I can tell she’s tired and I encourage her to relax until it’s time to go home. Once we get the okay, I thank my brothers, Leo and Carlotta who quickly showed up, and who doesn’t look very happy that she missed out on all of the excitement.
Hell, I’ve had enough excitement to last a lifetime. Carlotta can have the next adventure.
By the time we get back to my place, it’s late and Blake is so exhausted that she can barely keep those gorgeous eyes of hers open. After my brother pulls to the curb, I scoop her into my arms, say goodbye, and carry her up to my apartment.
I manage to get the door unlocked then take her straight down to my bedroom. After getting her undressed, I slip one of my t-shirts over her head and tuck her into my bed, making sure she isn’t laying on her shoulder. The doctor said she’s on some pretty strong painkillers and should sleep soundly for the rest of the night.
After stripping down to my boxer briefs, I flip off the light, climb into bed and she immediately snuggles into my arms. I have my girl, my little butterfly, my feisty kitten, and there’s nothing else in this world that I need.
Just this amazing woman in my arms from now until forever.
It’s been one week since all the craziness that went down with Carmine Gallo. He managed to escape the burning mansion and the bounty hunters, although I’m still not sure how. I’m sure he’s deep in hiding somewhere licking his wounds…and his ego.
After talking it over with Angelo, I removed Gallo’s name from the Kill List. Less than twenty-four hours later, the favor was returned. I’m not sure what’s going to happen with him, but I’m hoping he’s learned his lesson and realizes if he messes with the Rossi family, they will come after him. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and he will leave town. Or, maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
Angelo has kept a close eye on me and there are guards stationed all around his place, handpicked by Miceli. We haven’t left his apartment at all this past week and the thing that’s driving me up the wall is not so much being inside, but the fact that he refuses to touch me.
And tonight, I plan to change that. It’s time to put Operation: Seduce Angelo into action.
As much as I’ve enjoyed talking, spending time together and getting to know him really well, I’m dying for him to touch me. He’s been so careful and so considerate about my wound, making sure to change my bandages and keeping it clean. Since the graze is on my back shoulder, I can’t reach it, so he’s acted as my nurse. I’ve never had anyone take care of me the way he does, and he’s broken down every single wall I’ve erected over the past twenty-seven years. Made them crumble and turn to dust.
Angelo Rossi is my hero in so many different ways and I’m incredibly grateful to him for rescuing me in all the ways I needed.
But now it’s time to make him see that I need him physically because, the truth is, I’m aching for him. I’ve been trying to get him naked since the moment that I started feeling better. Who knew my reformed playboy would put up such a noble fight. Well, I’m about to smash through his good intentions. And, if that means playing dirty, well then so be it.
“Angelo?” I walk into the living room, seduction on my mind, and he looks up from his phone. “Can you help me?”
“Yeah, of course.” He tosses his phone and pops up off the couch. “What do you need?”
I turn around and head down to the master bathroom. “Just some help down here.” I send him a sultry look over my shoulder. “With my bath. If you don’t mind?”
He abruptly stops then starts walking again. “Sure,” he says slowly, and I swear I see him gulp.
Once my bare feet hit the cool bathroom tiles, I slowly shimmy out of my leggings and panties. I’m wearing one of Angelo’s white, button-down shirts and those hungry, dark eyes of hisfollow my fingers down as I unbutton each one. Then I let the shirt slip off my shoulders and fall to the floor with the rest of my clothes.
Standing completely naked in front of him isn’t quite as intimidating as it used to be because I can see the appreciation and fire flare to life on his face. I also can’t miss the growing bulge tenting the front of his shorts. He wants me; I just need to convince him to take me.
Turning around, I walk over to the big porcelain tub, bend over, making sure my pert ass sticks straight up in the air, and flip the water on. As I adjust the temperature, I hear Angelo groan behind me.
Looking over my shoulder, I smirk. “See something you like?” I tease and add some bubble bath.
He moves closer, resembling a wild animal stalking its prey. “You do realize that you’re absolutely killing me right now, right?”
“That’s sort of my intention,” I admit.
He frowns. “It’s too soon. You’re injured and you can’t get your shoulder wet.”
But I shake my head. “I’m so much better. And I won’t get my shoulder wet if I’m on top, riding you.”
“Oh, Christ,” he hisses. He seems to consider my wicked proposition. I see the exact moment he caves and I try not to smirk. “If one drop of water splashes onto that bandage, we stop.”
“It won’t,” I answer confidently and toss him a naughty grin. “I’ll go extra slow.”
As I step into the filling tub, Angelo rips his clothes off so fast that I chuckle. I guess he’s just as desperate for me as I am for him. He steps in beside me and then lowers down, resting his arms along the edges. I position a foot on either side of his thighs and slowly lower myself down to straddle him. There’s no missing his huge, bobbing cock and I reach down and wrap my fingers around him.