Page 37 of His to Possess

“I agree. C’mere.” I pull her into my arms and hold her, offering her comfort. Losing someone you care about is never an easy thing and I know that I can’t make the pain go away. But, maybe I can be there for her and let her know I will always have her back.



After our target practice, Angelo and I take a trip into town and buy some groceries. He said he’s making lasagna and homemade garlic bread and cannoli for dessert. We also get a bottle of red wine. I’m not usually a wine-drinker, but the fact that he’s doing all of this makes me want to try it. No one has ever prepared a nice meal for me like this before and it’s very sweet.

I help him make dinner by doing whatever I can which really isn’t much at all—slicing tomatoes, grabbing ingredients or pots or a bowl for him. But mostly we talk and I watch as he expertly prepares the meal. Even though he says this is the only food he can cook, I’m not so sure. He seems pretty damn competent from what I’m seeing.

I sidle up onto a stool and watch as he layers the lasagna. He’s very precise and meticulous, informing me that his mother showed all of her children exactly how to do it properly. She said it was important that her kids could all prepare at least one Italian dinner excellently.

The urge to meet her and the rest of his family fills me. For years, I’ve done my best to ignore the fact that I’m all alone. Completely on my own. But it’s getting harder and harder to pretend that it doesn’t bother me when it does. After spending this time with Angelo and hearing so many stories about his family and how he grew up, I find myself yearning for a similar experience. Something to fill the holes and cracks in my heart.

It’s probably just an impossible dream, though. Because as much as I’d like a family of my own, I don’t have one.

Forcing myself to shove the lonely thoughts away, I concentrate on the amazing man entertaining me with jokes and stories. He’s teaching me to cook. He’s also teaching me other things…making me feel things that are dangerous and scary.

The most frightening thing of all is my wanting him has turned into needing him. I feel like when the time comes for us to go our separate ways, I’m going to have a very hard time dealing with losing him. The truth is my heart is going to break.

I suppose all I can do is enjoy this precious time we have now and not worry about the future. It’s like we’re trapped together in this perfect, little bubble. Eventually, I know it’s going to pop but, for now, I know the best thing I can do is focus on the present. Focus on Angelo and the amazing way he makes me feel.

What happens after we leave here and return to the city? Well, I’ll worry about that later.

Everything turns out absolutely delicious just like I knew it would. We’re finishing up dessert and I’m laughing so hard, practically snorting wine through my nose, as Angelo shares a story about his childhood. I’ve never met anyone who tells astory so well. He sucks me right into it and I can easily picture him and his brothers getting into all sorts of trouble back in Sicily. I’m about to ask him a question when his phone starts ringing.

“It’s Miceli,” he tells me, wiping his mouth. He’s laughing just as hard as I am and takes a moment to compose himself before answering. “Hey, bro, what’s up?”

From the interactions I’ve seen, along with the things I’ve heard, I really want to meet Angelo’s family. Like so badly. I clear my throat and look down at my plate. I shouldn’t be wanting impossible things like meeting his family. As soon as things are safe, Angelo and I will go our separate ways.


Unless you don’t,a tempting little voice says.

I get the feeling that he’d like to pursue something with me, but maybe I’m reading too much into things. It’s so hard to say. Especially when it’s just the two of us, all alone up here and bonding on every level. With a sigh, I think back to those moments in the lake. Being with Angelo like that, feeling him move deep inside me, is a heaven I’ve never experienced before. And, I want more.

Is that selfish of me? Stupid? Naive?

Although I can only hear Angelo’s side of the conversation, I can see he doesn’t look happy. The longer they talk, the more concerned I get. By the time he hangs up, I know something is wrong.

“What is it?” I ask, setting my fork on the plate’s edge. I couldn’t eat another bite for anything.

“Miceli said Archer was in touch. He confirmed some things about Carmine Gallo and his family. Like how they’re willing to do anything to gain power in the city. They’ve been targeting the other families, trying to throw their weight around and get a meeting. Archer thinks Gallo’s ultimate goal is to usurp my family’s place at the table. To eliminate us completely in any way he possibly can.”

“Oh, no.”

“Archer also said it was definitely Gallo who put us both on the Kill List.”

“It all makes sense now,” I say softly.

“They view my family as a threat and want to get rid of us, take our place at the table. Miceli told them to stand down and they claimed ignorance of what was going on, but my brother doesn’t trust them at all.”

“I need to get you off that list,” I say, racking my brain, trying to figure out how.

“Webothneed to get off it,” he corrects me.

I nod, but I’m way more worried about Angelo than myself. I can pick up and disappear. I’m quite capable of going off the radar forever and it wouldn’t make a difference to anyone. But, Angelo has a family he loves and he can’t do that. I need to figure out a way to protect him. No matter what that means to myself.
