Page 6 of His to Possess

When they wrap their game up, I blink myself back to the present and check to see if there’s any drool at the corner of my mouth. Even though they’re the ones who have been playing hard and nonstop, I’m over here sweating like it’s my damn job.

Waving a hand in front of my face, trying to cool off, I lean back out of view as they step off the court, pass through the small room to grab their belongings, and finally step back into the main area of the gym. Grady’s t-shirt is plastered to his body and I try not to gawk at how the thin material clings to his firm pecs. Good God, his body is ridiculous. He must work out all the time. Well, when he’s not swindling people, I remind myself.

Get your head in the game, Serrano,I chastise myself.And off his hot, sweaty body.

From my hiding spot, I watch Grady and his female friend walk away from the courts and head to the locker room area. Slipping out from behind the plant, I follow them, keeping my distance, and prepared to duck out of sight if he turns around. Their voices drift back to me, but I can’t hear what they’re saying. They’re too far ahead.

Outside of the locker rooms, they pause, exchange a few words and he hugs her. She squeals, shoving him away and he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek.

The cheek.It shouldn’t matter where he kisses her, but I like that it was on the cheek and cements in my mind that they’re merely friends.

A plan is running through my mind and it’s a little risky but, hey, that’s what I love. What I live for. I need to grab him when he’s most vulnerable and not expecting it. To strike when it’s easypickings and catch him by complete surprise. And what better way to do that than storm him while he’s naked in the shower?

Plus, I get a little bonus treat for myself—an eyeful of that deliciously-rugged male body which I know is going to be rock solid and more perfect than a granite sculpture of Zeus.

The men’s locker room looks huge and exactly five minutes after he disappears inside, I duck in and follow. The lounge area is quiet and it’s a ghost town in here. Not a soul anywhere. I hear the faint running of water and head toward the shower area where there’s a line of private stalls.

Steeling myself, I walk right up to the only occupied shower, pluck the handcuffs off my belt and yank the stun gun out of my back pocket.Time to capture my prey,I think, and reach out, grab hold of the curtain and yank it open.

A stunned Grady spins around and my gaze has a mind of its own, raking down his naked body dripping with water droplets. Oh, my God. He’s even more perfect than I’d imagined, absolutely delectable, and I have to force my attention back up.

And he has the audacity to smile at me. “Can I help you?” he asks and my stomach somersaults. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s flirting with me, and he is completely unconcerned that he’s as naked as the day he was born.

I shove the handcuffs forward. “Put these on,” I order, averting my gaze from his very impressive cock. When he doesn’t move to take them right away, I lift the stun gun in a threatening manner. “Now.”

“Can I get dressed first?” he asks cheekily. “Maybe turn off the shower?”

“Please.” Yes, for the love of God, please cover that insanely perfect body because I can’t stop looking at it.

He turns around to flip the water off and my eyes drop to his ass. So damn perfect, it flexes with every move he makes.Definitely biteable,I think. Before he can turn back around, I force myself to lift my eyes again.

“My clothes are over there.” He nods to the bench I’m standing next to and I move over, giving him plenty of space. Doing my absolute best not to let his nakedness affect me more than it already has.

“Hurry up!” I snap and when he steps closer I have to force myself not to move back because he’s way taller than I realized. At least eight inches taller than me and it’s a little intimidating. I’m used to being the tall one of the group.

Grady takes his time, however, dragging a towel over his body, catching the water droplets dripping down his abs. I swallow hard as he slowly gets dressed. Trying not to look at anything below his neck, I bite my cheek and can’t miss his smirk. Why is he drawing this out and taking so damn long?

“Who are you?” he asks once he’s dressed. “Is this a prank? Did my brothers put you up to this?”

“Put these on,” I say again, shoving the handcuffs over.

“Why should I?” he challenges me. “Are you kidnapping me?”

The grin on his face tells me he isn’t taking me or the situation very seriously. He thinks it’s a joke, but I can use that to my advantage. It will help me get him out of here more easily.

“Because if you don’t put those cuffs on then I’m going to stun gun your ass. You want to know what’s going on? Then follow me and I’ll explain once we’re in the car.”

His dark brown eyes lose their mirth as he studies the weapon in my hand, trying to figure out if it’s real or not probably. I do my best to keep it steady, but this man has me more shaken than I care to admit.

“Why should I trust you?” he asks as he takes the cuffs, slipping them on.

Instead of answering, I make an annoyed sound and snap my fingers. “Move it.”

“You know, I’d come with you willingly, gorgeous. You didn’t have to go all out with the cuffs and stun gun,” he says and I roll my eyes. “Although you’ve definitely snagged my attention.”

“I’m sure.” I slip my jacket off. Then I snap the cuffs in place and cover his hands—nice, large, capable looking hands—with my jacket. “Let’s go.”

He hesitates and I arch a brow, lifting the stun gun as incentive to move his ass.