Page 4 of Guardian's Soul

He grabbed my wrist on my arm's retreat after slamming it into the wall and twisting it. I kicked out right into his abs, and he staggered back, not letting go of my wrist, forcing me to follow him.

I brought the arm he was holding up, bent it, and rammed it into his side. With an oomph, he let go of my wrist. His foot connected with my hip, staggering me back. That brute had strength.

I landed a few jabs on his jaw, and he got a painful punch to my right kidney. With every one of his hits, I was getting angrier. I hadn't wanted the damn female in the first place, and now I was fighting with a frygging Pronex for her.

He intercepted my next kick aimed straight for his groin, twisting my ankle painfully, probably breaking it, and that was the last grain of sand running my patience out. My blows at him came so fast that I forced him, limping, into a corner. I picked up a chair and slammed it straight into his face.

He brought both arms up to block the blow, and I heard the sickening crunch of his bones breaking. No matter how high his pain tolerance was, both arms breaking at the same time made him howl. He charged forward, blinded by hate and fury. I used the same chair to whip him across the face, making him stumble to his knees. Then I brought the chair down on his head one more time, and he was out.

"The female?" I turned to the proprietor, spitting blood running down my throat from my broken nose to the ground.


He didn't get to answer. A scream that would have stopped a supernova arose from upstairs. A door flung open, and the female in question came running out. Her entire face was spattered with blue blood, and so was her chest. Her eyes were wild as she raced down the stairs.

A wailing scream followed her in the form of a Rnnyer. I drew my brows together as I glared at the proprietor, who raised his arms. "I didn't allow anybody up there yet."

Although the proprietor may not have known, the Rnnyer must have snuck into her room, and it seemed like she had either bitten off his cock or severely injured it. Suddenly, the female rose in my estimation.

I limped over to the stairs to catch her, realizing my ankle was definitely broken. Each step was pure agony. But a Space Guardian didn't show pain, especially not in public, so I hid my limp as much as possible before the other patrons might get some ideas about my prowess. I caught the human female right around her waist, pulling her around just as her feet hit the floor, and swung her through the air.

"Not so fast."


I wasout of my mind in horror, fear, and revulsion. Taking the despicable alien's cock in my mouth and biting a good chunk off of it was the most humiliating, revolting, frightening moment of my twenty-six years of life.

The spray of blue blood and the alien's screams got me on my feet faster than my barely functioning arms would have allowed me to do had I not been running on sheer adrenaline. The rest of my self-control was lost the moment his blood hit me. Now I was nothing but a hysterical, screaming mess, running for my life. Realistically, I knew there was nowhere to run, but any sense of realism was far from my brain right then. My entire mind's state was reduced to that of a primal being on the run for her life.

It was a small miracle that I didn't tumble down the stairs, especially given their alien nature. They weren't like normal stairs at all but had rounded edges at much steeper intervals than regular steps.

I didn't see anything, didn't notice anything until the moment a strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me off my feet and swinging me in a circle.

A deep voice grunted, "Not so fast."

A sob escaped my throat, and my legs began frantically kicking out, trying to find purchase, but all I hit was air.

"Put me down. Let me go," I scream-sobbed.

"Get her out of here and be gone," a smaller alien ordered.

I couldn't see the one holding me with my back pressed against his massive chest and would have clawed at his arm had my fingers worked.

"Hold still," the same voice demanded.

Like hell I would. I wanted out of here. Away from these aliens. Away from this hellhole. I wanted to go home!

As if I weighed nothing and wasn't kicking and screaming, the man threw me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes and began walking. Somewhat relieved, I noticed that it wasn't up the stairs. I didn't think my heart would have survived going up the stairs again. It was already thundering inside my chest, making me dizzy. Or maybe I was getting dizzy from the man carrying me and my head hanging upside down. I didn't know. Nor did I care.

Doors opened, and I had to close my eyes at the brightness outside. Outside! We were outside!

Two large, orange suns burned down on my unknown abductor and me. Or was he rescuing me? I had no idea. I was too confused and rattled to figure it out.

I remembered the Cryon prodding me down this way. I would have loved to feel the relief of going the opposite way now, but I had no idea whatthisalien's intentions were as he moved us through a narrow street, walled in on both sides by tall, metallic-appearing buildings.

As soon as we were out, he adjusted me in his grip. His hand rested on my ass, and I felt the heat of it all the way down into my core. Despite being too rattled to feel arousal or desire, I was keenly aware of his hand.

While I bobbed up and down his shoulder, I noticed he waswalking with a slight limp but dismissed it immediately from my mind. I had way too many other worries to care about than his possible limp. Starting with where he was taking me.