Page 10 of Guardian's Soul

"Gladly," I muttered. Maybe if I got some clothes on her ungrateful person, my cock would stop behaving like that of a horny youth.

From another compartment, I retrieved a pair of black pants and a yellow shirt. Clothes Lady Silla had insisted I stock my ship with after I dropped off my first—and what I had hoped last—load of human cargo.

"There, will this do?" I grunted, handing the items to her.

With a scoff and a huff, she stepped into the pants and pulled the shirt over her head. "I suppose."

How about,Thank you, Tharaax, for the clothes? OrThank you, Tharaax, for saving me from a life as a sex slave? OrThank you, Tharaax, for taking me in?

No, gratitude was definitely not something the humans practiced.

"If all your needs are taken care of for the time being, how about we go to the bridge now? I would really love to get out of here." I suggested, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"You might want to put your shoe back on before we go. Oh, and by the way, I could use some footwear as well," she stated, raising an eyebrow, probably wondering why it was off in the first place.

Take a deep breath, Tharaax. Take a deep breath. I coached myself and pointed at the compartment I had retrieved the clothing from. "Help yourself."


I followed Thrax,my feet trapped inside a pair of too-tight shoes slapping against the cold metal floor of the alien ship. Great, I can already see blisters in my near future.I cursed Thrax some more. So they have space flight and rule the galaxy, but they can't make a fitting pair of shoes. Figures.

The intricate patterns etched into my skin tingled with each step, distracting me enough from the dire outlook of sore toes but serving as a constant reminder of the infuriating bond that now linked us.

"You better have a damn good explanation for this," I hissed, gesturing at the marks on my body, aware that he couldn't see it since he refused to turn around.

With some satisfaction, I noticed his shoulders tense. Hah, I was grating as much on his nerves as he did on mine.

"I told you, I had no control over it." He hissed.

"Bullshit," I spat, even as my traitorous eyes traced the contours of his muscular back. "You must have known this could happen."

He paused at a curved doorway, his hand hovering over a control panel. Tilting his head enough to glare down at me, hegrowled, "If I had known, do you think I would have willingly bound myself to you? A human?"

The disdain in his voice stung more than it should have. I opened my mouth to retort, but the words died on my lips as the door slid open, revealing the bridge.

My anger momentarily forgotten, I stepped inside, awe overcoming my irritation. The expansive room curved in a perfect circle, dominated by a massive display that wrapped around half the perimeter. Two ornate captain's chairs faced a myriad of screens on the wall ahead of us.

"It's… incredible," I breathed, drinking in the sight.

Thrax moved to one of the chairs, his large form settling into it with practiced ease and a grunt that I supposed served as my answer. How could someone so incredibly good-looking be such an ass?Oh, wait. Yeah, I've met a few of his types before. Testosterone-jacked assholes.

As I watched him, memories of our earlier encounter flashed through my mind. The way his dark, pupilless eyes had roamed over my naked body sent shivers down my spine despite my hatred for him. The heat that had pooled in my core at his proximity was a stark contrast to the cold fear that had gripped me.

Even now, as I glared at his profile, I couldn't deny the pull I felt toward him. His silvery skin seemed to shimmer under the soft glow of the bridge's lights, accentuating the sharp angles of his face and the powerful set of his shoulders. As much as I didn't like him, I liked my unwelcome desire for him even less.

It was strange. As a fitness trainer, I was used to being around what some callprime examples of the human species. Unfailingly, as soon as they opened their mouths, my pussy sent aNot Welcomeflag up. An impenetrable barrier signaling my brain not to even think about it. Not once, no matter how good-looking they were, had my pussy failed me. With Thrax? No such luck. It didn't even matter how many times my brain reiterated,idiot alarm, don't react to him, my pussy decided not tolisten, drenching my walls, calling for notacock, oh no, it had to behiscock, to enter and pleasure us.

I clenched my fists, willing away the unwelcome desire already pulsing through me. "So what now? We're stuck like this forever?"

Thrax's fingers danced over a holographic display, his expression unreadable. "Not if I can help it."

Finally, we were on the same page.

"But I'll need to do some research first."

"Great," I muttered, sinking into the second chair. "Just great."

As I stared at the dizzying array of alien text scrolling across the screens, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life had irrevocably changed. And the infuriating, handsome alien beside me was at the center of it all.