“Great,” I grumble, watching as Blake adds the packet of orange powdered cheese. So disgusting, yet so good.
“I also got in touch with Archer,” he says.
“Really?” We both know that’s not an easy thing to do. Archer is like a ghost, a shadow who is hard to track down. He’s an old informant of Miceli’s who’s very well-connected. My brother thinks he might be former military and maybe he was even part of a secret ghost ops team. But, he’s such a mystery and we don’t even know his full name. Hell, Archer may not even be his real name.
“Yeah, he’s going to find out who put the target on you two and why. In the meantime, hang tight and lay low up there. You’re safe.”
“Thanks, bro.”
“Any time. I’ll be in touch.”
I hang up and realize how lucky I am to have a family who has my back and loves me unconditionally. Any one of them would jump in front of a bullet for me and I’d do the exact same without thinking twice. A wave of empathy pours through me as I watch Blake spooning the mac and cheese into two bowls for us. She’s never known that kind of support, loyalty or unconditional love.
I want to change that.
After Angelo hangs up, I notice him looking at me strangely. Almost…sadly. But I have no idea why.
“What did your brother have to say?” I ask, setting the pan in the sink. “Any news?”
“He’s working on it,” he tells me. “There’s this guy—Archer—and he’s on it. If anyone can dig up the truth, it’s him.”
I sit down and reach for my fork, beyond hungry. “Who’s Archer? A friend?”
“Sort of. He’s more like an informant.”
“Can you trust him?”
“He hasn’t screwed us over yet, if that’s what you’re asking. Miceli trusts him because when his wife Alessia was kidnapped, Archer called and told him who had her and where she was being held.”
I nod and take a bite of mac and cheese, chewing thoughtfully. It comes naturally for me not to believe people, especially ones Idon’t know. But if this guy has helped the Rossi family out before then I suppose I feel a little better about it.
“In the meantime,” Angelo continues, “Miceli said to stay up here a little longer. No one is going to find out where we are.”
I’m not sure how long we’ll be safe here and that worries me, but I don’t say so. For the time being, we’re okay. Dinner passes smoothly and I keep thinking back to when Angelo scooped me up onto the counter and nearly gave me an orgasm. He would have, too, if we hadn’t been interrupted. I can’t say I thought it was possible for that to happen while still fully dressed. That just tells me how much Angelo is affecting me. It’s a lot unnerving and I’m trying not to freak out.
I’m not sure how long this little getaway of ours is going to last, but I tell myself not to worry or stress. Right now, I have no control over the situation happening down in New York. All I can do is control what’s happening here between Angelo and myself. So why not relax and enjoy it?
I come to this conclusion while we’re doing the dishes. I’m going to enjoy this little bit of time we have together and explore these feelings that Angelo is stirring up inside of me. I never let myself play. It’s always been work first. Well, it’s time to be free and allow my walls to come down. At least a little bit.
I’ve never been smitten in my life, but Angelo is making me feel so alive and appreciated. Even though I know it can’t last between us, I’m going to embrace the present and create memories that I can hold onto and cherish. So when I’m once again by myself, I can look back on this amazing time spent with this wonderful man. Maybe then I won’t feel quite as lonely.
The idea of letting Angelo go doesn’t sit right with me, though. Not at all. Pushing that thought aside, I turn to him and smile. “Want to go for a walk?” I ask.
It’s a beautiful summer day out and I keep looking out the window at the lake. It’s so big and blue, also very peaceful looking. Every so often I see a duck land on its placid surface and I have the urge to go for a swim. Of course, I don’t have a swimsuit so that might lead to some delicious shenanigans if Angelo decides to join me. My belly flip-flops. Maybe later, though. Right now I feel like exploring the property and getting to know the lay of the land. I’m the kind of girl who always needs to know where her exits are located and where potential threats may lurk. I think I missed my calling with the military.
“Sure, let’s go. I’ll give you a tour.” Angelo playfully links his arm through mine and leads me outside.
The property surrounding the log cabin is stunning. The woods are endless and Angelo tells me it’s full of trails.
“What drew you to Maine?” I ask as we walk along the edge of the lake.
“I came up here years ago and sort of fell in love with its ruggedness. We should take a drive over to the coastline with its cliffs high above the ocean, and I’ll show you the lighthouses. There’s just a wildness and solitude about this place that draws me.”
“It is beautiful. I can see why you love it.”