I glance back again. “Well, you’ll be happy to know the odds of it happening are low, anyway. Aubrey hates my guts, so I don’t think she’d say yes to me, even if I tried.”
“If that changes, if Aubrey decides she can overlook her hatred of you for some meaningless fun in the sack, then, please, resist the temptation and keep your dick in your pants. This hearing is going to be contentious, and we both know you’ve got a horrible track record with women.”
I’ve reached the patch of shoreline that’s directly in front of my house, so I stop walking and turn to look at Aubrey on the path behind me. She’s not dancing like she’s in a music video any longer. She’s now gazing out at the lake as she moves, looking contemplative and hot as hell.
“I’ve got a counseling session to attend,” I say to Paula. “Keep me posted on the lawsuit.”
“You and Aubrey will need to sign declarations in support of our pleadings, by the way. I’ll email them to you to look over and sign today.”
“I’ll let Aubrey know.”
“She really should have her own attorney to help her understand her rights and the process. If I find someone to represent her, will youfoot the bill?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because it’s the right thing to do. Because helping Aubrey will ultimately help Raine, and you’re a fit father who’ll do anything to help your child and the people she loves. But also because, if Aubrey has her own legal counsel, she’ll be even more credible in court, which will ultimately help your cause.”
I exhale. “Fine. Do it.”
“Thank you, sir. Enjoy your Zoom call.”
“Can’t wait.”
We say our goodbyes and hang up, at which point, I beckon to Aubrey to come close. With each step she takes toward me, the more my body starts buzzing with my intense, undeniable attraction to her.
I know what Paula said about fucking Aubrey, but I can’t imagine the threat ofpotentially“bad optics” keeping me from shooting my shot with her, should the opportunity arise. Last night, Aubrey brazenly stared at my hard-on, when we crashed into each other in the cramped hallway, supposedly by accident. And this morning, Aubrey rushed to my room the minute she heard me groaning out her name, exactly like I was hoping she’d do.
Sorry, Paula. If my next ploy to get Aubrey’s attention, whatever it turns out to be, works out even better than the first two, I can’t imaginenotat least trying to ride that wave as far as Aubrey will let me take it.
Chapter 12
“Hey, Dad,” I say, as Caleb and I walk into my parents’ house to borrow Dad’s truck for our drive to Billings.
“Hey,” Dad replies. “The keys are on the hook.” He’s sitting on the couch with his leg up. In front of him, Raine sits with her dolls, stuffed animals, and plastic tea set strewn across the carpet. When she sees me, however, she gets up and bounds over.
“Hi, sweetie,” I say, scooping her up and giving her a squeeze. “Remember Mommy’s good friend, Caleb?” When I put her down, Raine clings to my legs and stares shyly up at Caleb’s towering, tattooed figure.
To his credit, Caleb crouches down low, all the way to Raine’s eye level, before greeting her softly with, “Hi, Rainey. I hope you’ll color with me again soon. You’re an excellent teacher.”
Raine shakes her head and digs her tiny fingers into my bare thigh.
“Okay, if you don’t want to color,” Caleb saysquickly, “we can do anything else you want.” He motions to the toys on the carpet. “We could have a tea party, maybe?”
Raine looks up at me for reassurance and I express my encouragement.
“We pway bawn?” she squeaks out.
Caleb looks simultaneously elated and confused. Happy Raine’s addressed him, but baffled because he’s obviously got no idea what the heck she just said to him.
“You want to playbomb?” Caleb asks, his brows cinched together. “Did Aubrey tell you my name is C-Bomb?” He gasps excitedly. “You want to playdrumswith me, Raine?”
Raine shakes her head and repeats herself in frustration, to no avail; so I finally decide to act as Raine’s interpreter, more to ease the poor girl’s frustration than Caleb’s obvious cluelessness.
“She wants you to playbarn,” I clarify. “As in, barn animals.”
“Oooh,” Caleb says. “Sure. Yes. Anything you want.” He cocks his head. “How, exactly, is that game played?”