“Yes, she is.” Caleb’s green eyes are positively sparkling. “Very,verybeautiful.”
Fuck. I thought having sex with Caleb—three times—last night would get him out of my system. Help me resist him, once and for all. But no such luck. He’s even hotter today than last night. Especially when he calls me “beautiful,” while dancing with Raine to an absolute bop of a song.
“I slept great,” I manage. “For the few hours I got, anyway.”
Caleb snickers, knowing full wellhe’sthe reason I barely got a wink of sleep.
His incredible mouth. Those talented fingers.That relentless dick. All of a sudden, all of it is flickering across my mind.
“What about you?” I ask. “How’d you sleep?”
Caleb pops a blueberry into his mouth and winks. “Aubrey Capshaw, I can honestly say I got the best damned sleep I’ve ever had in my entire bleeping life last night.”
“Oh yeah. Shoot.” His chuckle rumbles through the kitchen. “I made a stack of blueberry for you, by the way.” He points to a plate of pancakes on the counter. “A little birdie told me that’s your favorite, Auntie Aubbey.”
“Abirdie?” Raine says, looking around.
“A birdie named Pop-Pop. It’s a joke.”
“Oh.” Raine laughs uproariously, and Caleb chuckles and pokes her belly. “Don’t worry, Shortcake. The same birdie told me you love chocolate chip pancakes. I waited to make a batch of those withyou.”
“Dat my favorite,” Raine confirms. “Best damn.”
I palm my forehead, as Caleb cracks up.
“See how that works?” I tease. But he’s howling with laughter. Not worried in the slightest he’s taught Raine a bad word. “She’s a sponge, Caleb,” I say. But as much as I want to continue chastising him, I can’t. His laughter is too cute. Too irresistible. And soon, I’m laughing, too. When I’m finally able to control myself again, I say, “I admit it’s hilarious, but don’t curse around her again. A social worker is going to interview her in LA before the hearing, remember?”
Caleb’s smile fades. Reality sinks in. Our little bubble is popped. Shoot. Why’d I say that?
“Yeah, okay. I’ll be more careful.” Caleb takes a deep breath and returns to Raine, his jaw tight. “Ready to add the chocolate chips to the bowl now?”
“Ready!” To emphasize her readiness, Raine shakes her little booty with glee, causing me to reflexively lurch toward her, since she’s now standing atop an old wooden chair. I needn’t worry, though. At the first shake of Raine’s little body, her big, strong daddy is there to slide a muscled arm around her and keep her safe.
Swoon, swoon, swoon.
And fuck, fuck, fuck.
I feel exactly like I did last night, when Caleb had Raine on his lap in front of the drum kit. Like a goner. Like a flock of bald eagles has landed inside my belly and started mercilessly flapping around. Like clouds are parting and sunshine is streaming in and rainbows are filling the air all around me. Is this ridiculous swoon of euphoria going to happen to me every time Raine and Caleb have an adorable moment together? If so, I’m in trouble, because falling in love with Caleb simply isn’t an option. I mean, come on. Sex was one thing. But pinning my actual hopes on the man being a long-term partner is something else entirely.
“Okay, that’s enough stirring, party chef,” Caleb says. “All good.”
Still bopping in place, Raine abruptly raises the wooden mixing spoon as part of her choreography, but because she’s been stirring the contents of her bowl with it, she unintentionally flings pancake batter across the countertop, a cabinet, and the floor.
“Uh oh,” Raine says, grimacing. “I make mess.” She looks up at Caleb with wide, blue eyes, awaiting his reaction. And much to her relief and mine, Caleb reacts the same way Claudia always did. With laughter and a gentle hug.
“It’s okay,” Caleb coos to his daughter. “We all make mistakes. Even me. Especially me. Hey, Aubbey, will youcome over here and stand next to our girl, while I grab a rag?”
Our girl.
Why is that phrasing hitting me so hard?
My heart stampeding, I head over to Raine and keep her stable on her chair while Caleb cleans up the mess. When he’s done, he pinches my ass behind Raine’s back and says, “Thanks, Aubbey. You da best.”
“Da best!” Raine echoes.
“After my Zoom call, I’m gonna give Raine another swimming lesson, and then I told her we’d watchMonsters, Inc.together;so feel free to take a long nap today, if you happen to need to catch up on sleep for any reason.” With a grin, he leans in to kiss my lips, like it’s the most natural thing in the world for him to do. But I jerk back, reflexively, not wanting Raine to witness our physical connection and get the wrong idea about what it means. Hell, I’m not sure what it means, so how can I expect Raine to understand it? All I know is the poor girl’s already had one happily ever snatched away from her. She doesn’t need to get her hopes up about another one, and have that one snatched away, too, when Dadda and Auntie Aubbey don’t become a couple, after all.