Page 28 of Guardian's Heart

She returned the gesture with a snarl and a shoulder bump to the arm, waiting in the furthest corner for me to join her.

I positioned myself so I was between her and the opening, facing whoever awaited us in the transporter first. My hands hovered over both my blasters, and I was coiled for a fight.

To my disappointment, I stared into the face of a Nuxta trader. One of the few honest ones. Or as honest as one can get in the slave trade.

The Nuxta held out his comm with his one arm for payment, and I reached for mine, waiting for the two to connect.

"How much?"

"Four thousand credits," the Nuxta replied.

For this short ride, it was an outrageous amount, but considering he was picking us up at night from the middle of nowhere, it was fair.

"Make it five," I grunted. I liked giving large tips on the Ohrurs’ accounts. It was one of the small things that gave mepleasure. I wasn't sure why I felt resentment for my employers, but it was always there when I interacted with a minder.

"Thank you, Space Guardian. Please take a seat. Do you wish for any refreshments?"

I turned to Nova. "Do you?"

She shook her head, her eyes roaming the transporter's inside and trying hard not to stare at the Nuxta, who had to have awoken her human curiosity. Even used to the variety of species in the universe, it was hard for me to keep my eyes off the Nuxta. From an evolutionary standpoint, he shouldn't have been able to exist, or if he did, definitely not in a technically advanced state as his species was. Every Nuxta looked the same as the other: one eye, one arm, one leg. Their bodies were thin without a discernable skeleton; they looked more like an orange stem of grass, hovering above the floor with one foot.

"Suit yourself." I crashed on one of the benches, trying to get comfortable on the too narrow seat.

The Nuxta retreated. "It won't take but a moment. I expect drop off at the spaceport is adequate?"

Again, I only grunted my approval, staring through the still-open doors as the Nuxta took us away from the forest. He had been right; the ride only took a few moments, whereas walking would have been a good two days.

Nova had her back turned to me, holding on to a handle; she stared out, allowing the wind to whip her hair back, giving me an unobstructed view of her. Even covered with my too-wide cloak, she looked fragile, raising the urge to stand next to her, to hold her, and ensure she wouldn't fall out. I resisted, but it took an effort.

She stood erect and proud, her chin jutted out from her profile, reminding me of her stubborn nature.

The ship lowered quickly, and the new gust lifted the hem of the cloak, exposing her long, creamy legs. The memory of themwrapped around me caused my blood to rush into my cock, making me dizzy and harden it so fast it bordered on painful. It took another effort to stay enraged at her and even more to stay where I was—only years of training and honed willpower enabled me not to move.


The alien who pickedus up was more than curious to look at. I forced myself not to stare, but it was hard.

I ignored the exchange between him and Zaarek, who had been grumpy since he left the camp, and not much had improved after his return. I understood his rage. It seethed inside me too. Still, his anger irritated me. Just as much as the stupid tattoos that had burned more with every step he took from me. Or so I assumed since I had no idea where he went, but when it started to soothe, it took about the same amount of time as it had to build up and stopped when he returned.

Not wanting to face him, I pretended to be asleep when he came back, and by the way the pain slowly retreated, I could tell how close he got. Damn him, and damn these stupid tattoos. I hated both.

I stared out over the dark forest and did my best to ignore him during the short flight that would bring me back to where our strange relationship had started. From here, the distance I had traveled seemed ridiculously little, and yet it had taken twodays. In no time, we returned to the well-lit spaceport, filled with activity even though it had to be the equivalent of midnight, making me wonder if this place ever shut down.

Zaarek didn't give me a chance to say goodbye to our strange ferryman and pulled me out of the ship the moment it set down on the tarmac. He took my hand and I would be lying had I said I didn't feel the electric jolt go through me at the contact. God, I wanted to kiss this man. No, no! I wanted to kick his balls for being an ass.After we kiss him, my body suggested. The jumbled feelings inside me were beginning to drive me crazy, making me wonder if I might have to kill the man just to find peace.

Besides the fact that I wasn't a killer, I feared what would happen if I actually followed through with that urge. Would it break the spell, or would it awaken the wrath of the damn tattoos?

"This way." He dragged me over the tarmac. I stumbled a few times, trying to keep up with him.

"Where are we going?" I panted.

"My ship," he informed me curtly.

"Are the others there?"

"I will go get them as soon as I have you safe aboard my vessel."

What? He was going to dump me off at his ship while he went gallivanting through… wherever the fuck we were? I didn't think so. "I want to go with you."