Page 46 of His to Possess

“Ha ha,” I respond, my voice laced in sarcasm. But then I conjure up an image of Blake in my head and my temperature rises about ten degrees. Long, dark hair, aqua eyes, long legs for days. And don’t even get me started on how she only wears black. It’s sexy as hell. “And, yeah, she’s gorgeous. More than gorgeous. Fucking stunning.”

“I can’t believe all that’s happened and in such a short amount of time. And, of course, I’m the last to know.”

“I’ve only talked to Miceli,” I tell her. My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket, looking down at the caller ID. “Speak of the devil. Hey, Miceli.”

“Ang, are you back in town yet?” Miceli asks.

“I am. Carlotta just picked me up.”

“Yeah, can’t say I’m surprised. She wasn’t too happy to find out she was left out of the loop.”

I glance over at my sister and it occurs to me that she and Blake, though very different, are also a lot alike. They have similar qualities when it comes to fighting for what they believe in. They’re both fierce, little tornados that will upend a man’s entire world. But in the best possible way.

“Yeah, I’ve been properly scolded already,” I tell him wryly and Carlotta looks over at me and I toss her a wink.

“Anyway, I was calling to let you both know that I’ve called an emergency meeting with the Five Families.”

“When?” I sit up straighter.

“One hour. I’ll send you directions. I want to know everything about this Gallo character.”

“I need to find Blake,” I remind him, getting ready to fight him on this. Finding Blake is my number one priority right now, not sitting in some meeting.

“I know and we will,” he assures me. “We’re going to inform the others about what’s going on and utilize every resource we have to track her down faster. Okay?”

“Yeah, okay,” I say, calming down.

“You two be careful. I have a bad feeling.”

“Yeah, you, too, bro. See you soon.” I hang up and inform Carlotta about the meeting. But first things first. We’re getting close to Blake’s safehouse and I guide Carlotta the rest of the way and tell her to circle the block first a couple of times. I’m looking for trouble, making sure no one is following us. Damn, Blake sure has taught me well. After not spotting anyone suspicious or out of the ordinary, I direct Carlotta where to park. But, just because I didn’t notice any trouble doesn’t necessarily mean that none is lying in wait somewhere. Waiting.

“What exactly are we doing, Ang?” she asks.

“Looking for Blake. This is where she brought me to hide, so I thought maybe…” My voice trails off when I catch sight of Vixen loitering in the shadows. “Shit. Go!”

Dropping down out of sight, I hope she didn’t see me.

“What? Who did you see?”

“Someone who was chasing us earlier. Just go.” My phone buzzes again and I read off the address to Carlotta that Miceli just texted me. She plugs it into her GPS and turns the BMW toward the warehouse district. “Miceli must’ve gotten some important intel from Archer.”

A frown creases her brow. “Who’s Archer?”

“An old informant, I guess.”

“Dammit, Angelo, why am I always the last to know everything?”

“Because we’re trying to protect you, Lottie. And, if it makes you feel any better, Miceli said Archer is like a ghost. Even he barely knows the guy, so don’t feel bad.”

“Wait a second. Isn’t Archer the one who helped Miceli find Alessia after she’d been kidnapped?”


“Hmm, and how can we trust him?”

I shrug a shoulder. “I’m not sure we can. At least not fully.”

Tapping a finger on the top of my thigh, I start growing frustrated. How the hell am I going to find Blake? I really hope this Archer guy came through with information about Carmine Gallo because the more I think about it, the more sure I am that Blake would track the man down and confront him.