The comment shocks me. But one look at Aubrey, and I can tell she shares her father’s sentiment. Barbara, too.
Seriously? I don’t have the heart to tell any of them this, but even if I keep the lake house after the custody hearing, it’d only be a second home. A vacation retreat from my real life in LA. How could this place ever be anything else, considering what I do for a living? “I’m waiting till after the custody hearing to make any firm decisions about my future,” I reply to Joe, just as Aubrey bustles Raine into the house.
“I guess that makes sense,” Joe says.
“Yeah, I don’t feel like I can make any decisions about anything other than my pursuit of Raine till then.”
Truthfully, I don’t know what I’ll do if winning at the hearing somehow causes me to lose Aubrey. For instance, if Aubrey decides moving to LA for good to be with Raine and me isn’t in the cards for her. I’ve been assuming that’s what Aubrey would do, if the judge grants me full custody. I’ve taken it for granted Aubrey would set everything aside to move to my city—Raine’s new home with me. But the look Aubrey flashed me before heading into the house? Yeah, it’s calling my assumptions into question. Reminding me of the old adage about what happens when youassume. And now, suddenly, I’m scared shitless that the price of me becoming the father Raine deserves will be me losing the woman who’s made that possible.
Chapter 26
Aubrey is on fire tonight.
That would be a true statement every night, of course. The woman’s an atomic bomb. But tonight . . . Jesus fucking Christ. Is this white-hot blowjob Aubrey’s gifting me her way of thanking me for the truck I gave her father earlier tonight? If so, I’ll gladly buy the man a fleet of trucks every week. A fleet of yachts, airplanes, and helicopters, too.
Was it watching me dancing around with Raine to “Pretty Girl” that got Aubrey’s motor running so hot tonight? If so, I’ll dance with my daughter to every girl-power anthem in the world, every night of my life.
I tilt my head back on my pillow and sling my forearm over my eyes, trying to withstand the insane pleasure Aubrey’s giving me. It feels so good, it’s blurring with pain. Catapulting me into a state of delirium. Does this woman’s mouth have a personal vendetta against my cock or what?
As Aubrey’s mouth takes me higher and higher, I start shaking and shuddering, like she’s using a Taser on me.And when my loud groans threaten to wake up the Munchkin across the hallway, she hands me a pillow for my face.
After the crestfallen look on Aubrey’s face earlier tonight—the one she wore when her father expressed surprise about my current state of indecision regarding the cabin—I thought Aubrey might want to skip sex tonight, in favor of talking about my vision for the future.
But the opposite happened. When Aubrey came to my room tonight, not only did she want sex, as usual, she attacked me like never before and told me some good news: she’d brokered a deal with Raine to sleep with my sister, Auntie Miranda, for the whole night. Which means Aubrey can stay in my bed the entire night, for the first time, ever, without needing to sneak back to Raine by sunrise.
Aubrey tries a new angle with her mouth, and my eyes suddenly roll back into my head. What kind of sorcery is this? I’ve had more blowjobs than I care to admit; but not a single one has ever made me feel like I’m being physically electrocuted by pleasure.
“Aubrey,” I grit out from behind the pillow smashed over my face. “What are you doing to me, baby?” If I knew this was waiting for me every night, I’d never need another drop of alcohol or hit of weed. I’d never suck on a vape again or pop a gummy. Hell, I’d never even take a fucking Tylenol, if I knew this drug of a woman was all mine, forever.
It’s the first time I’ve thought the word in relation to Aubrey. But the minute the word strikes me, it feels natural and right. Like a no-brainer. In fact, thinking about Aubrey being mine forever only turns me on, even more.
As another shockwave of arousal rockets through me, I buck my hips and grip Aubrey’s hair, trying to hang on.
My balls tighten, and a growl hurtles out of me from the depths of my soul.
Aubrey lets out a low, ragged groan that matches my own desperate sounds; and a second later, a tsunami of ecstasy slams into me, throttling me with a release that’s so fucking body-quaking and head-spinning, I can’t keep myself from writhing on the bed like a goddamned marlin hauled onto a fishing boat.
I’m expecting Aubrey to pull away and let me come all over my stomach. But, instead, she shoves my cock down her throat like a champ and enthusiastically swallows every drop of me. So fucking hot.
It’s not the first time I’ve been swallowed down. Not even close. But it’s the best time, by a long mile. Although everything Aubrey does at this point, both in and out of bed, is the best time. A godsend. Another reason to fall even more deeply and madly in love with her. I’ve entered The Promised Land. Sheer Nirvana. A place no drug or booze or any other woman could possibly take me.
When my quaking orgasm ends, I slide the pillow off my face and inhale deeply. “Jesus, Aubrey,” I mutter on my exhale. “That was incredible.” I raise my head to look at her. And what I behold is damn-near the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Aubrey looks shit-faced drunk. So, full of lust, she’s seeing stars.
“Here, kitty-kitty,” I coo in a low grumble. “Come sit on my face, baby.”
With a greedy smile, she lets me guide her onto my face; at which point, I grip her hips firmly and fuck her with my tongue and lips like a man possessed. As her pleasure ramps up, and her movements become more and moreheated and desperate, I get into it more and more. Until soon, I’ve got Aubrey writhing and gyrating on my face like she’s on the brink of total and complete obliteration.
A string of expletives pours out of Aubrey’s mouth. Suddenly, she begins snapping her hips back and forth on my face with even more fervor, like she’s a sprinter who’s lunging forward toward the finish-line tape.
With a fierce grip of my forearms and a long, low growl, she freezes, stock-still, on top of me. And a second later, every inch of flesh in contact with my tongue and lips begins pulsing and throbbing rhythmically.