Page 75 of Guardian's Soul

"If I didn't know what the bastard was going through, this would be funny," Raasla remarked as we entered.

As if by a signal all men turned to us the moment we walked in.

"You have some explaining to do," Zaarek yelled at Nova.

"Oh, keep your breeches on." Nova sat down at the table, reaching for a bar to nibble on, and I followed her example. Luph and Zoe seemed to be keeping the common room stocked with goodies, and right now, I was starving.

"Well?" Thrax joined Zaarek and glared at me.

"There's not much to say. We ran into her in the restroom, and she asked us for help," Zoe said, helping herself to a cookie. "End of story."

Raasla looked furious. "Not much to tell? Who the frygg is she?"

"She's a human female who needed our help." Nova got into his face.

"Her name is Sloane," I added.

Zaarek opened his mouth and spread his hands in front of him with an expectant expression on his face, waiting for more information. When none of us said anything, he turned from Raasla to Thrax to Noodar in ahelp me out here, buddieskind of way.

"Am I the only one who remembers that we're on a mission?" Zaarek finally blurted out. "We can't collect refugees on the way?—"

Nova boxed him in the arm. "Where's your compassion?"

"Compassion?" Zaarek nearly choked on the word. "Compassion she asks when she just brought this female here, putting her in danger."

"Don't talk over my head," Nova admonished him.

"Easy, kids, easy," Luph interrupted. "This might present a little of a challenge, but we're not leaving someone behind who asks for help. We'll figure out what to do with her once we talk to her."

As the men turned away, I wanted to hug Luph for talking some sense into them, but she was already on her way to Vraax, offering him the same potion she gave Sloane.

"Yeah, the youngling probably needs that," Raasla scoffed. "Only real males can take this pain."

"You did not just say that." Zoe turned on him, her face red with anger. So far, she had been nothing but sweet, and it surprised me to see this fiercer side of her. Then again, I figured any women putting up with these Space Guardians needed to have some bite to them.

"What?" Raasla looked at her, and when she only glared, he turned to Thrax. "What did I say?"

"Will someone please tell me what's happening?" Nock appeared in the doorway. "There is no way to sleep through all this yelling and screaming. Are those mating marks on Vraax's arm?" He scratched his armpit and looked so out of it and confused it was almost endearing.

"You're on your own." Zaarek grabbed Nova. "We're going to rest for a bit."

As soon as he said that, I realized that the lights were dimming.

"All right, let's continue this in the morning, get Possedion in here, and talk to the human female," Noodar declared.

"Wait." From the corner, Vraax lifted his head. He looked pale and in so much pain I felt bad for him. "What's her name?"

"What's whose name? What's happening?" Nock pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Sloane," I supplied.

"Sloane," he repeated, nodding, before he leaned his head back down on his knees.

"All right, will someone fill me in, please?" Nock stared from one to the other.

"The females picked up another human female at the space station and brought her here. As soon as Vraax saw her, the mating marks started showing." Noodar summarized from what he had gathered. "Right?" He looked questioningly at me.

"Pretty much, yes," I agreed.