Page 40 of His to Possess


“Butterfly, Blake, the woman who I was up here at the cabin with. The one who kidnapped me.”

“She told you her real name?”

“Uh, yeah, but that’s not the point. She took off and I need to find her before one of those bounty hunters or, worse, assassins does.”

“Hold on.”

I hear him get up, murmur something to Alessia, and probably leave the bedroom to talk where it won’t disturb his wife.

“Okay,” Miceli says, yawning, returning back to the conversation. “I can’t imagine she’s gotten very far. Didn’t you fly up there?”

“Yeah, but she ran off at some point during the night and took my car. Knowing her, she’s probably almost back to the city by now.”

“It’s five o’clock in the morning, bro. How would you even know she’s gone unless you were either watching her sleep like a stalker or she was sharing a bed with you?”

I don’t say anything and a heavy silence looms over the line.

“Damn, Ang. You fucked your kidnapper, didn’t you?” He lets out a rough laugh. “Only you, bro.”

“It’s not like that,” I retort, instantly getting defensive.

“Oh? Then, please, enlighten me.”

“I like her…a lot. Maybe that’s crazy, but I don’t care.” My voice drops and I look down at the note she left. “She’s not like anyone I’ve ever met. I know I haven’t known her long, but this is the first woman I’ve felt a connection with and I’m not ready to let her go without a fight.”

More silence fills the line and it’s so long, I begin to wonder if the call got disconnected.


“I’m here. I’m just trying to absorb what you’re saying.”

“I’m saying I’ve developed feelings for Blake and I need to find her before the bad guys do. I’m scared she’s going to do something stupid—like risk herself for me.”

“Wow. What in the hell has happened over a few days? You’ve fallen in love?”

“I didn’t say that,” I snap, getting annoyed. “And look who’s talking. At least I didn’t force her to marry me after one night.”

“Touché,” Miceli responds, knowing I’m right. “Sorry, I couldn’t help teasing you because, well, it’s you. We never thought you’d settle down.”

“I never wanted to until I met Blake. I don’t know. There’s just something about her that’s…” My voice trails off, searching for the right word.

“Different. Yeah, I get it.”

“We grew close up here and I know I’m falling for her. She hasn’t had it easy in her life and doesn’t trust anyone. We need to find her, Miceli.” Hell, I can hear how frantic I’m starting to sound.

“We’ll get your girl back,” he assures me calmly. “You think she’s headed back here to the city?”

“Yeah, that’s my guess.”

“Okay, let me put a call in to Archer. Shit, I’m going to owe him big-time.”

“I’ll pay him back. I don’t care. I just need to find Blake and stop her from doing something stupid.”

“You think she’s going to try and track down Gallo?”

“Yeah, probably. Maybe. Hell, who knows? But if he’s the one who put our names on that Kill List, that’s probably where she’s going to start. Do we have any idea where Gallo lives?”