He shook his head and started to undo his shirt. Faye’s eyes helplessly tracked his fingers as his chest was revealed. Did he think she was going to just stay here and lie next to him?
She stood up—but that only brought her to within an inch of his body.
He put his hands on her arms. ‘Where are you going?’ he asked again.
There was a gleam in his eye that she couldn’t quite fully trust. But she heard herself blurting out, ‘You don’t want me any more.’
Primo’s eyes widened incredulously. ‘Why on earth would you think that?’
She avoided his eyes. ‘I was sick...it wasn’t a pretty sight.’
He caught her chin, made her look at him. ‘Do you have any idea how hard it was not to touch you? Would you want me less ifIwas sick?’
Joy and relief bubbled up inside her, making her a little giddy. ‘Well, I guess it would depend... I mean, if you had those nasty little—’
He cut off her words with his mouth, but she could feel his smile and her insides somersaulted and swooped. All the lectures she’d given herself about redrawing boundaries faded into the background when faced with the fact that Primo still wanted her.
Things escalated quickly. His shirt was off. He’d pulled her top up and she’d lifted her arms to help him remove it. Jeans and trousers were undone and kicked off.
They tumbled onto the bed and Primo drew back for a moment and looked at her, clad in the lace and satin of her underwear.
She said, ‘I’ve never done it on a plane before.’
Primo arched a brow.
Suddenly Faye felt blindingly jealous. ‘You have.’
Primo palmed a breast, pulling down the lace cup to expose the plump flesh, teasing a nipple between two fingers. Faye’s back arched as she tried to hang on to her indignation.
Primo said, ‘I admit it’s not my first time, no. But if it’s any consolation, I can’t even remember the woman. And, as this is your first time, I’ll be very, very gentle.’
Faye forgave him as he lowered his mouth to hers and drugged her with a very explicit kiss, hands moving over her body, removing the scraps of underwear.
They came together in a deliciously slow, sensual dance, as gentle as Primo had promised. Until, of course, neither one of them wantedgentleany more, and the pace of their movements and the glide of their bodies became more urgent and desperate.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, heels digging into his buttocks as he thrust in and out, taking them higher and higher, until the climax broke over them simultaneously, both too desperate for this pinnacle to eke it out.
Primo buried his head in her shoulder, breathing fast. ‘I’m sorry...wanted to make it last...’
Faye felt a surge of tenderness and smiled dreamily. ‘It was perfect. Amazing.’
Primo lifted his head and looked at her. ‘What do you do to me, woman? I don’t know who I am when I’m with you...’
Faye’s gaze moved around his face, as if she wanted to imprint every feature on her mind for ever. She landed on his mouth and traced the shape with her finger. ‘I know the feeling.’
They fell asleep, Faye tucked into Primo’s body, his arms tight around her, as they chased the sun across the sky.
São Paulo
Late that afternoon they were in a car and waiting for the gates to Primo’s brother’s home to open. It was at that precise moment that Faye recalled Primo mentioning that they had a little boy and baby twin girls, about eight months old.
What had she been thinking?
She’d instinctively avoided being around babies and small children ever since her miscarriage and operation. But it was too late now. The gates were opening and they were driving between two verdant walls of lush foliage.
They emerged into a huge open space in front of a modern two-storey house. Lots of windows. Faye could see a green lawn, strewn with kids’ toys. Her insides twisted.
Waiting for them was a tall man who Faye recognised instantly as Primo’s brother, but his colouring was lighter, and he was infinitely more casual in low-slung board shorts and a T-shirt. A pretty woman with long reddish-blonde wavy hair stood beside him. Average height. Wearing short cut-off jeans and a pretty loose summer top. She looked nice.