On the screen, Nock stared after the retreating Space Guardian, still speechless, before he made a slashing motion, indicating the camera to stop recording.
"What would you have done to him?" I asked, honestly curious. Hoping he would describe some horrible death that he would inflict on the little alien so that my body would stop trembling around him.
Thrax sighed loudly. "Probably the same thing Zaarek did," he admitted. "I could never hurt someone weaker than me who didn't deserve it."
"And by deserving, you mean done something seriously criminal?" I wanted to know.
He nodded. "Yeah. Nock is just a nuisance. He's been after us Space Guardians for a long time. It's his claim to fame."
"Tell me about you, Space Guardians. How do you know Zaarek? You said you don't associate with others."
Thrax took my index finger and pointed it at the captionunderneath the video.Nock confronts Space Guardian Zaarek Taloor after he murders Gro'Bdhuir in front of crowd.
"Oh." The moment of disappointment that rushed through me that he didn't know the other Space Guardian was quickly overcome by the sensation that he was still holding my index finger. An electrical current ran through me from there straight down into my belly that made a quick flop before it filled with bubbles.
"Most of the time, we work alone," Thrax replied to my question. I wondered if it was my imagination or if his voice had really deepened. "The Ohrurs collect large bounties and send us after criminals who cannot be touched by regular law enforcement."
It took a moment for my mind to shift gears from the flood of emotions, especially the overwhelming feeling of being so close to him.
"So." I cleared my throat, hypnotized by his wrist, where the same markings I bore spread up his enormous forearm, complementing his muscles. "If I had a grudge against someone and enough money, you would kill him for me?"
"It's not that simple." His voice was hypnotizing, and it took a lot of focus not to get distracted by the path my eyes took, traveling up to his bicep. "There has to be strong evidence the person is a criminal. We are not hired assassins going after just anybody," he clarified. His words translated in my brain, but it was his voice that was cloaking me like a warm fur coat. "The truly bad guys give off a certain vibe. The Ohrurs sent us after them, but it's up to us to make the last call."
"Vibe?" I sounded squeaky.
"Hmm, yes." He nodded, my eyes latched on to his throat. His Adam's apple—was that still called an Adam's apple on an alien?—bobbed, fascinating me. Just like the thickness of his neck did. Why hadn't I noticed before how thick it was?
I waited for him to continue, but he fell so silent that Ilooked up, flicking my tongue over my lips when I saw the dark expression on his face. The black light in his eyes that screamed desire.
Oh God, is he going to kiss me? Please, please make him kiss me.
"Hannah." His voice was nothing but a rasp now.
"Uhum," I replied, incapable of saying his name or anything.
"Frygg," he cursed, lowering his head.
It's happening. It's really happening!
The bubbles inside my stomach began to seriously multiply until there was nothing but a plopping, floating sensation left in it. My heart picked up speed.
His lips were so close now they nearly brushed mine.
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop.
I closed my eyes.
His scent reached my nostrils. It was so sinfully manly, it made me dizzy, or maybe I was getting dizzy because my heart was beating so damn fast. I was sure my blood had turned into a white-capped river.
His breath tickled my lips,so close, so fucking close.
When our lips made contact, it wasn't more than a brush. A feather wisping over my mouth would have made a stronger impact, yet it was the most powerful touch I had ever experienced. I was glad he wasn't applying more pressure yet. It would have been too much. I probably would have disintegrated on the spot. I was already feeling as if hot lava was running through me, burning me from the inside out. As unappealing as that may sound, it was a most intoxicating sensation.
Slowly, ever so slowly, his lips applied more pressure, like stepping into a hot bathtub. Carefully, letting first your toes get used to it, then your foot, your ankle, before your body glides into the hot water, and then… sheer heaven.
My lips parted, and his tongue glided into my mouth, probing, asking for permission. Mine nudged his.Permission granted.
And then there was no holding back. With a groan, his armsslung around my waist and lifted me off the chair and up while my arms snaked around his neck. Our mouths were fused together, our tongues dancing, and my entire body was on fire. Every nerve ending yearned for his touch. My nipples puckered in answer to a strong pulse raging through my clit. I felt myself getting soaked just from his kiss.