Page 39 of Guardian's Soul

I pushed the thoughts aside as I spied two more Space Guardians. "Two more guards outside what looks like Possedion's office. Armed with blasters."

Thrax's voice came through, tinged with dry humor. "Now that's just excessive. You'd think they were guarding someone important."

Despite my worry, a smile tugged at my lips. "Well, you know how it is. The more credits you have, the more paranoid you get."

"Speaking from experience?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I shot back and then sobered. "Seriously, though. Be careful."

There was a pause, and when Thrax spoke again, his voice was gentler. "I will, Hannah. I promise."

Something in his tone made my chest tighten. I swallowed hard, pushing down the surge of emotion. "Good. Now go get our guy so we can get the hell out of here."

As I watched him move into position, I realized with startling clarity that I didn't want this to end. Not the mission—that I'd be glad to see the back of. But this… whatever it was between Thrax and me, I didn't want that to end. Ever.

I was in way over my head, and for once, I didn't mind drowning.

I held my breath as Thrax approached Possedion's office, his movements fluid and predatory. The two guards outside never stood a chance. Quick like lightning, Thrax pulled around the corner, taking them both out in the blink of an eye, their unconscious forms slumping to the ground before they could even raise their blasters.

"Nice work," I murmured into the comm. "Office should be clear now."

"Don't jinx it," Thrax growled, but I could hear the smile in his voice. He must be proud of himself, throwing words back at me I had taught him while he was training me.

I watched through the holo device by his ear as he breached the office door, my heart pounding. The room beyond was opulent, all gleaming surfaces and priceless artifacts. And there, behind an enormous desk of what looked like polished metal, sat our target.


I could sense the aura of power and menace that radiated from him even through the comm. He looked exactly like the hologram that had appeared in Thrax's quarters a few days ago. He wore what probably was expensive clothing, making him look like the merchant he was supposed to be. Silvery hair fell loose around his head, all the way down his back. Wherever his skin was visible, it was filled with deep purple scales, except on his face, where it seemed like plates rested over his eyes and down his cheeks and chin, and his eyes… they were pools of liquid darkness. Much different from Thrax's, they were cold and filled with hate.

"Well." Possedion's voice was silk over steel. He folded his hands over his chest, leaning back in his chair. "That's a surprise, Tharaax."

Thrax's stance shifted, radiating tension. "You're my prisoner."

Possedion's laugh was like shattering glass. "You're funny."

I frowned, leaning closer to the screen. Why wasn't he scared? I might have watched too many movies, but all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"Thrax, don't engage him. He's playing for time," I warned.

"Get up. Let's go," Thrax commanded.

Possedion slowly rose. "Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into here? The entire Ohrur Oligarchy and the entire force of Space Guardians will be after you."

I saw Thrax hesitate, just for a fraction of a second. My stomach clenched with unease. Possedion's words hit home for both of us.

Thrax shook himself back under control. "Enough talk. Let's go."

Possedion's smile was razor-sharp. "Oh, I don't think so."

Suddenly, alarms blared throughout the compound. My screens lit up with new threats, and my heart leapt into my throat.

"Thrax!" I shouted. "We've got company! Three more Guardians incoming, fast!"

Thrax's moves were a blur of speed. He crossed the room and hauled Possedion to his feet within the span of a second. "Looks like our time is up," he growled.

Possedion didn't resist, his smile never wavering. It made my skin crawl. It looked like he was expecting an army to show up at any moment.

"Hannah." Thrax's voice was tense. "Get to the east side."