Page 8 of Crowned

His words offer a semblance of comfort, grounding me in the midst of the growing tempest. I cling to his presence as if it were a lifeline, the only stable point in a world that seems to shift and twist with my tumultuous emotions. The rain beats down around us, a symphony of nature’s unrest matching the turmoil within my soul.

Vance’s strength is unwavering, a pillar of support amidst the chaos. I draw courage from his steadfast resolve, his belief that together we can weather any storm, whether external or internal. In this strange liminal space, where reality blurs and uncertainties loom large, his faith in our bond is an anchor keeping us tethered to each other.

As the rain intensifies, I realise that perhaps this deluge is not just a reflection of my inner turmoil, but a cleansing force, washing away the doubts and fears that have plagued my mind for as long as I can remember.

I raise my face to the sky, allowing the cool droplets to mingle with my tears, a cathartic release of pent-up emotions.

Battle-weary and injured, I drag my brother through the portal that should take us home. We would never have survived such an extensive Shikari attack if Reef had not returned to fight alongside us. But once the battle was over and the final remaining Shikari – their numbers diminished to the tens – retreated, there was no time to reconvene with Reef. The portal opened before us, and it was all I could do to grab Bhodi’s broken, bleeding body and pull him through the vortex with me.


It’s been so long since we were in Aerwyna, since we had access to all our memories, that I don’t know what to expect.

The moment we emerge from the portal, I am hit with a wave of nostalgia and sorrow. The once vibrant city of Aerwyna lies in ruins before us, buildings reduced to rubble and ashes, the air thick with despair. My heart clenches at the sight, memories flooding back in a tumultuous rush of a land that was never war-torn. I’m sure of it.

Bhodi stirs in my arms, his breathing shallow and ragged. I fear we may have returned too late, that all is lost.

But then a figure emerges from the shadows, a familiar silhouette that sends a surge of hope through me. Reef. Battered and bloodied but alive. He must have used a different portal from the battlefield. Relief washes over me as he rushes forward to help me lower Bhodi to the ground gently. “I thought I’d lost you,” Reef says, his voice rough with emotion. My thoughts immediately go to Malia and the prof and the pain swells.

“Two losses today is more than enough, brother.”

“Two?” Reef frowns.

“Vance fell,” I tell him sombrely and Reef’s eyes widen with shock and then his whole face crumples with devastation.

He sinks to his knees beside Bhodi, eyes filled with a mixture of grief and determination. He places a hand on Bhodi’s forehead, closing his eyes in concentration. A soft golden light emanates from his palm, enveloping both of their bodies in a warm glow.

Reef channels his magic into Bhodi, stealing away his pain, even though he can’t technically heal him. It’s a slow process, but with each passing moment, Bhodi looks stronger and more alive.

The weight of exhaustion pulls at my limbs, threatening to drag me into darkness. But seeing Bhodi’s condition improve under Reef's care, fills me with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

After what feels like an eternity, Reef finally removes his hand from Bhodi’s forehead, his breathing heavy from the exertion. Bhodi stirs once more, his eyes fluttering open as he takes in his surroundings.

“Welcome back, brother,” I say softly, relief flooding through me at the sight of my best friend, conscious and alert, while Reef takes a moment to recover. “Do you remember anything?”

Bhodi looks between me and Reef before landing on the ruined city around us. “What happened here?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

I exchange a sombre glance with Reef before taking a deep breath.

“We’re not sure. It looks like something has attacked Aerwyna. We need to get to the Elders and find out. And tell them about Vance. When I came through the portal, some memories returned…flashes more than anything concrete, but this doesn’t feel right.”

A flicker of sorrow passes through his eyes as he takes in the devastation before him, wincing as he gets to his feet.

“We need to get you to a healer too,” I tell him. He nods.

“I could use a top up too,” Reef adds, sounding pained and exhausted. “Come, let’s go.”

Together the three of us navigate our way through the rubble of our homeland, the once majestic city of Aerwyna now reduced to a mere shadow of its former glory. The streets that were once bustling with life and energy now lie desolate and silent, save for the occasional gust of wind that carries the whispers of a bygone era.

As we thread our way through the ruins, a persistent unease coils in the pit of my stomach. The assault on Aerwyna unfolds before us, a brutal onslaught that has left behind a landscape of devastation that appears insurmountable. Who could harbour such malevolence to unleash this havoc upon our sanctuary?

Reef guides us along the familiar paths, his countenance a mask of resolve despite the weariness etched deep into his features. His magic had undoubtedly preserved Bhodi’s life, but at what toll to his own well-being?

I silently vow to ensure he receives the rest and care he deserves once safety is secured.

Eventually, we arrive at the palace walls – a sanctum, a fortress surrounding the beating heart of Aerwyna – near to where our leaders convene to guide our community. The colossal doors stand closed, and there are no sentries on guard to allow us access.

Reef hammers on the door and a moment later they open, emitting an eerie creak that pierces the prevailing silence like a haunting melody.