Page 72 of Guardian's Soul


I never enjoyedshopping before or being on a space station unless it was to get drunk and maybe find a willing, warm body. This time it was different. I enjoyed spending the Ohrurs' money and holding Hannah's hand as we walked from store to store.

All the while, I kept my eyes open, aware of the stares of people around us, mostly because seeing a Space Guardian always attracted attention, and there were three in one place, walking together. It probably hadn't been the best idea to come here, especially not with the females. They got their fair share of stares. Some were openly lustful, and it took all I had not to pull out my blaster and terminate them. By the expression on Zaarek's and Raasla's faces, their minds were going in the same direction as mine. But the moment I turned to Hannah, I knew it was all worth it. She looked as excited as the other two females. Her eyes were ablaze with happiness, and I would have rather wiped out every male in this place than taken this pleasure from her.

"That can't be good." Raasla stood from the table we had taken and filled with food.

"What?" I looked in the direction where his gaze had gone and watched Hannah approach us alone. My hand reached for my blaster.

"We've got to go," Hannah said.

"Where is Zoe?"

"Where is Nova?"

Raasla and Zaarek asked in unison.

"They're safe." Hannah seemed to realize the panic she had caused in the males. "But we have a situation."

"What situation?" Raasla hissed between his teeth.

For a moment, he seemed to relax when he saw Zoe coming out of the restroom area, but then he stiffened, just like Zaarek and me.

"What the frygg?" I cussed.

"She needs our help." Hannah implored, and with her, I was sure she meant the third female limping between Zoe and Nova, leaning heavily against the two females.

"We need to get out of here," Raasla snarled. "Without her."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking my head, convinced that we had already lost that battle. "We're still Space Guardians," I reminded him, earning me a strong curse from him as he shook my hand off.

"Tharaax is right," Zaarek said. "Let's go."

To make it faster, Zaarek moved to the woman and pulled the newcomer against his chest to carry her. Well, frygg, it wasn't like we had kept a low profile before, but now it was like someone was pointing a red arrow at us. As we hurried toward the chutes leading back to the docking level, people cleared a path for us.

"Hold it, that female is a wanted criminal," a voice called out as three GTU soldiers approached us.

"Perfect, we're Space Guardians and have this under control," I pointed out.

"You have no jurisdiction here," the same GTU soldier announced.

During the entire exchange, we kept walking, and Zaarek made it into the chute with the stranger, followed by Nova and Zoe. I willed Hannah to do the same, but she ignored my pointed look.

The GTU soldier cursed loudly and spoke rapidly into his comm. I didn't need to hear what he was saying to know that he was calling his GTU buddies to send them to the docking level.

I grabbed Hannah and entered the chute, followed by Raasla.

Just as I had hoped, Zaarek was already a few paces ahead of us, running with the human female in his arm, who was holding on to him for dear life. Zoe and Nova were close on his heels while Raasla waited for me so that we could keep their backs safe.

The stomping of feet announced more GTU soldiers. I had no idea who this female was, but she must have caused quite a stir for so many soldiers to be after her.

"Stop!" a loud voice commanded.

About ten GTU soldiers had already positioned themselves by the docking door. Frygg.

"Do not interfere with Space Guardian business." Raasla stepped forward, looking menacingly at the soldiers.

"This female is our prisoner." The head soldier stood his ground.