Unless I really was just kidnapped.
“Huh.” I suppose stranger things have happened. But why? If this isn’t a prank and this woman dragged me here then I have way more questions than I did before. Pushing up out of the chair, I walk over to the room she’s in, ready to listen in on her conversation so I can try to piece whatever is happening together.
Her pretty blue eyes meet mine and she lowers her phone. “He’s not answering,” she murmurs, more to herself than to me.
She shakes her head, brow pinching in confusion. “He always answers.”
“Who always answers?” I press. Maybe I’m wrong, but she looks almost…scared. “What the hell is going on? Look, either start talking or I’m outta here. I’m tired of playing games.”
Just as I’m about to turn around and leave, Butterfly shocks me by reaching under her jacket, around to her back and pulling a gun. She levels it on my chest, her aqua eyes flashing.
Fuck me.That gun looks awfully damn real.
“You’re not going anywhere except back in that chair. Now!”
When I hesitate, she motions with the barrel for me to back up and go into the other room.
“Don’t test me,” she warns. “And do not underestimate me or you will regret it.”
Deciding to follow her instructions rather than get a bullet to the heart, I curse under my breath and stalk out. Back in the living room, I drop down into the wooden chair and stare at her defiantly. Clearly, there’s been a mixup. For a hot minute there, I thought this was going to be a hot night.
Boy, was I mistaken.
Still though, I’m crazy curious about who this beautiful, badass woman is and why she kidnapped me. For a ransom maybe? My family is insanely wealthy. Before I can think too hard about it, she approaches me with a key in her hand.
“Don’t try anything stupid,” she warns me and tosses the key over.
I catch it then stick it in the lock and turn. At least I can take the handcuffs off. I undo one wrist and I’m about to undo the other when she shakes her head.
“Uh-uh. Attach that one to the chair. I can’t have you running off now can I?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I growl. Staring down the barrel of the gun, though, convinces me to follow her order. I toss her a glare then snap the empty cuff around the chair’s arm. “Happy?”
“Not really,” she says with a little shrug. “Are you?”
The question catches me off-guard. Who is this woman? She’s utterly fascinating, and I find myself leaning closer and studying her closely. I want to get back to the light-hearted teasing, but she looks so serious.
“Why am I cuffed to a chair? Are you going to do dirty things to me?” I ask and waggle my eyebrows.
“You wish, casanova.”
“Really no need to tie me up, kitten. You have my consent.”
I notice a muscle flex in her cheek and her eyes narrow.
“I sort of thought this night was headed somewhere else entirely, but now I’m pretty sure I’m wrong. Care to enlighten me as to why I’ve been kidnapped?”
“You haven’t been kidnapped. You’re merely in a state of transition.”
“Huh?” What the hell is she talking about?
“Once I hear from my boss and find out where you’re to be delivered, we can all move on from this clusterfuck.”
“Delivered?” I echo and arch a brow. “Elaborate, please.”
Her gaze drops to the cuff snapped around the chair and she must think it’ll hold me because she says, “I’m a bounty hunter and there’s a price on your head.”