Page 41 of His to Possess

“Not sure, but I can find out.”

“Good. You do that and I’m jumping in my helo and heading back. If you hear anything, call me ASAP.”

“I will.”

“Thanks, Miceli. If anything happens to Blake—” I pull in a sharp breath, trying not to let my thoughts go to the worst case scenario.

“It won’t. We’ll make sure she’s safe. I’m going to bring Vin and Enzo in the loop, too, okay? I have a feeling we’re going to need all the help we can get regarding this Gallo character. Archer said he’s dangerous and it takes one to know one.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.”

“Fly safe.”

We disconnect the call and I grab the note off the counter, stuff it into my duffel bag and head out. Stalking across the back lawn, it occurs to me that I’m glad Blake doesn’t know how to fly or I have no doubt that she would’ve helped herself to my helicopter.

Damn, she’s a force to be reckoned with and, the more I think about her, the clearer it’s becoming—I’m falling really hard. Harder than I ever thought possible. And, just like when I’m in the air flying, it’s an exhilarating feeling. But, while I feel confident piloting an aircraft, I do not feel that same confidence with Blake. With her, it’s scary and a little overwhelming. I’m unsure and I have no idea where she stands. After all, she did run out on me without a word.

“Damn,” I grumble, pulling myself up into the bird. What the hell am I going to do with that woman? Maybe I’m going to have to end up kidnapping her and handcuffing those slim wrists to my bed. Because I am not about to let her run away from me again. No fucking way.

First and most importantly, I need to track her pretty ass down. I can think about spanking those delicious curves later.

When I think over what we know, I realize it isn’t a lot and that worries me. Carmine Gallo is a new player in town and, according to Archer, he’s interested in becoming a member of the Five Families. But if he’s stirring up trouble, no one is goingto approve or accept him into the alliance. In fact, I assume the exact opposite will happen and he’ll either be run out of town or the Five Families will make sure that his businesses are completely annihilated.

What can I say? We’re not a very welcoming organization. Especially when someone is trying to muscle in and stick their hands in the pot without having been invited. It’s not a good look and won’t receive a very warm welcome.

But if I have to go and place nice with Gallo then I will. Nothing is going to stop me from keeping Blake safe. If I have to lie, I will. Whatever Gallo wants to hear, I have no problem telling him. And, with my brothers backing me up, I know we can convince Gallo to renege his kill order.

Somehow this connects back to John Grady, the man Blake had originally intended to capture instead of me. God, what if things would’ve gone off as planned? Then I never would’ve met her. I would have simply finished my racquetball game with Carlotta, taken my shower and gone back home to my apartment just like I did every other week.

The idea of that happening—of how it almost did—leaves me feeling distraught. Not having Blake Serrano in my life is not an option. Not after I’ve kissed her, tasted her, fucked her over and over until she was screaming my name. I’m not giving her up.

I just need to figure out how to convince that stubborn, beautiful, magnificent woman to give me a chance. To give us a chance. Hell, knowing her, it isn’t going to be easy. She’s stubborn as hell and she’s going to have a thousand reasons why we shouldn’t be together. But, I’m ready to blow up every one of her reasons. To make her see that anything other than her in my arms, in my life, would be nothing but a tragedy.

The sooner Blake realizes we’re meant to be together, the better.

And the more I think about it, the more I realize it was fate that brought us together. What else could it be?

The rotors pick up speed above me and I double check my harness, pull my headset on and then reach for the controls. Falling in love isn’t something I planned on doing this week, but here we are and, despite my initial misgivings about love, it feels really damn good.

The helicopter lifts up into the bright blue sky and I check my instruments and turn toward New Jersey. Once I land and store my bird back in its hanger, I plan to talk to Miceli and find out where exactly Carmine Gallo lives and, hopefully, I beat Blake over to his place. I have no doubt that he’s going to be surrounded by enforcers and I don’t need my butterfly getting caught in the lion’s den.

Here we go,I think, flying the helo as fast as I can. It’s time to commence Operation: Save My Butterfly. Once I have her back in my arms, I’m going to kiss her senseless. Then I’m going to spank that naughty ass of hers for running away during the middle of the night and trying to take on this entire mess herself.

I should’ve cuffed her ass to the bed. I know she’s used to doing things on her own, but not anymore. She may not know it yet, but we’re a team now.

I pick up a little more speed, eyes on the horizon, knowing I’m getting closer to my girl. Because, yeah, she’s my girl and I’m not letting her go anytime soon. Hell, never, if I have anything to say about it.

Sorry, la mia farfalla,I think.You’re mine whether you like it or not.



Traffic is light for a lot of the drive since I left Maine so early and I make excellent time back to the city. Even though I’ve convinced myself that I’m doing the right thing, the guilt still weighs heavy on me. But now isn’t the time for that, so I pack it up into a mental box and ignore it. For now, anyway.

Currently, I am on my way to speak to Carmine Gallo and I’m a little nervous. What if he isn’t in a talking kind of mood? I did some digging on him and he has a ruthless reputation. I just hope he’s ready to listen and bargain. Otherwise, this trip over to his house could turn out to be far more dangerous than it needs to be.

It wasn’t hard to find the man. He lives in a huge, very nice brownstone home in a fancy neighborhood. I suppose there’s no reason for him to hide like I do and, as I walk up the steps to the front door with beveled windows, I get the feeling I’m being watched.