"What are you going to do?" I asked Zaarek.
"I'm going to see if I can find Raasla or Noodar."
"Already done," Nock stoppedme, holding up his tablet. "Space Guardian Noodar vanished a few years back. He had been assigned to Lady Luphelia, a Mantarian, to protect her on her way to her wedding. The ship simply vanished, and nobody has heard from or seen them since."
I pondered his words. Was it really that farfetched that Noodar, too, had found his soulmate and taken off? I was willing to make that assumption in light of Raasla and me developing the bond.
"What about Raasla?"
"He is still hunting down humans, according to the Ohrur database."
"Did you hack in again?" I demanded, alarmed.
"Of course not. You can simply look this information up with your credentials," Nock explained smugly.
I bit down a retort, because I hadn't given him access to use my credential, but that would have been petty given our situation.
"So, now what?" Nova asked. "Can we contact this… Raasla?"
"Not through the regular channels. It would raise red flags." I stared at Nock, whose expression turned even more smug.
"That's assuming Raasla watches your stream," I cautioned.
"Oh, you're gonna contact him via Nock, genius." Nova clapped her hands. "Please, everybody watches my stream."
"How many people watch your stream?" Nova asked, making me glad I didn't have to.
"Billions." Even Nock's gray skin seemed to glow now.
"Wow," Nova expressed.
I rolled my eyes. "Not when you consider that the universe is filled with trillions of inhabitants."
"Mood killer." Nova elbowed me.
"I don't watch his show. I doubt any Space Guardians do." It wasn't a full lie. The only stream from him I had watched was the one about me. Before Nova, I had used my spare time to broaden my knowledge about weapons and ships. Not watching silly streams about the universe's cutest pets or who married whom. I did try to keep up with current events like the Cryon and Pandraxian drama.
"Maybe not, but they're not looking to connect with others." Nock was in his element.
"And what makes you think Raasla wants to connect?" I was still skeptical.
"The fact that he went looking for Noodar…" Nock sounded as if he were talking to a petulant youngling, forcing me to tone my temper down before I knocked him over the head.
"Noodar might have simply been overtaken, failing his mission." I pointed out.
"So what?" Nova shrugged, managing to raise my ire at her, which she hadn't done in a long time, not since we had declared our love for one another. But I couldn't take her nonchalance regarding another fellow Space Guardian.
Her next words made it better, though. "It sounds that either way, he’s trying to connect with someone. So why not us."
I didn't like the idea of working with another Space Guardian, not at all. The only time I ever had before had been a disaster. We successfully finished our mission more because of luck than skills. We had argued the entire time, both of us trying to outdo the other, being better than the other. It was an alpha drive, the drive to accomplish the mission and please the Ohrur. To be better, stronger, smarter than the other. Not to forget that all of us had the ingrained sense of needing to be in control. But there was also something else. Something I couldn't quite pinpoint, I had always put it to my drive to be alone, but now I wondered… yes, I had tried to get rid of Nock and Nova at first, but when I met up with one of my colleagues, it was a different drive to get away. Almost like two magnets repelling each other. It was okay for a few hours, but more time than that was nearly unbearable.
Just thinking of Vraax Drasil sent my blood boiling. That no good, arrogant, asteroid-chasing bastard. Oh, he was good. He knew how to fight and did so well, but he had no idea how to take orders. I was the commanding officer the last time we worked together; I was older and had more experience. Did he listen, though? Oh no, he nearly got both of us killed; that's what he did. If I never saw him again, that would be too soon. He still owed me for the blaster he ruined.
"What are you going to say?" Nova asked Nock, either not picking up on my mood taking a downward turn or ignoring it.
"I'm not sure yet. It has to be subtle. Yet, it needs to be pointed." Nock turned to me. "The Ohrurs know I'm with you, right?"