been pretty good. In fact, the local shifter doctor reached out to me to find out the type of inventory I carry. Since it’s easier to send people to me than to order stuff online, he told me I’d probably see an influx of customers come through my doors. Definitely a win-win kind of day, Fox,” she replies.

“I’m glad to hear that, Vivi. Do you grow your own herbs and shit?” I ask.

“Yeah, I still have seeds that I can plant to replenish stuff, but I don’t exactly have a garden I can put them in,” she teases.

“What about a greenhouse? Could you use one of those?”

“Ideally, a greenhouse would be perfect, because I could control the temperature, have an area for drying plants, and also work on some new mixtures I’ve been toying with. Why?”

“Because I have the space behind the clubhouse to build you a greenhouse, Vivi,” I tell her, grinning when she lets out a girly squeal.

“Are you serious?” she whispers when she finally calms down.

“Absolutely, sweetheart. That way, you can tinker or do whatever it is you need to do here,” I say.

“Good thing we’re mates,” she teases. “You’re building up a lot of credit in your favor, Fox.”

“Not doing it for that reason, just trying to take care of my mate is all.”

“I know, but the rewards will be plentiful,” she says.

As my cock hardens behind my cut-off sweatpants, I barely bite back a groan. She’s killing me and she doesn’t even realize it right now, because my mind definitely went there when she mentioned rewards.

“I’ll take your word for it, babe. Your dad and Angie still good to come out on Friday? They know you’re staying, right?”

She giggles then says, “Yeah. Angie’s already given me the lowdown on some things, Dad is being growly as only a dad can be, and they both want to know if there’s plenty of space for them to shift and run.”

“Definitely. You feel up to that too?” I question.

“I’d like to show you my wolf and see yours,” she replies, her voice suddenly shy.