"I'm sure the others have questions for him as well, and I don't think right now I can stomach more of his atrocities."
His words hurt my heart, and automatically, I grabbed his forearm in support, letting him know I was here.
I was moreantsy to see the test results about Thrax's and my biological compatibility than should have been justified. Part of me was excited that maybe we could have children together, and another was terrified. I had never actively worked to have a family, but I hadn't discarded wanting one either. In hindsight, it fit perfectly with the way I had gone through life before Thrax—yes, that's how I looked at it now, before Thrax, notbefore the Cryons took me—it had always been one day at a time. No planning, just going with the flow. Had I met a man I would have wanted to stay with, we would have started a family, eventually. And if I didn't… I wouldn't have been about to go searching, either. Now, with Thrax? I didn't even have to think about it. It was a big fat, Hell Yes! But not right now. Not while we were in the middle of this mess.
Thrax looked apprehensive when he read the results, rattling my nerves into the stratosphere. "Looks like we're a perfect match."
I took a deep inhale, aware that he was watching me with hawk eyes.
"What are you thinking?" he added almost immediately.
"Do you like the idea?" I shot back, wanting to know first.
"Hannah, I would love nothing more than to start a family with you. I love you. But…" he trailed off, taking my heart with it.
"But… the timing isn't right?" I added my own misgivings, hoping that this was what had him obviously upset.
He shook his head. "No, that's not it. It's… I don't want to see you get hurt. You said having babies is painful?—"
Just like that, my heart returned, swelling my chest with love and adoration for this man. I didn't laugh because yes, that's kind of where we had left things off earlier.
"It's all right, Thrax. Humans have given birth for hundreds of thousands of years. Sometimes bad things happen, but that's what doctors are for. They have medicine, too, to stop the pain. Billions of women have gone through it, and I'll gladly do the same for… our child."
My eyes filled with tears, and warmth spread through me at the word. Child. Without a doubt, I knew that this was what I wanted. Still, I didn't think the timing was right.
"We just need to be more careful from now on when we have sex until our situation is more… secure. You don't happen to have a condom?"
"A what?"
Of course he wouldn't know what I was talking about. "What do aliens do not to have children?"
"Oh." He brightened. "I can use the healing wand to kill my little male army before it enters you."
I snickered. "Little male army?"
He shrugged. "That's what I like to call them."
I laughed. That sounded just like him.
"Hmm." A thought occurred to me. "Have you done this before? With me?"
"In all honesty, it never crossed my mind." He seemed as perplexed by the answer as me. "I've always done it before… when… with other…" he broke off and I swear the man was blushing if that was possible with his silver skin. But the color did seem off.
"Other women," I finished the sentence for him since he seemed so out of sorts.
When he didn't say anything and the silence between us stretched, I said, "Let's do that for now until we've figured everything out… if you're okay with it."
"I'll do anything for you. Even kill my little spermies."
That made me laugh out loud. When I was able to form another coherent sentence, I asked, "Do you have any other names for them?"
He grinned. "Little buddies, swimming fighters, starseed troopers, wiggly heroes, life sprinters, spawn scouts…" he drifted off when I bent over laughing. So hard that I snorted and had to catch my breath.
"You've given that a lot of thought," I wagered.
His grin deepened. "I guess I have."