Page 73 of Guardian's Soul

I pulled my blaster and walked up to him, pointing it straight at his face. "Do you really want to interfere in Space Guardian business?"

More blasters were pulled and aimed at me.

"Thrax!" Hannah called out in a choked voice.

"Your choice. We can fight this out, and you'll die first, or you can let us go." I glared into his eyes.

The hatch opened, and Noodar and Vraax stepped out, blasters leveled at the GTU soldiers.

"I've never seen this many Space Guardians in my life," a soldier expressed.

"And together," another agreed.

"What is your business here?" the one I was pointing the blaster at demanded.

"That's none of your business," I snarled.

Noodar and Vraax moved apart, but the opening was too narrow. Vraax melted against the wall just as Zaarek moved by with the female, turning. The female's legs brushed against Vraax, forcing him to readjust his blaster. I didn't allow myself to look away until I knew they were out of danger.

And with Zaarek, the female the soldiers were after was also out of their reach.

"Your superiors will hear from us," the soldier in my aim remarked.

"Good, looking forward to it," I said, pulling my blaster back but keeping it up as I slowly retreated toward the hatch.

Vraax didn't look so good. Sweat was running down his face and neck, and the blaster was slightly shaking in his grip. Frygg. I knew that look.

Raasla and I slipped by Vraax and Noodar, who followed close behind. Our blasters stayed leveled at the hatch until it was closed. A sudden jerk announced that the ship was already moving away from the station.

"Luph," Noodar indicated that his mate was flying the vessel.

"We need to get out of here before they decide to send a fleet after us," Raasla spat. "Ah, frygg," he cursed, just as a loud thud announced Vraax collapsing to the floor. He was holding his arm in pain as black marks etched themselves onto his flesh.

"Serves him right." Noodar chuckled.

"Come on, you'll be more comfortable in the common room." Raasla surprised me as he picked Vraax up, and with a sigh, I took his other arm, and we pulled the heavy male to thecommon room, where the females were already gathered, rapidly talking to one another.

"I've set course for where we left the other ships to pick them up. Can you remotely activate them to follow us?" Luph entered the room.

There weren't many species more ugly than a Mantarian, but Luph's personality was so sweet that I didn't even notice her physique any longer. And capable, as it turned out.

"Yes." I pulled my comm. "Darlam?"

"Yes," the others agreed before I made contact with my ship.

"Let's get Possedion before we enter hyperspeed," Raasla suggested.

"We might not have time. We've already got company," Luph announced, unperturbed.

"Great, who is this female?" Noodar asked. "Where did you find her? Why did you bring her here?"

All valid questions. I turned to Hannah, whose head swiveled to me.

A loud moan came from the strange female, an agonized moan.

"Ah, hell!" Nova cursed.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my neck. This was just what we needed. Or not.