Page 64 of Guardian's Heart

"Other Space Guardian," Nock inquired.

"Vra—Yes," Garth provided, not appearing as happy as Silla about it. "I imagine you're going off chasing comet's trails like your associate?"

"I'm not following." Zaarek frowned at the Lord Protector.

"They don’t talk to each other," I filled Garth and Silla in.

"Oh," Silla nodded as if that explained it all.

"I mean, you’re going to suspend your hunt for more humans in order to find out where those markings came from," Garth explained.

"No, of course—"

"Yes," I interrupted Zaarek. "Is that a problem?"

"Since the Emperor is paying for four Space Guardians to rescue as many humans as possible, and now fifty percent of them are abandoning their mission, vra, that's a problem."

"Garth," Silla chided.

Zaarek glared at me with athat's why I didn't want to say anythingexpression, and I shrugged. I liked Silla and, tosome extent, Garth, and not only because they were saving humankind. I didn't like the idea of lying to them.

"Let's not say abandon. Let's call it pausing." I tried my most charming smile at the Lord Protector.

But Garth's attention was riveted on Zaarek. "Is that so?"

"I promise, on my honor, that I will continue rescuing as many humans as possible as soon as I figure out what these mating marks are," Zaarek swore.

"Can you vouch for Raasla as well?" Garth cocked his head.

"Raasla is the other Space Guardian?" Zaarek checked.

"They really don't know about each other?" Silla asked me, and I shook my head.

Garth nodded at the same time.

"I will talk to him. I cannot promise anything for certain on his behalf, but my brothers and I are honorable males. I'm sure he will keep his end of the bargain," Zaarek assured Garth.

Silla nudged her husband, who sighed and looked so lovingly at her. I had to stop my hands from flying to my chest because the sight was so heartwarming.

"You aren't the one who will have to deal with Daryus if this gets out," Garth groaned.

That he was on a first-name basis with the emperor assured me that whatever repercussions would come the Lord Protector's way wouldn't be too harsh.

Silla shrugged. "He has mellowed since he married Heather."

"Some but not fully." Garth didn't look convinced,

At my questioning expression, Nock explained, "Emperor Daryus is famous for his… volatile temper."

"Hah, volatile." Garth scoffed. "Hiding inside an active volcano is preferable to being in the same room with Daryus when he explodes."

I looked at Silla, who nodded in agreement. "But don't feel bad. We'll handle it. I promise."

Looking at the situation from Garth and Silla's point of view, they were going out of their way to help us. It was true the emperor was paying a lot of money to save humanity. Not only that, when I thought about all the humans out there, having been taken by the Cryons and taken God knew where. Waiting, hoping, praying for a miracle, I wondered how selfish Zaarek and I were being not doing what we could in helping them.

"Don't feel bad. If I've learned one thing since the Cryons took me from Earth, it's that there seems to be something deeper at play here. Like a guiding force." Silla cringed. "You probably think I'm a raging lunatic."

"Not at all," I reassured her, holding out my arm with the marks. "I would have laughed on Earth if someone told me about mating marks or soulmate bonds."