Page 53 of His to Possess

“Let me guess. That’s the guy named Beast you’d mentioned earlier.”

“Yep. Which means Vixen is probably not very far behind.”

“You got that right,” a female voice purrs, and we look over to see her standing less than ten feet away and pointing a gun at us.

My heart sinks, but I step in front of Blake, ready to defend her to the death.

“You’re not taking her,” I growl.



My heart sinks. This is not good. We’re surrounded by enforcers and my fellow bounty hunters who are extremely persistent when it comes to cashing in a very large check. My mind is working fast, trying to come up with a plan to get Angelo and I out of here safely. His brothers will be fine from my fellow hunters—the only one they want right now is me—but they might have to blast their way through Gallo’s men.

Vixen smirks when Angelo steps in front of me.

“You aren’t taking her,” he growls.

She smirks. “Aww, you found yourself a protector, Butterfly. A very nice-looking protector,” she murmurs, her attention moving from me to Angelo and raking down his body.

I roll my eyes.

“I’m glad they took your name off the list, Angelo Rossi, because it would’ve been a shame to have had to put a bullet in you. You’re too…” Her words trail off seductively and she sighs. “Yum.”

“Uh, thanks,” he responds and, if the situation weren’t so dangerous, I would’ve laughed. Only Vixen would flirt with her prey before removing them from the scenario and only Angelo would be polite enough to thank her.

“He is rather adorable,” she continues as though confiding to me, “but, you’re also in my way. So, step aside or I will hurt you.”

There is only one thing that will deter Vixen, Fury and Beast from taking me. And that’s the promise of more money. An idea pops into my head and I hope to God that it works. Because time is running out fast.

“Don’t waste your time with me when there’s a bigger paycheck out there,” I tell her, reaching into my jacket and removing my phone.

Her eyes narrow suspiciously. “What’re you talking about? Last time I looked, your name was at the top of the Kill List.”

“Look again…in about two minutes.” I lift my phone to show her the secret number I’m dialing and she places a hand on her hip, lowering her gun.

“You have my interest.”

“What’re you doing?” Angelo asks.

“I’m flipping the script.” On the other end of the line, a mechanical voice answers. “I’d like to add a name to the Kill List.”

“Who?” the steely voice asks.

I can feel all eyes on me.

“Carmine Gallo,” I answer without hesitation.


“Five million dollars for whoever brings him in within the next hour,” I respond easily and feel my hopes lift. That ought to turn everyone’s attention away from me and direct it somewhere else.

“Holy shit,” Angelo murmurs.

“Hold for funds verification,” the voice says.

I have more than enough money, so I’m not worried that my request will be denied. Meeting Vixen’s surprised look, I toss her a crafty grin, and her green eyes shift, filling with greed. She’s already looking for Gallo.