Page 52 of Guardian's Heart

"There’s something… I’ve never told anyone." I began hoping by all the stars I wasn't making a big mistake. "Sometimes, I dream about places I’ve never been, fighting battles I don’t remember. It’s always the same—three moons, one purple, a bright red sun, and the most amazing trees I've ever seen. There is danger lurking right behind me, and I know I must fight. But the strangest part? I’m not fighting for survival. I’m fighting like I’m protecting something—someone."

I hesitated, my voice dropping because this was the hardest part. "It’s not just a dream, I don't think. It just doesn't feel like a dream. Sometimes, I wake up feeling like I left something behind—someone I was meant to protect. But I don’t know who they were or why it matters. All I know is sometimes my life feels wrong. Like I don’t belong here."

By the end of my confession, my head was a pounding mess, and I had to cradle it in my hands. I heard Nova's chair move back, and then she stood behind me. Her hands grabbed my shoulders, and her fingers dug into my flesh, massaging it. I groaned; it felt so frygging good.


He looked so painedI couldn't help but try to massage the pain away from him. Fuck, when I dared him, I hadn't expectedthis. This was huge. I was sure the Ohrurs had done something to him. Something unspeakable, and I wouldn't rest until I knew what it was.

I didn't have a life anymore, not on Earth. My future looked not necessarily bleak but like a white page, and I had no idea how to fill it. What I understood, though, was the desire to find something out. Zaarek had saved my life a few times… and I saved him… but I didn't think that made us even. Besides, I was developing feelings for the big brute and wasn't ready to explore them yet, so it was easier to feel like I owed him.

"We're gonna find out what they did, I promise," I said, kissing the top of his head.

He looked up. "This isn't your fight."

I knew he didn't mean to hurt me with those words. They did a little, but I understood where he came from. He was a man accustomed to fighting alone. He wasn't used to others havinghis back. Friends. So, I did my best not to show my offense to his words.

"Let me tell you a quick story." I sat on his lap because it felt more natural than to pull out the chair again. He didn't object; his hands rested on my hips and thigh protectively, sending jolts of happiness through me. I couldn't remember the last time I had felt this protected. Not since… Tuck. But like I had already admitted to myself, Zaarek was a man. A male! An alpha male. My attraction to him grew with every passing minute we spent together.

"I had a brother," I dove in, "Tucker. One day, he and his friends went out into the swamps and never returned. To this day, I have no idea what happened to him. Did he drown? Did a gator eat him? Did his friends kill him? They vanished, too. Did they get drunk or high and get lost? Did he run away? The point is, I don't know. I never found out. I never got closure. And I'll be damned if you're going to be another person whose story I won't know how it ends."

He pulled me against his chest and kissed me. It was a different kiss from the ones before. It was deep and… affectionate. So much so that I fought tears welling in my eyes.

"You are the most astonishing female I've ever met," he confessed when we came up for breath.

Neither one of us realized that it was getting late, not until the lights were dimming.

"I should feed the humans," Zaarek suggested.

"I'll help," I offered.

It didn't take long, and Nock was nowhere to be found. So we decided he was probably in his room and didn't want to disturb him in case he was sleeping again. So we went intoourquarters.

I wasn't sure what it was, but the moment our eyes fell on the shirt Zaarek had ripped off me, we were at each other again like horny teenagers. Clothes were flying everywhere before wefucked on the couch, the table and the bed. After he showed me the most amazing thing.

There was a bathtub in the bathroom. Only it was the shower thing. The large space I mentioned underneath the window, the one perfect for a bathtub? Yes, that's exactly where the showerlaydown. It was big enough for the two of us and we made another mess in there.

"You should let the cleaning drones back in," I advised when I carefully stepped out of the water around the puddles left on the floor.

"You're right," he agreed, picking me up and carrying me to bed. "But first, let's get some sleep."

As soon as he said the word, my eyes felt heavy, and I was out before he stepped into bed. I barely remember him pulling me against him.

I woke to him thrashing like he was running. He was soaked in sweat, and in the dim lights, I made out how tortured his expression was.

"Zaarek." I shook him. "Zaarek, wake up."

He shot up, his eyes alert, ready to fight, and I instinctively shrunk back, just in case he might see me as an enemy before all his senses were awake.

"Nova?" He blinked.

"Did you have that dream again?" I asked.

He nodded, holding his head.

I scooted over and took him into my arms.

"It's okay," I whispered, kissing his chest. "We'll figure this out."