But before I could even take it in, a shrill, ear-shattering alarm ripped through the air, dragging me back. The ground beneath me stopped moving, and the doors opened so abruptly I would have stumbled had strong arms not caught me.
"I've got you," Thrax said before the world around me turned so fast that I passed out.
Her passing outwas my fault. I should have prepared her better. I was so used to the simulation I forgot the effect it had on a person going in for the first time. Curiosity could easily get the better of anyone. That or a time or two before when I had it set the atmosphere to that of a hostile planet, and I nearly passed out from exhaustion while a group of animals chased me down.
To my relief, she regained consciousness soon after in the hallway while I was carrying her back to our quarters.
"What happened?" she asked, rubbing her head. Her eyelids fluttered open and closed in rapid succession.
"You lost consciousness in the simurunner. It's my fault. I apologize."
"Nah, that was on me. I got carried away." Her eyes focused on me. "I'm just out of shape. But that thing is awesome. What did you call it?"
"A simurunner," I repeated, carrying her into our quarters and placing her on the bed.
"You should probably rest. And you need some nourishment."
Stubbornly, she sat up. "I'm good. Really. And I just ate, remember?"
"You just passed out." I pulled the healing wand out to make sure she didn't have any… internal injuries or something.
"What the fuck is that?" Hannah stared at the healing wand in my hand. "Don't you dare come close to me with that… thing."
"Thing?" I had no clue why she would object to a healing wand. "This is just to make sure you're okay and didn't hurt yourself. It's a healing wand."
"A what?"
I prayed for patience. I really did. But every other word I threw at, her she made me repeat. "A healing wand," I repeated with a deep sigh.
She laughed. "Oh."
"What did you think it was?" I asked.
Her face turned crimson red, making me worry about her health once again.
"Never mind," she mumbled, lowering her head, having her brown hair fan her like a curtain and arousing my curiosity.
"No, seriously, what did you think it was?" I wanted to know.
She lifted her head and tilted it defiantly before staring me straight in the eyes. "A dildo, okay?"
"A what?" Maybe I had judged her too harshly because it was my turn to ask her to repeat words I had no clue what they meant.
Her sigh was just as deep and exasperated as mine earlier. "It's something human women use to pleasure themselves with, all right? Can we just leave it at that?"
I blinked and stared at the healing wand. At her. The way her legs drew together and how she crossed them made me inadvertently think of the sex between her legs. Between mine. I narrowed my eyes at the healing wand but didn't see any resemblance to my cock in it.
"When you say pleasure themselves…" It wasn't like I needed her to draw me a picture, but the healing wand might be oblong, but it was also rather short and skinny. Not even a quarter of the size of my cock. Did that mean human's cocks were that little?
"Just what you think, big guy." Hannah nodded.
I couldn't stop myself. "Are human males that… small?"
She closed her eyes as if she was the one praying for patience now.
"Is that what concerns you the most about this?" She opened her eyes, looking amused and frustrated at the same time. "You need to know if you… aliens… whatever you are"—she waved her hand—"have bigger cocks than our men?"