Page 66 of Guardian's Heart

"I've always been intrigued by you, Space Guardians. I worked once with a male named Xaalen, a very impressive male. To be honest, it never crossed my mind to ask what species he was." Garth looked apologetically at me.

I rubbed my chin, getting tired of the same conversation and questions, but that only underlined the importance of what we were doing. "I wish I could help more." Garth waved a servant over to fill our cups.

"Your understanding is more than enough. Thank you, Garth."

"Our females seem to be getting along just fine." He smiled, and his dark eyes reflected his love for his mate when he turned to look at her.

They did. It warmed my heart to see Nova this animated. For a fraction of a moment, I considered whether she wouldn't be better off staying here, but I disregarded that idea right away. Not only for the obvious selfish reasons but because our matingmarks might have allowed some distance between us now, but I was sure, would start burning like I dipped my arm into acid before I even made it out of the atmosphere.

Dinner was brought in and from Nova's oohs and aahs, I figured she was enjoying the dishes. I sure was.

"A lot of it is human cuisine," Garth explained.

"It's fabulous and hard to tame," Nock complained, twirling his fork through what Silla had called spaghetti.

I preferred the meat course and roasted vegetables, while Nock exclaimed aboutgarlic bread.

"With the Cryons retreat from Earth, we're able import a lot of things the humans have been missing."

"Wait, they left?" Nova exclaimed.

"Not willingly. Emperor Daryus had one of his famous temper fits and ordered Superior Commander Xandros of the Imperial Forces totake them out." Silla filled her in with a slight smirk as if reliving her favorite memory. She sighed deeply. "That was one of the greatest moments of my life. Hadn't I already been head over heels in love with Garth here"—she pecked the Lord Protector on the cheek—"I would have so fallen for the Emperor."

"I'm not sure what to think about that…" Garth looked torn between awe and consternation. "But, vra, it was quite spectacular."

"I want you to blow the frygging Cryons out of the sky. Right now! I want you to free every single human on their ships," Silla said, making her voice deep to make it clear she was repeating the emperor's words. She clapped her hands and laughed. "One of the best moments of my life."

"What are the others?" Garth leaned over to her and she whispered something in his ear that made him look at her as if he was ready to carry her off to bed right frygging now.

"Earth is no longer occupied by the Cryons?" Nova made sure with tears in her eyes. My heart clenched. Did that mean she wanted to go back?

"Did a lot of the humans return to Earth then?" Nock asked, leaning around me.

"Some, not as many as I would have thought," Garth replied.

"How about Xandros, the Superior Commander of the Imperial Forces? I heard his mate wanted to return to Earth?" Nock kept peppering him.

"You have to ask Silla about Ashley. She's more in touch with her than I am. All I know is that both Xandros and Ashley are busy trying to gain access to a Cryon planet that holds some damming evidence." Garth held out his cup for more vepo. The old Pandraxians stayed away from liquor. Their preferred choice of beverage was enhanced water, vepo.

"How about some juicy stories about the Terrible Triplets?" Nock kept going. Whatever had kept him quiet so far seemed to have left him, and he was making up for it with a vengeance.

Garth nearly choked on his vepo and ended in a coughing fit while I glared at Nock. "Nock!"

"What, that would make an excellent stream, an exclusive with Lord Protector Garth about his, the emperors, and the superior commander's exploits in their youth." Nock's eyes were wide with excitement.

"I apologize for my… " I failed to put a name to Nock. He wasn't a friend. Neither was he a partner or brother. "He's a holostreamer and—"

"No way!" A youngling, maybe about twelve years old, ran forward. "You're Nock." He reached Nock's side. "Uncle Garth, you didn't tell me that the famous Nock would be here tonight." The youngling turned to Garth.

Uncle? This kid was a human.

Garth coughed a little bit more before he rubbed the boy's hair. "Well, I wanted to surprise you."

"This is Kevin," Garth introduced. "We semi-adopted him before Xandros and Ashely found his parents."

"That was a big surprise too." Kevin beamed but turned his attention right back to Nock. " Nock! wow, I can’t believe it’s really you! I watch all your streams! You’re like… the coolest holostreamer ever!"

Nock ate up the attention, visibly growing in his chair, his chest swelling, and now and then, he threw a triumphant glance my way, in asee, I'm famouskind of way, and I rolled my eyes.