Page 34 of Finding Home

I scoff. “No, I don’t want to hear about that, even a little bit.” It’s a bald-faced lie, but a necessary one. No matter what, I’m determined not to give in to my shocking, detestable impulse to tackle this man and do every imaginable thing with the hard dick I witnessed him stroking this morning.

He winks. “Okay, well, if that changes, let me know.”

“It won’t.” I’ve said that with more confidence than I feel, but there’s no way I’m going to let this egomaniac know his magnetism is working on me. I motion to the dangling keys in the ignition. “Are you going to drive us to Billings, or am I going to spend the rest of the day, sitting in my parents’ driveway, trying my damnedest to overcome the urge to strangle you?”

With another chuckle, one that makes me feel certain Caleb knows his charisma is working its magic on me, Caleb turns the ignition and pulls out of my parents’ driveway. And the moment we break eye contact and I’m no longer required to maintain the mask of disdain I’ve been wearing throughout this entire back and forth, I turn toward the passenger-side window and let loose the beaming smile I’ve been holding back through sheer force of will—the grin that’s been threatening to break free, ever since Caleb admitted he thinks of himself as abosswho wants to fuck hisemployee.

Chapter 13


“Now,thisis a truck,” Caleb says. We’ve made it to I-90, the interstate that leads straight into Billings, and Caleb can’t stop talking about how much he loves driving my dad’s old tank of a truck.

“Isn’t she great?” I tap on Big Betty’s dashboard with my knuckle. “Dad’s had her forever, and she just keeps on chugging.”

“They sure don’t make ‘em like this anymore.”

“Dad always says the same thing. Whenever he needs to buy a new truck, he’s going to get the brand-new version of this one.”

“How soon is he planning on getting a new truck? Whenever he does, I’d be tempted to buy this one off him and pay whatever it takes to get it refurbished.” He pauses. “I mean, assuming I’ve kept the cabin, of course.”

Crap. Why hasn’t Caleb made up his mind about that, when it would be in everyone’s best interest for him to keep the lake house? There’s no place quite like Prairie Springs, especially for raising a kid. Why can’t he see that? “I don’t know when Dad will be able to afford a new truck, now thathe’s injured. I guess we can cross that bridge, if you decide to keep the lake house.”

A short silence looms between us.

Caleb adjusts his hands on the steering wheel. Clears his throat. “So, tell me, Aubrey, doyouhave a boyfriend?”

I snort-laugh. “You said that like we were in the middle of a conversation, and I’d just asked you the same question in reverse.”

“You did ask me the same question. Earlier today, right before our walk around the lake. Remember?”

I pull a face. “And you’re only now getting around to throwing the question back at me?”

“I had some phone calls to make, remember? Also, you were annoying the fuck out of me with your goody-two-shoes routine, so I didn’t feel like talking to you anymore.”

I scoff. “If not being willing to lie under oath makes me a goody two shoes, I’ll wear that as a badge of honor.”

Caleb rolls his eyes. “Do you have a boyfriend or not?”

“Why so testy?”

“Just answer the question.”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Why did you want to know the same thing about me?”

“I didn’t. Don’t.”

“Then why’d you ask me the question?”

“I don’t think I did. I think I assumed one of your calls might be to a girlfriend, and you corrected me.”

“Same thing.”

“Not at all.”

“Just answer the fucking question, for fuck’s sake. Jesus Aubrey. Whether you asked me directly or not, you still got the information out of me. Fair is fair.”