Caleb murmurs, “Good, bad, ugly. That’s what I promised you.”
“Ralph didn’t aim his gun at you,” I blurt. It’s what I’ve been suspecting, since the moment I saw his dead body in the bushes. If I know my man, he didn’t wait for Ralph toaim a gun at him before firing. No, I’d bet anything Caleb took his shot before letting that happen.
Caleb nods slowly. “Ralph wasn’t even holding his gun when I shot him. It was stuffed in his belt, because he had both hands on the crowbar.”
I take a shallow breath. “I had a feeling.”
His nostrils flare. “After I shot him, I used my sleeve to lift his gun out of his belt and place it in his dead hand.”
I process for a brief moment, and then take Caleb’s hand. Suspecting Caleb took his shot was one thing; but knowing it for a fact, knowing my man didn’t hesitate to protect his family, is another. Indeed, this electrifying news only makes me love and respect Caleb, all the more.
“What about the duffel bag?” I ask, barely breathing.
Caleb shakes his head. “I didn’t plant that or anything in it. That was all Ralph.”
I exhale. “Thank you for telling me the truth.”
“I couldn’t tell you last night because our neighbor was there. And then the police. But I want you to know, I think of my promise to tell you everything—good, bad, and ugly—as a sacred vow.”
My chest heaves. “It’s a vow for me, too.” I touch his cheek and he closes his eyes at my touch. “What you did was nothing butgood,baby. Not bad or ugly at all.”
Caleb opens his exhausted eyes. “You’re not scared of me now?”
“Scaredof you? Caleb, I’m nothing but proud of you. Grateful for what you did to protect us.”
“I knew we’d always live in fear, if I didn’t seize my chance.”
“No doubt about it. They wouldn’t have kept him long, and he would have kept coming at us, again and again.”
“That was my thinking. At first, anyway.When I pulled the trigger, I don’t think I was thinking at all, honestly.” He takes a deep breath. “Ralph said something horrible about Claudia. And then, he mentioned Raine. And the second Raine’s name left his mouth, I saw him doing to her what he used to do to Claudia. And I just . . . snapped. My body took over and my brain went into a trance.”
I nod. “If I’d been in your shoes, I can only hope I would have been brave enough—and a good enough shot—to do exactly what you did.”
“I was so scared you wouldn’t understand.”
“I do. And I couldn’t love you more than I do right now.” A tidal wave of emotion slams into me. Love for Caleb and Raine. Grief and love for Claudia.
“I’m so relieved,” he whispers.
“Honey, you should talk about this with a counselor. The stuff you can, anyway. You know, so you don’t get PTSD.”
He scoffs. “Trust me, I won’t lose a minute’s sleep over this. Not now that I know you support me.”
“I don’t think a lack of regret is the only factor in terms of PTSD. I think it’s complicated.”
Caleb shrugs. “You heard our neighbor. That fucker came after my family with obviously lethal intentions, and I did what I had to do to protect what’s mine. Honestly, I’d do it again, a thousand times over, without a single regret.”
My heart is exploding with love for him. I don’t know what to say, so I simply whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He pulls me to him for a tender kiss. And when he releases me, he presses his forehead against mine. “I’ll always protect you and Raine. Please, never doubt that.”
“I never will.” I kiss his cheek. “Come on. Let’s get you home and to bed. I’m sure you’re going to sleep for hours.”
When we got home from the police station, Caleb and I crawl into bed, both of us intending to crash after our long, sleepless night.
But when we’re lying nose to nose, I kiss him. And he kisses me back.
And the next thing I know, we’re both naked and Caleb is on top of me, sinking himself inside me. As he thrusts, I wrap myself around his torso and inhale his masculine scent. Sink my fingernails into his bare back. Revel in his strength. His courage. Hislove.