"And we're sure this is it?" Vraax questioned.
"I haven't seen any reason not to think so," Thrax replied.
Vraax read through the text Thrax had pointed out to him while the others looked gloomy and pissed.
"So after what, thirty years, they just terminate us?" Zaarek finally said when the silence stretched on too long.
"Something happens to us between twenty and thirty years of service," Thrax confirmed. "I'm not sure?—"
"Like dreams," Zaarek voiced, and I stared at him as astonished as Thrax.
"Yeah." Thrax nodded.
"Even Vraax had some dreams," Zaarek filled us in.
"What about you?" Thrax turned to Raasla, who hadn't spoken much of anything yet. That didn't change. He grunted in response that could be either a yes or a no.
"I've dreamed of forests and running," Thrax opened up.
"Yes, and a city," Zaarek agreed.
Vraax sighed. "I'm running from something through a forest."
"What does that mean?" I asked, trying hard not to look at Thrax and not to be thinking about Suahaana, glad he didn't mention her, but also thinking that maybe if he would… maybe if the others… oh, I didn't know what I was thinking or hoping for.
Everyone shrugged.
"Don't forget the headaches," Noodar added.
"Yeah, there are those," Zaarek agreed, closing his eyes for a moment.
"We need to get some answers from Possedion on this." Thrax offered.
After we exchanged moreof our stories and found out more about the others and how their discoveries had driven them forward toward Darlam, we discussed talking to Possedion but decided that first, we would go visit the space station close by and buy a few things we needed. I was astonished that the men had deemed it safe enough for us girls to go. "It's one of the stations under complete Pandraxian rule. We might even run into other humans," Thrax explained.
"Hold on." Noodar grabbed Thrax and me on our way out. "Let me show you your quarters if you decide to stay. There's no sense in us flying around in separate ships."
He took us toward a generously and lavishly decorated room with an adjoining bath. It was more spacious than Thrax's ship, and I liked the idea of traveling with the others.
"Wouldn't it be better to have the other ships in case we need them?" Thrax objected.
"All of them are close by," Noodar assured him. "It's just nicer traveling in company, and it makes it easier to exchange information."
Thrax looked at me in question, and I shrugged. I was onboard with the idea, so to speak, but I left the final decision up to him. It had been nice when it was just the two of us.
"As long as my ship stays close by, I don't have a problem with it," Thrax agreed. "Do you have a place for Possedion?"
"It's already waiting for him."
It was decided to leave Possedion on Thrax's ship for now and we made our way to the space station. I was surprised when it was only Zoe, Nova, and me. "Where's Luph?"
"She's too high profile. We can't chance her being recognized," Zoe explained. "Same with Nock. So they both stayed behind."
I felt bad for her, but at the same time, I was too consumed with being giddy like a kid on Christmas morning. Not only was I enjoying the company of the other women and men, but the prospect of seeing something besides the inside of a spaceship filled me with happiness.
Still, I tried, "Can't we disguise her?"